998 research outputs found

    Is Neolithic land use correlated with demography? An evaluation of pollen-derived land cover and radiocarbon-inferred demographic change from Central Europe

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    The transformation of natural landscapes in Middle Europe began in the Neolithic as a result of the introduction of food-producing economies. This paper examines the relation between land-cover and demographic change in a regionally restricted case study. The study area is the Western Lake Constance area which has very detailed palynological as well as archaeological records. We compare land-cover change derived from nine pollen records using a pseudo-biomisation approach with 14C date probability density functions from archaeological sites which serve as a demographic proxy. We chose the Lake Constance area as a regional example where the pollen signal integrates a larger spatial pattern. The land-cover reconstructions for this region show first notable impacts at the Middle to Young Neolithic transition. The beginning of the Bronze Age is characterised by increases of arable land and pasture/meadow, whereas the deciduous woodland decreases dramatically. Changes in the land-cover classes show a correlation with the 14C density curve: the correlation is best with secondary woodland in the Young Neolithic which reflects the lake shore settlement dynamics. In the Early Bronze Age, the radiocarbon density correlates with open land-cover classes, such as pasture, meadow and arable land, reflecting a change in the land-use strategy. The close overall correspondence between the two archives implies that population dynamics and land-cover change were intrinsically linked. We therefore see human impact as a key driver for vegetation change in the Neolithic. Climate might have an influence on vegetation development, but the changes caused by human land use are clearly detectable from Neolithic times, at least in these densely settled, mid-altitude landscapes

    Numerical Study of a Two-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnet with Random Ferromagnetic Bonds

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    A Monte Carlo method for finite-temperature studies of the two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet with random ferromagnetic bonds is presented. The scheme is based on an approximation which allows for an analytic summation over the realizations of the randomness, thereby significantly alleviating the ``sign problem'' for this frustrated spin system. The approximation is shown to be very accurate for ferromagnetic bond concentrations of up to ten percent. The effects of a low concentration of ferromagnetic bonds on the antiferromagnetism are discussed.Comment: 11 pages + 5 postscript figures (included), Revtex 3.0, UCSBTH-94-2

    Quantum Phase Transition of Randomly-Diluted Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Square Lattice

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    Ground-state magnetic properties of the diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice are investigated by means of the quantum Monte Carlo method with the continuous-time loop algorithm. It is found that the critical concentration of magnetic sites is independent of the spin size S, and equal to the two-dimensional percolation threshold. However, the existence of quantum fluctuations makes the critical exponents deviate from those of the classical percolation transition. Furthermore, we found that the transition is not universal, i.e., the critical exponents significantly depend on S.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages including 5 EPS figure

    Holocene drainage systems of the English Fenland : roddons and their environmental significance

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    The roddons of the English Fenlands are fossilised silt and sand-filled tidal creek systems of mid- to late-Holocene age, incised into contemporaneous clay deposits. However, anthropogenic change (drainage and agriculture) has caused the former channels to become positive topographical features. Three stratigraphically discrete generations of roddon have been discriminated. They all show well-developed dendritic meander patterns, but there is little or no evidence of sand/silt infill during meandering; thus, unlike modern tidal creeks and rivers they typically lack laterally stacked point bar deposits, suggesting rapid infill. Major “trunk” roddons are rich in fine sands and there is little change in grain size from roddon mouth to the upper reaches, suggesting highly effective sand transport mechanisms and uniform conditions of deposition. Tributaries are silt-rich, while minor tributaries also have a significant clay component. During infill, active drainage networks appear to have been choked by sediment, converting mudflat/salt-marsh environments into widespread peat-forming freshwater reed swamps

