434 research outputs found

    Effect of Helicobacter Pylori Eradication on Extent of Duodenal Gastric Metaplasia and Grade of Gastritis

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    The extent of the regression of duodenal gastric metaplasia (DGM) after the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection is controversial. Therefore, we decided to assess the degree of DGM before, sex weeks and one year after H. pylori eradication. 105 consecutive Helicobacter pylori positive patients with endoscopically proven duodenal ulcer, with DGM and Helicobacter pylori infection were recruited for this study. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection was based on CLO-test and histology, and DGM was assessed on four bulb biopsies taken before, sex weeks and one year after Helicobacter pylori eradication. Histological assessment of Helicobacter pylori associated gastritis was performed according to the Sydney classification. Follow up study on 98 patients before, six weeks and one year after the eradication of Helicobacter pylori showed that the mean extent of DGM did not change significantly after eradication and did not differ when compared with 14 patients with persisting infection. Our results show that the inflammatory process related to Helicobacter pylori does not play the main role in the development of DGM

    Is it time for studying real-life debiasing? Evaluation of the effectiveness of an analogical intervention technique.

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    The aim of this study was to initiate the exploration of debiasing methods applicable in real-life settings for achieving lasting improvement in decision making competence regarding multiple decision biases. Here, we tested the potentials of the analogical encoding method for decision debiasing. The advantage of this method is that it can foster the transfer from learning abstract principles to improving behavioral performance. For the purpose of the study, we devised an analogical debiasing technique for 10 biases (covariation detection, insensitivity to sample size, base rate neglect, regression to the mean, outcome bias, sunk cost fallacy, framing effect, anchoring bias, overconfidence bias, planning fallacy) and assessed the susceptibility of the participants (N = 154) to these biases before and 4 weeks after the training. We also compared the effect of the analogical training to the effect of 'awareness training' and a 'no-training' control group. Results suggested improved performance of the analogical training group only on tasks where the violations of statistical principles are measured. The interpretation of these findings require further investigation, yet it is possible that analogical training may be the most effective in the case of learning abstract concepts, such as statistical principles, which are otherwise difficult to master. The study encourages a systematic research of debiasing trainings and the development of intervention assessment methods to measure the endurance of behavior change in decision debiasing

    Factors Affecting Adoption of Improved Crops by Rural Farmers in Niger

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    Improved crops are advocated to meet the dual challenge of food security and the fight against poverty in developing countries. As most poor people in developing countries live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood, an important key to get them out of poverty is to increase agricultural productivity by using technologies such as improved crops. However, the rate of improved crops adoption remains surprisingly low in Niger, one of the world poorest countries. In this paper, we examine the factors affecting adoption of improved crops by rural farmers focusing on Niger. Using the 2014’s National Survey on Households Living Conditions and Agriculture, we investigate the effect of farmers’ socioeconomic characteristics, the farm’s quality, the geographic location, the production system, the access to improved seeds and the land tenure on the probability to use improved crops rather than local crops. Our results suggest that the ownership of a government land title is the most important driver in the adoption of improved crops by rural farmers. In addition, being a female, educated, practicing polyculture, having access to improved seed increase the probability to adopt improved crops. In contrast, household size, operating on the parcel for a long period and the parcel size reduces the probability to use improved crops. These determinants of improved crops adoption should be considered in Niger’s agricultural policy to succeed in the dissemination of improved crops among rural farmers. Keywords: Adoption, Improved crops, Farm, Farmer, Nige

    Caracterización del medio físico y biótico de la escombrera de Las Minas de Alquife (Granada)

