716 research outputs found

    Evaluation of serum NT-pCNP as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for sepsis in dogs

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    Background: There is a need for diagnostic biomarkers that can rapidly differentiate dogs with sepsis from dogs with noninfectious forms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (NSIRS). Objectives: To compare serum NT‐pCNP concentrations among dogs with various forms of sepsis, NSIRS, and healthy controls and to evaluate the use of serum NT‐pCNP for the diagnosis of various forms of sepsis in dogs. Animals: One hundred and twelve dogs including 63 critically ill dogs (sepsis n = 29; NSIRS n = 34) and 49 healthy control dogs. Methods: Prospective clinical investigation. Serum samples were collected for NT‐pCNP measurement from dogs with sepsis or NSIRS within 24 hours of intensive care unit admission or at the time of presentation for healthy dogs. Dogs with sepsis were subclassified based on the anatomic region of infection. Serum NT‐pCNP concentrations were compared among sepsis, NSIRS and healthy groups as well as among sepsis subgroups. The area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity for identifying dogs with sepsis were determined. Results: Using a cut‐off value of 10.1 pmol/L, AUC, sensitivity, and specificity of NT‐pCNP for differentiating dogs with sepsis from dogs with NSIRS or healthy control dogs were 0.71 (95% CI, 0.58–0.85), 65.5% (45.7–82.1%), and 89.2% (80.4–94.9%), respectively. Serum NT‐pCNP had poor sensitivity for peritoneal sources of sepsis; AUC [0.92 (0.81–1.0)], sensitivity [94% (71–100%)], and specificity [89% (80–95%)] improved when these dogs were excluded. Serum NT‐pCNP concentration was not associated with survival in the sepsis group. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Serum NT‐pCNP is a promising diagnostic biomarker for sepsis but is a poor indicator of septic peritonitis

    Are anti-fouling effects in coralline algae species specific?

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    As algas calcårias crostosas são susceptíveis ao recobrimento por outras algas, entretanto, estas podem ser afetadas por efeitos anti-incrustantes. Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de que estas algas possam inibir o crescimento somente de algumas espÊcies de epífitas. No laboratório, propågulos de Sargassum furcatum e Ulva fasciata foram liberados e cultivados sobre pedaços de algas calcårias e lamínulas de microscopia (controle) e as suas sobrevivência e crescimento comparadas. Spongites e Hydrolithon inibiram significativamente o crescimento de U. fasciata, mas não de Sargassum. No campo, pedaços de três espÊcies de algas calcårias vivas, mortas e cópias destas em discos de massa epóxi foram fíxos na rocha. Após um mês as algas epífitas foram identificadas e sua massa seca quantificada. Lithophyllum não inibiu o crescimento das epífitas, em contraste Spongites e outra coralinåcea indeterminada inibiram o crescimento de Enteromorpha spp., Ulva fasciata e Hincksia mitchelliae. Colpomenia sinuosa esteve sempre ausente sobre as crostas vivas, porÊm presente nos controles. Resultados demonstram que a relação epífita-hospedeiro depende das espÊcies que estejam interagindo. O desprendimento de cÊlulas superficiais das crostas coralinåceas aponta para um possível efeito físico anti-incrustante, não se excluindo o químico.The crustose coralline algae are susceptible to be covered by other algae, which in turn can be affected by anti-fouling effects. In this study the hypothesis tested was that these algae can inhibit the growth of epiphytes in a species specific way. In the laboratory, propagules of Sargassum furcatum and Ulva fasciata were liberated and cultivated on pieces of coralline algae and slide covers (controls) and their survival and growth were compared. Spongites and Hydrolithon significantly inhibited the growth of U. fasciata but not Sargassum. In the field, pieces of three species of live and dead coralline algae and their copies in epoxy putty discs were fixed on the rock. After one month epiphytic algae were identified and their dry mass quantified. Lithophyllum did not affect the epiphyte growth. In contrast Spongites and an unidentified coralline significantly inhibited the growth of Enteromorpha spp., Ulva fasciata and Hincksia mitchelliae. Colpomenia sinuosa was absent on all living crusts, but present on controls. Results show that the epiphyte-host relation depends on the species that are interacting. The sloughing of superficial cells of coralline crusts points to the possible action of physical anti-fouling effect, though a chemical one is not rejected

