321 research outputs found

    Can vouchers reduce elite capture of local development projects? Experimental evidence from the Solomon Islands

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    External financing of local public goods can potentially create 'political resource curses' by reducing citizen oversight, exacerbating elite capture, and producing policy outcomes that are sub-optimal for the general population. This paper experimentally tests a novel mechanism that seeks to mitigate elite capture of local development projects. Control communities are provided with block grants to fund local public goods, while households in treatment communities are provided with vouchers that they may either contribute to a public good or redeem at a discount for a private capital good. We find that the use of vouchers as a mechanism for aid delivery increases community participation in local public decision-making, changes the nature of allocation outcomes, and improves community satisfaction with allocation outcomes

    Gender differences in self-compassion: a latent profile analysis of compassionate and uncompassionate self-relating in a large adolescent sample

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    Self-compassion, a healthy way of relating to oneself, may promote psychological resilience during adolescence. How adolescents engage with self-compassion, and whether they have distinct self-compassionate or uncompassionate psychological profiles, is unclear. This study investigated potential self-compassion profiles based on responses to the Self-Compassion Scale–Short Form (SCS-SF) and examined their relationship with a range of mental health symptoms and cognitive and emotional tendencies. A large cross-sectional sample of high school students (N = 950; Mage = 13.70 years, SDage = 0.72, range = 12 to 16 years; 434 female and 495 male) completed several online self-report measures including the SCS-SF. Latent profile analysis identified parsimonious self-compassion profiles by gender using the six SCS-SF subscales. Five female profiles included ‘Low Self-Relating’, ‘Uncompassionate’, ‘High Self-Relating’, ‘Moderately Compassionate’ and ‘Highly Compassionate’. Comparatively, two male profiles included ‘Low Self-Relating’ and ‘Moderately Self-Relating’. Low Self-Relating involved low levels of both compassionate and uncompassionate responding, and Moderately Self-Relating involved higher levels of both. Low Self-Relating and Highly Compassionate profiles for females consistently reported lower levels of anxiety and depression symptoms, maladaptive perfectionism, intolerance of uncertainty, repetitive thinking and avoidance-fusion thinking patterns compared to the other female profiles. Low Self-Relating males reported more adaptive outcomes compared to Moderate Self-Relating males. These findings illustrate important adolescent gender differences in compassionate and uncompassionate self-response profiles. Results suggest self-compassion is an important psychological construct with diverse mental health benefits for females, whereas for males a lack of attachment to either response styles are linked with better psychological outcomes

    Maximising the benefits of renewable energy infrastructure in displacement settings: optimising the operation of a solar-hybrid mini-grid for institutional and business users in Mahama Refugee Camp, Rwanda

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    Humanitarian organisations typically rely on expensive, polluting diesel generators to provide power for services in refugee camps, whilst camp residents often have no access to electricity. Integrating solar and battery storage capacity into existing diesel-based systems can provide significant cost and emissions savings and offer an opportunity to provide power to displaced communities. By analysing monitored demand data and using computational energy system modelling, we assess the savings made possible by the integration of solar (18.4 kWp) and battery (78 kWh) capacity into the existing diesel-powered mini-grid in Mahama Refugee Camp, Rwanda. We find that the renewables infrastructure reduces fuel expenditure by 41,500andemissionsby44tCO2eq(both7441,500 and emissions by 44 tCO2eq (both 74%) over five years under the generator’s current operational strategy. An alternative strategy, with deeper battery cycling, unlocks further savings of 4100 and 12.4 tCO2eq, using 33% of battery lifetime versus 15% under the original strategy. This reduces the cost of electricity by 33% versus diesel generation alone, whilst more aggressive cycling strategies could prove economical if moderate battery price decreases are realised. Extending the system to businesses in the camp marketplace can completely offset the system fuel costs if the mini-grid company charges customers the same tariff as the one it uses in the host community, but not the national grid tariff. Humanitarian organisations and the private sector should explore opportunities to integrate renewables into existing diesel-based infrastructure, and optimise its performance once installed, to reduce costs and emissions and provide meaningful livelihood opportunities to displaced communities

    The cost and emissions advantages of incorporating anchor loads into solar mini-grids in India