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    La actividad minera, siempre que se produzca con una cierta intensidad, provoca alteraciones en el medio natural, desde las más imperceptibles hasta las que representan claros impactos sobre el medio en que se desarrollan. Este es el caso de la formación de escombreras por el acopio de materiales procedentes de las actividades extractivas sobre la superficie del suelo. La tendencia actual en materia medioambiental promueve la integración de estos espacios en el paisaje, al mismo tiempo que su reutilización con fines socio-económicos. Una de las actuaciones primordiales para conseguir estos fines es la recuperación del suelo y la implantación de cubierta vegetal. Previamente al plan de actuación, se lleva a cabo la caracterización de la situación actual en la que se encuentra el ecosistema. En este emplazamiento, los suelos, de textura arenosa, presentan un pH alcalino, una baja capacidad de intercambio catiónico y bajo contenido en materia orgánica. La vegetación es escasa, dispersa y dominan las especies herbáceas seguidas de las arbustivas. Dentro de las especies herbáceas los representantes más abundantes pertenecen a las familias de Gramíneas, Compuestas y Labiadas. Adicionalmente, se ha evaluado la presencia de micorrizas en las raíces de las especies dominantes, como indicador del equilibrio microbiológico y potencial bioestabilizador del suelo, detectándose colonización micorrícica en la mayoría de ellas, si bien su promedio es muy bajo (5%)

    Applicability ofMathematicalModels in Defining the Behaviour Kinetics Distinction Among Microbial Strains

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    Mathematical models were applied to define the behaviour kinetics distinction among microbial strains. In the first series of experiments the growth kinetics of microbial colonies of several S. rimosus mutant strains cultivated on agar plates were compared. Then, the interest was focused on the chosen two strains, in order to express mathematically their differences with respect to their colony growth and antibiotic biosynthesis kinetics. Finally, the behaviour of selected three S. rimosus derivative strains at different culture conditions was subjected to the study, with an aim to define strain distinction parameters. Mathematical models based on the three-dimensional growth concept and describing the microorganism growth, substrate uptake and antibiotic biosynthesis kinetics were developed. The computer simulation was applied to verify the applicability of mathematical models. The excellent agreement of computer simulation with experimental data confirmed the hypothesis that the kinetics parameters can be successfully applied to define the behaviour distinction among different S. rimosus strains. In the case of selected three strains, S. rimosus R6–500, S. rimosus MV9R-1 and MV9R-2, it was established that they can be distinguished by their growth kinetics parameters, their substrate uptake kinetics parameters and their antibiotic biosynthesis kineticsparameters. The strain S. rimosus R6–500 showed to be superior with respect to all kinetics parameters, the strain S. rimosus MV9R-2 showed to be slightly inferior to it, whereas the strain S. rimosus MV9R-1 showed to be inferior with respect to the both mentioned strains, especially because it showed the pronounced active biomass reduction rate at all investigated culture conditions. Based on these and the corresponding previous results one can conclude that appropriate mathematical models can be recommended for defining parameters of microbial behaviour distinction among different microbial strains of S. rimosus species

    Does deliberation decrease belief in conspiracies?

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    What are the underlying cognitive mechanisms that support belief in conspiracies? Common dual-process perspectives suggest that deliberation helps people make more accurate decisions and decreases belief in conspiracy theories that have been proven wrong (therefore, bringing people closer to objective accuracy). However, evidence for this stance is i) mostly correlational and ii) existing causal evidence might be influenced by experimental demand effects and/or a lack of suitable control conditions. Furthermore, recent work has found that analytic thinking tends to increase the coherence between prior beliefs and new information, which may not always lead to accurate conclusions. In two studies, participants were asked to evaluate the strength of conspiratorial (or non-conspiratorial) explanations of events. In the first study, which used well-known conspiracy theories, deliberation had no effect. In the second study, which used relatively unknown conspiracy theories, we found that experimentally manipulating deliberation did increase belief accuracy - but only among people with a strong ‘anti-conspiracy’ or strong ‘pro-conspiracy’ mindset from the outset, and not among those with an intermediate conspiratorial mindset. Although these results generally support the idea that encouraging people to deliberate can help to counter the growth of novel conspiracy theories, they also indicate that the effect of deliberation on conspiratorial beliefs is more complicated than previously thought

    Does deliberation decrease belief in conspiracies?