    Colonization and growth of crustose coralline algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) on the Rocas Atoll

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    As algas calcårias incrustantes exercem um papel fundamental na construção de recifes ao redor do mundo. Neste trabalho os objetivos foram: identificar e estimar a abundância da alga calcåria incrustante dominante nas partes rasas do recife, verificando suas taxas de colonização, crescimento e produtividade. Crostas de diferentes habitats foram estudadas em locais a barlavento e sotavento. Discos feitos com massa epóxi foram fixados na superfície do recife para acompanhar a colonização das algas calcårias e discos contendo a alga calcåria dominante foram fixados em diferentes habitats para medir o crescimento de suas margens. Os experimentos de produtividade seguiram o mÊtodo de frascos claros e escuros para leitura de oxigênio dissolvido. Porolithon pachydermum foi confirmado como a espÊcie de alga calcåria incrustante dominante no recife do Atol das Rocas. O local abrigado apresentou maior crescimento da forma plana e típica de crista de P. pachydermum em relação ao exposto. Esta forma tambÊm teve um crescimento maior na crista recifal (0,05 mm.dia-1) do que no platô (0,01 mm.dia-1). A forma protuberante e típica de fendas de P. pachydermum apresentou tendência, não significativa, para maior crescimento na crista e poça em relação ao platô. A colonização apresentou baixas coberturas quando comparada a outros estudos recifais. P. pachydermum Ê uma planta produtiva tanto em ambientes ensolarados como sombreados.Crustose coralline algae play a fundamental role in reef construction all over the world. The aims fo this study were to identify and estimate the abundance of the dominant crustose coralline algae in shallow reef habitats, measuring their colonization, growth rates and productivity. Crusts sampled from different habitats were collected on leeward and windward reefs. Discs made of epoxy putty were fixed on the reef surface to follow coralline colonization and discs containing the dominant coralline algae were fixed on different habitats to measure the crusts' marginal growth. The primary production experiments followed the clear and dark bottle method for dissolved oxygen reading. Porolithon pachydermum was confirmed as the dominant crustose coralline alga on the Rocas Atoll. The non-cryptic flat form of P. pachydermum showed a faster growth rate on the leeward than on the windward reef. This form also had a faster growth rate on the reef crest (0.05 mm.day-1) than on the reef flat (0.01 mm.day-1). The cryptic protuberant form showed a trend, though not significant, towards a faster growth rate on the reef crest and in tidal pools than on the reef flat. Colonization was, in general, very slow as compared to that presented by other reef studies. P. pachydermum was a productive crust both in non-cryptic and cryptic habitats

    Minocycline inhibits glial proliferation in the H-Tx rat model of congenital hydrocephalus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reactive astrocytosis and microgliosis are important features of the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus, and persistent glial "scars" that form could exacerbate neuroinflammation, impair cerebral perfusion, impede neuronal regeneration, and alter biomechanical properties. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of minocycline, an antibiotic known for its anti-inflammatory properties, to reduce gliosis in the H-Tx rat model of congenital hydrocephalus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Minocycline (45 mg/kg/day i.p. in 5% sucrose at a concentration of 5-10 mg/ml) was administered to hydrocephalic H-Tx rats from postnatal day 15 to day 21, when ventriculomegaly had reached moderate to severe stages. Treated animals were compared to age-matched non-hydrocephalic and untreated hydrocephalic littermates. The cerebral cortex (both gray matter laminae and white matter) was processed for immunohistochemistry (glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP, for astrocytes and ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule, Iba-1, for microglia) and analyzed by qualitative and quantitative light microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean number of GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes was significantly higher in untreated hydrocephalic animals compared to both types of controls (<it>p </it>< 0.001). Minocycline treatment of hydrocephalic animals reduced the number of GFAP immunoreactive cells significantly (<it>p </it>< 0.001). Likewise, the mean number of Iba-1 immunoreactive microglia was significantly higher in untreated hydrocephalic animals compared to both types of controls (<it>p </it>< 0.001). Furthermore, no differences in the numbers of GFAP-positive astrocytes or Iba-1-positive microglia were noted between control animals receiving no minocycline and control animals receiving minocycline, suggesting that minocycline does not produce an effect under non-injury conditions. Additionally, in six out of nine regions sampled, hydrocephalic animals that received minocycline injections had significantly thicker cortices when compared to their untreated hydrocephalic littermates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, these data suggest that minocycline treatment is effective in reducing the gliosis that accompanies hydrocephalus, and thus may provide an added benefit when used as a supplement to ventricular shunting.</p

