45 research outputs found

    The Study of Capacitance Change during Electrolyte Penetration through Carbon-Supported Hydrous Ruthenium Oxide Prepared by the Sol-Gel Procedure

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    The changes in capacitive behavior of C/HxRuOy composite material prepared by impregnating the Vulcan® XC 72R carbon black with oxide sols of different particle size are investigated as the electrolyte penetrates through the thin layer of the Nafion®-covered composite. The techniques of cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy are used. Results of the investigation reveal the influence of potential cycling and the exposure time to the electrolyte on registered capacitive characteristics of composite. The cycling in a wide potential range causes the decrease in energy storage ability which depends on oxide particle size. Impedance measurements, however, show that the ability initially decreases and subsequently increases during exposure to the electrolyte as the consequence of the presence of Nafion® top-layer. Due to wettability and resistance issues, Nafion® top-layer can affect the pseudo-capacitive characteristics, and the energy storage ability of the composite consequently decreases

    A PDE patch-based spectral method for progressive mesh compression and mesh denoising

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    The development of the patchwise partial differential equation (PDE) framework a few years ago has paved the way for the PDE method to be used in mesh signal processing. In this paper, we, for the first time, extend the use of the PDE method to progressive mesh compression and mesh denoising. We, meanwhile, upgrade the existing patchwise PDE method in patch merging, mesh partitioning, and boundary extraction to accommodate mesh signal processing. In our new method, an arbitrary mesh model is partitioned into patches, each of which can be represented by a small set of coefficients of its PDE spectral solution. Since low-frequency components contribute more to the reconstructed mesh than high-frequency ones, we can achieve progressive mesh compression and mesh denoising by manipulating the frequency terms of the PDE solution. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of our method in both progressive mesh compression and mesh denoising