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    What are the underlying cognitive mechanisms that support belief in conspiracies? Common dual-process perspectives suggest that deliberation helps people make more accurate decisions and decreases belief in conspiracy theories that have been proven wrong (therefore, bringing people closer to objective accuracy). However, evidence for this stance is i) mostly correlational and ii) existing causal evidence might be influenced by experimental demand effects and/or a lack of suitable control conditions. Furthermore, recent work has found that analytic thinking tends to increase the coherence between prior beliefs and new information, which may not always lead to accurate conclusions. In two studies, participants were asked to evaluate the strength of conspiratorial (or non-conspiratorial) explanations of events. In the first study, which used well-known conspiracy theories, deliberation had no effect. In the second study, which used relatively unknown conspiracy theories, we found that experimentally manipulating deliberation did increase belief accuracy - but only among people with a strong ‘anti-conspiracy’ or strong ‘pro-conspiracy’ mindset from the outset, and not among those with an intermediate conspiratorial mindset. Although these results generally support the idea that encouraging people to deliberate can help to counter the growth of novel conspiracy theories, they also indicate that the effect of deliberation on conspiratorial beliefs is more complicated than previously thought

    Relationship of Gastric Metaplasia and Age, Sex, Smoking and Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Duodenal Ulcer and Duodenitis

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    Gastric metaplasia is one of the factors in duodenal ulcer appearance. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of gastric metaplasia and its connection with age, sex, cigarette smoking and H. pylori infection. In the study 216 patients were included. There were 98 patients with duodenal ulcer, 60 with duodenitis, and 58 healthy control subjects. There was no statistically significant difference in gastric metaplasia frequency according to age and sex. Gastric metaplasia was statistically more significant in patients with duodenal ulcer (p < 0.01). In all the subjects cigarette smoking did not significantly influence gastric metaplasia. In smokers with duodenal ulcer, and those who besides duodenal ulcer and smoking had H. pylori infection gastric metaplasia was more frequent (p < 0.01). However, in patients with duodenal ulcer, there was no statistically significant difference of gastric metaplasia related to H. pylori presence. It may be suggested that H. pylori infection is not of indispensable significance for gastric metaplasia appearance

    Polarized citizen preferences for the ethical allocation of scarce medical resources in 20 countries.

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    This is the final version. Available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record. Data Availability Statement: Data and code are open and available at https://github.com/ bencebago/ventilators.Objective. When medical resources are scarce, clinicians must make difficult triage decisions. When these decisions affect public trust and morale, as was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic, experts will benefit from knowing which triage metrics have citizen support. Design. We conducted an online survey in 20 countries, comparing support for 5 common metrics (prognosis, age, quality of life, past and future contribution as a health care worker) to a benchmark consisting of support for 2 no-triage mechanisms (first-come-first-served and random allocation). Results. We surveyed nationally representative samples of 1000 citizens in each of Brazil, France, Japan, and the United States and also self-selected samples from 20 countries (total N = 7599) obtained through a citizen science website (the Moral Machine). We computed the support for each metric by comparing its usability to the usability of the 2 no-triage mechanisms. We further analyzed the polarizing nature of each metric by considering its usability among participants who had a preference for no triage. In all countries, preferences were polarized, with the 2 largest groups preferring either no triage or extensive triage using all metrics. Prognosis was the least controversial metric. There was little support for giving priority to healthcare workers. Conclusions. It will be difficult to define triage guidelines that elicit public trust and approval. Given the importance of prognosis in triage protocols, it is reassuring that it is the least controversial metric. Experts will need to prepare strong arguments for other metrics if they wish to preserve public trust and morale during health crises. Highlights: We collected citizen preferences regarding triage decisions about scarce medical resources from 20 countries.We find that citizen preferences are universally polarized.Citizens either prefer no triage (random allocation or first-come-first served) or extensive triage using all common triage metrics, with "prognosis" being the least controversial.Experts will need to prepare strong arguments to preserve or elicit public trust in triage decisions