417 research outputs found

    Remarks on certain identities with derivations on semiprime rings

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    Let n be a fixed positive integer, let R be a (2n)! -torsion-free semiprime ring, let α be an automorphism or an anti-automorphism of R, and let D₁,D₂:R→R be derivations. We prove the following result: If (D²₁(x) + D₂(x))ⁿ ∘ α(x)ⁿ = 0 holds for all xЄR, then D₁=D₂=0. The same is true if R is a 2-torsion free semiprime ring and F(x) ° β(x) = 0 for all x ∈ R, where F(x)=(D²₁(x) + D₂(x)) ∘ α(x), x ∈ R, and β is any automorphism or antiautomorphism on R.Припустимо, що n — фіксоване натуральне число, R — (2n)! напівпросте кільцє, вільнє від кручення, α — автоморфізм або антиавтоморфізм на R, а D₁,D₂:R→R — похідні. Доведено наступний результат: якщо (D²₁(x) + D₂(x))ⁿ ∘ α(x)ⁿ = 0 виконується для всіх xЄR, то D₁=D₂=0. Аналогічне твердження справджується, якщо R — 2-напівпросте кільце, вільне від кручення, i F(x)°β(x)=0 для всіх xЄR, де F(x)=(D²₁(x) + D₂(x)) ∘ α(x), x ∈ R, i β — довільний автоморфізм або антиавтоморфізм на R

    Potential effects of logistics clusters: The case of Turkish Freight Villages

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    Freight Villages (FV) are logistics clusters in which all activities related with freight transportation are realized. Various operators conduct business under one roof in FVs. Coordination and collaboration are the essential part for creating harmony to achieve sustainability. The establishment of such facilities in Turkey has been realized in late 2000s. In this paper, the aim is to provide a broad overview of the FVs in Turkey and shed light into their potential for the future. To do so site visits to all existing operational public FVs and a private FV have been made, where interviews with the management units have been conducted and comparisons to global counterparts have been made. As a result of these, it has been observed that currently, FVs in Turkey are overwhelmed due to lack of coordination and collaboration. However, also light has been shed into possible alternative working principles for Turkish FVs, and it has been showed that if coordination and collaboration could be realized, significant positive effects can be achieved in terms of different aspects regarding sustainability and social equity

    Assessment of plasma nitric oxide concentration and erythrocyte arginase activity in dairy cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe aim of this study was to evaluate plasma nitric oxide (NO) concentrations, erythrocyte arginase (ARG) activity, plasma fibrinogen (Fb) and serum iron (Fe) levels and some biochemical parameters in dairy cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP). The animal material of the study consisted of 14 Swiss Brown cows diagnosed with TRP (TRP group) between 4-8 years old brought to Firat University Animal Hospital Clinics and 14 healthy Swiss Brown cows (control group) aged 4-8 years obtained from dairy farms in different regions. Blood samples were taken from the vena jugularis of the animals. Concentrations of plasma NO, Fb, erythrocyte ARG activity, and some biochemical markers were determined after the serum and plasma of the receiving blood were separated. While the NO (318.9±5.8 vs. 270.3±9.6 μmol/L) concentrations of the TRP group were found to be significantly higher than the control group (P<0.001), the erythrocyte ARG activity (29.5±0.5 vs. 35.2±1.0 U/hb) was found to be higher in the control group (P<0.001). It was also observed that total protein (TP) (6.6±0.5 vs. 7.8±0.1 g/dL) (P<0.05) and Fb (914.3±68.6 vs. 265.4±19.8 mg/dL) (P<0.001) concentrations were higher in the TRP group, compared to the control group, while albumin (ALB) (1.9±0.2 vs. 3.1±0.1 g/dL) and Fe (47.00±5.29 vs.106.79±9.44 μg/dL) concentrations were significantly lower than the control group (P<0.001). In addition, a positive correlation was found between NO and Fb concentrations and between erythrocyte ARG activity and Fe concentrations. As a result, it was determined that NO concentrations were increased and erythrocyte ARG activity was not significant in dairy cows with TRP. In addition, increased plasma Fb concentration and decreased serum Fe concentration were determined in dairy cows with TRP. This study demonstrated that plasma NO, Fb and serum Fe concentrations in dairy cows with TRP may be useful markers for prognosis

    Wake Measurements and Loss Evaluation in a Controlled Diffusion Compressor Cascade

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    The article of record as published may be located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.2929120The results of two component laser-Doppler velocimeter (LDV) surveys made in the near wake (to one fifth chord) of a controlled diffusion (CD) compressor blade in a large-scale cascade wind tunnel are reported. The measurements were made at three positive incidence angles from near design to angles thought to approach stall. Comparisons were made with calibrated pressure probe and hot-wire wake measurements and good agreement was found. The flow was found to be fully attached at the trailing edge at all incidence angles and the wake profiles were found to be highly skewed. Despite the precision obtained in the wake velocity profiles, the blade loss could not be evaluated accurately without measurements of the pressure field. The blade trailing edge surface pressures and velocity profiles were found to be consistent with downstream pressure probe measurements of loss, allowing conclusions to be drawn concerning the design of the trailing edge

    Procjena serumskoga srčanog troponina I u ovaca s akutnom mliječnokiselinskom acidozom buraga.