    Effect of hydrocephalus on rat brain extracellular compartment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cerebral cortex may be compressed in hydrocephalus and some experiments suggest that movement of extracellular substances through the cortex is impaired. We hypothesized that the extracellular compartment is reduced in size and that the composition of the extracellular compartment changes in rat brains with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied neonatal (newborn) onset hydrocephalus for 1 or 3 weeks, juvenile (3 weeks) onset hydrocephalus for 3–4 weeks or 9 months, and young adult (10 weeks) onset hydrocephalus for 2 weeks, after kaolin injection. Freeze substitution electron microscopy was used to measure the size of the extracellular compartment. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry with quantitative image densitometry was used to study the extracellular matrix constituents, phosphacan, neurocan, NG2, decorin, biglycan, and laminin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The extracellular space in cortical layer 1 was reduced significantly from 16.5 to 9.6% in adult rats with 2 weeks duration hydrocephalus. Western blot and immunohistochemistry showed that neurocan increased only in the periventricular white matter following neonatal induction and 3 weeks duration hydrocephalus. The same rats showed mild decorin increases in white matter and around cortical neurons. Juvenile and adult onset hydrocephalus was associated with no significant changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that compositional changes in the extracellular compartment are negligible in cerebral cortex of hydrocephalic rats at various ages. Therefore, the functional change related to extracellular fluid flow should be reversible.</p

    Chapter 12 - Human settlements, infrastructure and spatial planning

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    Urbanization is a process that involves simultaneous transitions and transformations across multiple dimensions, including demographic, economic, and physical changes in the landscape. Each of these dimensions presents different indicators and definitions of urbanization. The chapter begins with a brief discussion of the multiple dimensions and definitions of urbanization, including implications for GHG emissions accounting, and then continues with an assessment of historical, current, and future trends across different dimensions of urbanization in the context of GHG emissions (12.2). It then discusses GHG accounting approaches and challenges specific to urban areas and human settlements. In Section 12.3, the chapter assesses the drivers of urban GHG emissions in a systemic fashion, and examines the impacts of drivers on individuals sectors as well as the interaction and interdependence of drivers. In this section, the relative magnitude of each driver's impact on urban GHG emissions is discussed both qualitatively and quantitatively, and provides the context for a more detailed assessment of how urban form and infrastructure affect urban GHG emissions (12.4). Here, the section discusses the individual urban form drivers such as density, connectivity, and land use mix, as well as their interactions with each other. Section 12.4 also examines the links between infrastructure and urban form, as well as their combined and interacting effects on GHG emissions. Section 12.5 identifies spatial planning strategies and policy instruments that can affect multiple drivers, and Section 12.6 examines the institutional, governance, and financial requirements to implement such policies. Of particular importance with regard to mitigation potential at the urban or local scale is a discussion of the geographic and administrative scales for which policies are implemented, overlapping, and / or in conflict. The chapter then identifies the scale and range of mitigation actions currently planned and / or implemented by local governments, and assesses the evidence of successful implementation of the plans, as well as barriers to further implementation (12.7). Next, the chapter discusses major co-benefits and adverse side-effects of mitigation at the local scale, including opportunities for sustainable development (12.8). The chapter concludes with a discussion of the major gaps in knowledge with respect to mitigation of climate change in urban areas (12.9)