    Classical Correlation-Length Exponent in Non-Universal Quantum Phase Transition of Diluted Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    Critical behavior of the quantum phase transition of a site-diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is investigated by means of the quantum Monte Carlo simulation with the continuous-imaginary-time loop algorithm. Although the staggered spin correlation function decays in a power law with the exponent definitely depending on the spin size SS, the correlation-length exponent is classical, i.e., ν=4/3\nu=4/3. This implies that the length scale characterizing the non-universal quantum phase transition is nothing but the mean size of connected spin clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    APHRODITE criteria:addressing male patients with hypogonadism and/or infertility owing to altered idiopathic testicular function

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    Research question: Can a novel classification system of the infertile male - 'APHRODITE' (Addressing male Patients with Hypogonadism and/or infeRtility Owing to altereD, Idiopathic TEsticular function) - stratify different subgroups of male infertility to help scientists to design clinical trials on the hormonal treatment of male infertility, and clinicians to counsel and treat the endocrinological imbalances in men and, ultimately, increase the chances of natural and assisted conception?Design: A collaboration between andrologists, reproductive urologists and gynaecologists, with specialization in reproductive medicine and expertise in male infertility, led to the development of the APHRODITE criteria through an iterative consensus process based on clinical patient descriptions and the results of routine laboratory tests, including semen analysis and hormonal testing.Results: Five patient groups were delineated according to the APHRODITE criteria; (1) Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (acquired and congenital); (2) Idiopathic male infertility with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal serum FSH and normal serum total testosterone concentrations; (3) A hypogonadal state with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal FSH and reduced total testosterone concentrations; (4) Lowered semen analysis parameters, elevated FSH concentrations and reduced or normal total testosterone concentrations; and (5) Unexplained male infertility in the context of unexplained couple infertility.Conclusion: The APHRODITE criteria offer a novel and standardized patient stratification system for male infertility independent of aetiology and/or altered spermatogenesis, facilitating communication among clinicians, researchers and patients to improve reproductive outcomes following hormonal therapy. APHRODITE is proposed as a basis for future trials of the hormonal treatment of male infertility.</p

    APHRODITE criteria:addressing male patients with hypogonadism and/or infertility owing to altered idiopathic testicular function

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    Research question: Can a novel classification system of the infertile male - 'APHRODITE' (Addressing male Patients with Hypogonadism and/or infeRtility Owing to altereD, Idiopathic TEsticular function) - stratify different subgroups of male infertility to help scientists to design clinical trials on the hormonal treatment of male infertility, and clinicians to counsel and treat the endocrinological imbalances in men and, ultimately, increase the chances of natural and assisted conception?Design: A collaboration between andrologists, reproductive urologists and gynaecologists, with specialization in reproductive medicine and expertise in male infertility, led to the development of the APHRODITE criteria through an iterative consensus process based on clinical patient descriptions and the results of routine laboratory tests, including semen analysis and hormonal testing.Results: Five patient groups were delineated according to the APHRODITE criteria; (1) Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (acquired and congenital); (2) Idiopathic male infertility with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal serum FSH and normal serum total testosterone concentrations; (3) A hypogonadal state with lowered semen analysis parameters, normal FSH and reduced total testosterone concentrations; (4) Lowered semen analysis parameters, elevated FSH concentrations and reduced or normal total testosterone concentrations; and (5) Unexplained male infertility in the context of unexplained couple infertility.Conclusion: The APHRODITE criteria offer a novel and standardized patient stratification system for male infertility independent of aetiology and/or altered spermatogenesis, facilitating communication among clinicians, researchers and patients to improve reproductive outcomes following hormonal therapy. APHRODITE is proposed as a basis for future trials of the hormonal treatment of male infertility.</p

    Disorder Induced Phase Transition in a Random Quantum Antiferromagnet

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    A two-dimensional Heisenberg model with random antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange is studied using quantum Monte Carlo techniques. As the strength of the randomness is increased, the system undergoes a transition from an antiferromagnetically ordered ground state to a gapless disordered state. The finite-size scaling of the staggered structure factor and susceptibility is consistent with a dynamic exponent z=2z = 2.Comment: Revtex 3.0, 10 pages + 5 postscript figures available upon request, UCSBTH-94-1