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    Renewables-based mini-grids have the potential to improve electricity access with lower emissions and better reliability than national grids. However, these systems have a challenging cost to revenue ratio, hindering their implementation. Combining residential loads with an anchor load, a relatively large non-domestic user, can help to improve mini-grid economics. Using measured electricity demand data from India and energy modelling, we assess the cost and emissions advantages of integrating health clinics as anchor loads within domestic solar mini-grids. For comparison, we also assess the ability of the national grid to meet our demand scenarios using monitored grid data. We apply a scenario-based approach, using separate domestic and anchor load demand profiles, and both in combination; we test meeting two levels of energy demand, 95% and 100%; and compare systems using PV and batteries, diesel, and hybrid generation. We find that the national grid has poor availability, at just over 50% at the most comparable monitoring site; and that it would meet a lower fraction of energy demand for our anchor load scenarios than the domestic only ones. For the off-grid systems, we find substantial cost and emissions reductions with anchor loads relative to demand scenarios without anchor loads. At 95% of demand met, we find PV and battery systems are 14-22% cheaper than diesel-only systems, with 10 times lower carbon intensity. Our findings illustrate the role off-grid systems can play in the provision of reliable low-carbon electricity and highlight the advantages of incorporating anchor loads like health centres into such systems

    South Africa’s Psychiatric training capacity in 2008 and in 2018. Has training capacity improved?

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    Background: There is a deficit of psychiatrists in South Africa, and to our knowledge, there is no situational analysis of training posts for psychiatrists in the country. Aim: To compare the number of specialists and subspecialists in training and training posts available in 2008 and 2018. Setting: South African medical schools with departments of psychiatry. Methods: A situational analysis involving data collection through a survey completed by eight heads of academic psychiatric departments followed by a comparative analysis of the two aforementioned years. Results: Data shows an 11% increase in funded and unfunded posts combined and a 9.3% increase in funded posts. The occupancy of funded posts decreased (92% in 2008 to 82% in 2018). When considering both funded and unfunded posts, only three more psychiatrists were being trained in 2018. Supernumeraries appointed in unfunded posts can be expected to return to their countries of origin. As such, a decrease in filled funded posts likely reflects a decrease in training psychiatrists destined to work in South Africa. While child and adolescent psychiatry was the only sub-speciality with accredited training posts in 2008, all sub-specialities included on the questionnaire had accredited training posts in 2018, and the number of accredited training posts in child and adolescent psychiatry doubled. That said, many of the posts were unfunded and vacant. Conclusion: While there was an increase in posts from 2008 to 2018, many posts remained unfilled. As such, not only are additional funded training posts required but also strategies to increase post-occupancy and successful completion of training. Contribution: This study is the first situational analysis of specialist and subspecialist training posts in Psychiatry in South Africa, at two time points over a 10 year period, that draws on academic heads of departments of psychiatry as respondents. The study highlights the nominal increase in funded training posts over this period, especially subspecialist training posts. The majority of Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) accredited subspecialities in Psychiatry have no funded training posts which is particularly concerning

    Postnatal Development of Hepatic Innate Immune Response

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    The liver is an immunocompetent organ that plays a key role in the immune response to infections, and the development of hepatic immune function during early postnatal stages has not been thoroughly characterized. This study analyzed the constitutive expression of complement factors, namely C3 and C9, and pattern recognition receptors, namely CD14, toll-like receptor (TLR)-4, and lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), in the liver of postnatal day (P)1, P21, and P70 rats, and compared the kinetics of induction of cytokines and chemokines in the liver of P 1 and P 21 animals. Our studies found that while the mRNA expression of C3, C9, CD14, and TLR-4 was lower in P1 animals, the mRNA level of LBP was higher in P1 animals as compared to older animals, and that the kinetics of induction of cytokines and chemokines was significantly delayed in P1 as compared to P21 liver following LPS stimulation. Our data suggest that hepatic innate immunity is deficient in the neonates and undergo significant development during early postnatal life

    Home enteral nutrition in children—2010 nationwide survey of the polish society for clinical nutrition of children

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    Published epidemiologic data on the administration rates of enteral/parenteral home nutrition is very limited. The aim of this first nationwide study was to assess the availability of pediatric home enteral nutrition (HEN) services in Poland. The questionnaire was sent to all regional centers providing pediatric HEN services in Poland (n = 14). The analysis included the number of pediatric patients who received HEN in 2010, their demographic characteristics and geographical distribution. Furthermore, the distributions of indications and methods of enteral nutrition administration were analyzed, along with the reasons of withdrawal from the HEN program. The number and fraction of children receiving HEN increased in 2010, from 433 (11.34 per 1 million inhabitants) on January 1st to 525 (13.75) on December 31st. Marked differences were observed in geographical distribution of this parameter, from zero to up to 30 pediatric patients per 1 million inhabitants. Median age of patients was 6 years (range: 9 months–18 years). In most cases, HEN was prescribed due to neurological disorders (n = 337, 64.2%), and administered by means of gastrostomy (n = 450, 85.71%). This study revealed the dynamic development of pediatric HEN services in Poland but also documented their potential regional shortages