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    Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is known to be a sensitive cardio biomarker to determine the myocardial damage in diseases affecting the cardiac muscles. However, there has not been sufficient research about cTnI concentration, which is the most sensitive indicator of myocardial damage in sheep with acute ruminal lactic acidosis (ARLA). For this reason this study aimed to evaluate the serum cTnI concentration in sheep with ARLA. Those diagnosed with ARLA (n = 20) from the total of 40 Akkaraman (White karaman) sheep, aged between 1-2 years used in this study comprised the affected group and the healthy ones (n = 20) comprised the control group. Ruminal fluid was obtained from the animals from both groups with the help of a stomach tube, and examined immediately. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of the sheep and the serum was separated. Serum cTnI concentration was measured with a commercial immunoassay system, using the one-step sandwich method. Serum enzyme (ALT, AST, CK-MB and LDH) activities were determined via a clinical biochemistry autoanalyzer. The average serum cTnI concentration was at the level of 0.035 ± 0.015 ng/mL (range; 0.02-0.06 ng/mL) in the control group sheep. It was determined that there was a substantial increase in the group with ARLA and the average concentration reached the level of 0.103 ± 0.080 ng/mL (range; 0.03-1.7 ng/mL) (P<0.0001). It was observed that another cardio marker, CK-MB, was found in the group with ARLA 454.50 ± 191.88 U/L (range; 214-861 U/L) and increased in comparison with the control group 224.35 ± 83.33 U/L (range; 133-421 U/L) (P<0.0001). An increase in LDH (P<0.001) and AST (P<0.001) from liver enzymes in the group with ARLA and ALT activities compared to the control group was identified (P<0.01). In conclusion, this present study determined that the serum cTnI concentration was high in sheep with ARLA and it was concluded that it could be useful to evaluate cTnI concentration as an important marker to determine the prognosis in sheep with ARLA.U bolestima koje zahvaćaju srčani mišić, srčani troponin I (cTnI) poznat je kao osjetljivi biomarker za određivanje oštećenja srčanog mišića. Ipak, nema puno istraživanja o koncentraciji cTnI kao najosjetljivijeg indikatora za oštećenje srčanog mišića kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom buraga. Zbog navedenog, u ovom istraživanju namjera je bila procijeniti koncentraciju serumskog cTnI kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom. Ovce s dijagosticiranom akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom (n = 20) u skupini od ukupno 40 akaraman (bijeli karaman) ovaca, u dobi od jedne do dvije godine, činile su pokusnu skupinu bolesnih jedinki. Preostale ovce (n = 20) činile su kontrolnu skupinu zdravih jedinki. Tekućina buraga od svih pretraženih životinja dobivena je sondiranjem i odmah analizirana. Uzorci krvi uzeti su iz jugularne vene te je iz njih izdvojen serum. Koncentracija serumskog cTnI mjerena je komercijalnim imunoenzimnim testom, sendvič postupkom. Aktivnosti serumskih enzima (ALT, AST, CK-MB i LDH) utvrđene su uporabom kliničkog biokemijskog autoanalizatora. Prosječna serumska koncentracija cTnI u kontrolnoj skupini ovaca bila je na razini 0,035 ± 0,015 ng/mL (raspon: 0,02 - 0,06 ng/mL). U skupini ovaca s acidozom utvrđeno je postojano povećanje koncentracije cTnI koja je dosegla razinu od 0,103 ± 0,080 ng/mL (raspon: 0,03 - 1,7 ng/mL) (P<0,0001). U pokusnoj skupini opaženo je povećanje i drugog srčanog markera CK-MB koji je u ovoj skupini iznosio 454,50 ± 191,88 U/I (raspon: 214 - 861 U/I), a u kontrolnoj 224,35 ± 83,33 U/I (raspon: 133 - 421 U/I) (P<0,0001). Također je ustanovljeno da su ovce s acidozom u odnosu na ovce kontrolne skupine imale povišene jetrene enzime LDH (P<0,001) i AST (P<0,001), odnosno ALT (P<0,01). Zaključeno je da ovce s acidozom imaju povećanu koncentraciju serumskog cTnI koji može poslužiti kao važan biljeg za prognozu bolesti

    Freight villages: A literature review from the sustainability and societal equity perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to present a state-of-the-art literature review on Freight Villages from the sustainability and equity perspective, and discuss their impacts and place in the supply chain and logistics networks while focusing on the core concepts of freight transportation. With an understanding of the structure of freight villages, it is clear that they have potential for a number of merits with the increase in freight transportation activities. However, our review shows that current literature does not present satisfying evidence that these villages fulfill their purpose in terms of sustainability and social equity