    Low levels of amyloid-beta and its transporters in neonatal rats with and without hydrocephalus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies in aging animals have shown that amyloid-beta protein (Aβ) accumulates and its transporters, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) and the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) are impaired during hydrocephalus. Furthermore, correlations between astrocytes and Aβ have been found in human cases of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Because hydrocephalus occurs frequently in children, we evaluated the expression of Aβ and its transporters and reactive astrocytosis in animals with neonatal hydrocephalus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hydrocephalus was induced in neonatal rats by intracisternal kaolin injections on post-natal day one, and severe ventriculomegaly developed over a three week period. MRI was performed on post-kaolin days 10 and 21 to document ventriculomegaly. Animals were sacrificed on post-kaolin day 21. For an age-related comparison, tissue was used from previous studies when hydrocephalus was induced in a group of adult animals at either 6 months or 12 months of age. Tissue was processed for immunohistochemistry to visualize LRP-1, RAGE, Aβ, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and with quantitative real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to quantify expression of LRP-1, RAGE, and GFAP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When 21-day post-kaolin neonatal hydrocephalic animals were compared to adult (6–12 month old) hydrocephalic animals, immunohistochemistry demonstrated levels of Aβ, RAGE, and LRP-1 that were substantially lower in the younger animals; in contrast, GFAP levels were elevated in both young and old hydrocephalic animals. When the neonatal hydrocephalic animals were compared to age-matched controls, qRT-PCR demonstrated no significant changes in Aβ, LRP-1 and RAGE. However, immunohistochemistry showed very small increases or decreases in individual proteins. Furthermore, qRT-PCR indicated statistically significant increases in GFAP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Neonatal rats with and without hydrocephalus had low expression of Aβ and its transporters when compared to adult rats with hydrocephalus. No statistical differences were observed in Aβ and its transporters between the control and hydrocephalic neonatal animals.</p

    Magnetic resonance imaging indicators of blood-brain barrier and brain water changes in young rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hydrocephalus is associated with enlargement of cerebral ventricles. We hypothesized that magnetic resonance (MR) imaging parameters known to be influenced by tissue water content would change in parallel with ventricle size in young rats and that changes in blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability would be detected.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hydrocephalus was induced by injection of kaolin into the cisterna magna of 4-week-old rats, which were studied 1 or 3 weeks later. MR was used to measure longitudinal and transverse relaxation times (T1 and T2) and apparent diffusion coefficients in several regions. Brain tissue water content was measured by the wet-dry weight method, and tissue density was measured in Percoll gradient columns. BBB permeability was measured by quantitative imaging of changes on T1-weighted images following injection of gadolinium diethylenetriamine penta-acetate (Gd-DTPA) tracer and microscopically by detection of fluorescent dextran conjugates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In nonhydrocephalic rats, water content decreased progressively from age 3 to 7 weeks. T1 and T2 and apparent diffusion coefficients did not exhibit parallel changes and there was no evidence of BBB permeability to tracers. The cerebral ventricles enlarged progressively in the weeks following kaolin injection. In hydrocephalic rats, the dorsal cortex was more dense and the white matter less so, indicating that the increased water content was largely confined to white matter. Hydrocephalus was associated with transient elevation of T1 in gray and white matter and persistent elevation of T2 in white matter. Changes in the apparent diffusion coefficients were significant only in white matter. Ventricle size correlated significantly with dorsal water content, T1, T2, and apparent diffusion coefficients. MR imaging showed evidence of Gd-DTPA leakage in periventricular tissue foci but not diffusely. These correlated with microscopic leak of larger dextran tracers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MR characteristics cannot be used as direct surrogates for water content in the immature rat model of hydrocephalus, probably because they are also influenced by other changes in tissue composition that occur during brain maturation. There is no evidence for widespread persistent opening of BBB as a consequence of hydrocephalus in young rats. However, increase in focal BBB permeability suggests that periventricular blood vessels may be disrupted.</p
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