564 research outputs found

    AzTEC millimeter survey of the COSMOS field - III. Source catalog over 0.72 sq. deg. and plausible boosting by large-scale structure

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    We present a 0.72 sq. deg. contiguous 1.1mm survey in the central area of the COSMOS field carried out to a 1sigma ~ 1.26 mJy/beam depth with the AzTEC camera mounted on the 10m Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE). We have uncovered 189 candidate sources at a signal-to-noise ratio S/N >= 3.5, out of which 129, with S/N >= 4, can be considered to have little chance of being spurious (< 2 per cent). We present the number counts derived with this survey, which show a significant excess of sources when compared to the number counts derived from the ~0.5 sq. deg. area sampled at similar depths in the Scuba HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES, Austermann et al. 2010). They are, however, consistent with those derived from fields that were considered too small to characterize the overall blank-field population. We identify differences to be more significant in the S > 5 mJy regime, and demonstrate that these excesses in number counts are related to the areas where galaxies at redshifts z < 1.1 are more densely clustered. The positions of optical-IR galaxies in the redshift interval 0.6 < z < 0.75 are the ones that show the strongest correlation with the positions of the 1.1mm bright population (S > 5 mJy), a result which does not depend exclusively on the presence of rich clusters within the survey sampled area. The most likely explanation for the observed excess in number counts at 1.1mm is galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-group lensing at moderate amplification levels, that increases in amplitude as one samples larger and larger flux densities. This effect should also be detectable in other high redshift populations.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    AzTEC 1.1 mm observations of high-z protocluster environments : SMG overdensities and misalignment between AGN jets and SMG distribution

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    We present observations at 1.1 mm towards 16 powerful radio galaxies and a radio-quiet quasar at 0.5 > z > 6.3 acquired with the AzTEC camera mounted at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment to study the spatial distribution of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) towards possible protocluster regions. The survey covers a total area of 1.01 sq deg with rms depths of 0.52-1.44 mJy and detects 728 sources above 3σ. We find overdensities of a factor of ~2 in the source counts of three individual fields (4C+23.56, PKS1138-262, and MRC0355-037) over areas of ~200 sq deg. When combining all fields, the source-count analysis finds an overdensity that reaches a factor ≳ 3 at S 1.1mm = 4mJy covering a 1.5-arcmin-radius area centred on the active galactic nucleus. The large size of our maps allows us to establish that beyond a radius of 1.5 arcmin, the radial surface density of SMGs falls to that of a blank field. In addition, we find a trend for SMGs to align closely to a perpendicular direction with respect to the radio jets of the powerful central radio galaxies (73 -14 +13 deg). This misalignment is found over projected comoving scales of 4-20 Mpc, departs from perfect alignment (0 deg) by ~5σ, and apparently has no dependence on SMG luminosity. Under the assumption that the AzTEC sources are at the redshift of the central radio galaxy, the misalignment reported here can be interpreted as SMGs preferentially inhabiting mass-dominant filaments funnelling material towards the protoclusters, which are also the parent structures of the radio galaxies.Peer reviewe

    New datings and elevations of a fossil reef in Lembetabe, southwest Madagascar: eustatic and tectonic implications

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    The study of geological sea-level proxies formed during previous interglacials is a common approach to assess how global sea level will evolve under warmer climate conditions. Over the last decades, technical advancements in both survey and geochronology have allowed improving our knowledge of past sea-level highstands. This is of prime importance to refine our understanding of processes contributing to sea-level changes, and ultimately to improve both local and global sea-level projections. Last Interglacial sea-level proxies in the Western Indian Ocean (and more specifically the island nation of Madagascar), have been less investigated than in other intertropical oceans over the last decades. As a result, paleo sea-level data in this region are less abundant and less precise than elsewhere. Here, we report the results of two field campaigns aimed at studying the site of Lembetabe, southwest Madagascar, where a fossil reef was first described by the researcher Rene ⠁ Battistini more than 50 years ago. We estimate paleo relative sea level history in space and time from 15 new U-series ages from a fossil reef platform mapped with differential GNSS and drone photogrammetry. Our data suggest that, between 129 ka and 115 ka, paleo relative sea level at this location was about 3.4 &amp; PLUSMN; 1.4 m above modern. Once corrected for glacial isostatic adjustment, we find that paleo global mean sea level did not exceed 3 m above modern. Only slight crustal subsidence would reconcile the peak Last Interglacial sea level measured at Lembetabe with the 5 e10 m range reported in the literature.&amp; COPY; 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    New Panoramic View of 12^{12}CO and 1.1 mm Continuum Emission in the Orion A Molecular Cloud. I. Survey Overview and Possible External Triggers of Star Formation

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    We present new, wide and deep images in the 1.1 mm continuum and the 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) emission toward the northern part of the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud (Orion-A GMC). The 1.1 mm data were taken with the AzTEC camera mounted on the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) 10 m telescope in Chile, and the 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) data were with the 25 beam receiver (BEARS) on the NRO 45 m telescope in the On-The-Fly (OTF) mode. The present AzTEC observations are the widest (\timeform{1.D7} ×\times \timeform{2.D3}, corresponding to 12 pc ×\times 17 pc) and the highest-sensitivity (\sim9 mJy beam1^{-1}) 1.1 mm dust-continuum imaging of the Orion-A GMC with an effective spatial resolution of \sim 40\arcsec. The 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) image was taken over the northern \timeform{1D.2} \times\timeform{1D.2} (corresponding 9 pc ×\times 9 pc) area with a sensitivity of 0.93 K in TMBT_{\rm MB}, a velocity resolution of 1.0 km s1^{-1}, and an effective spatial resolution of 21\arcsec. With these data, together with the MSX 8 μ\mum, Spitzer 24 μ\mum and the 2MASS data, we have investigated the detailed structure and kinematics of molecular gas associated with the Orion-A GMC and have found evidence for interactions between molecular clouds and the external forces that may trigger star formation. Two types of possible triggers were revealed; 1) Collision of the diffuse gas on the cloud surface, particularly at the eastern side of the OMC-2/3 region, and 2) Irradiation of UV on the pre-existing filaments and dense molecular cloud cores. Our wide-field and high-sensitivity imaging have provided the first comprehensive view of the potential sites of triggered star formation in the Orion-A GMC.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Deep 1.1 mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE - I. Source catalogue and number counts

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    [Abridged] We present the first results from a 1.1 mm confusion-limited map of the GOODS-S field taken with AzTEC on the ASTE telescope. We imaged a 270 sq. arcmin field to a 1\sigma depth of 0.48 - 0.73 mJy/beam, making this one of the deepest blank-field surveys at mm-wavelengths ever achieved. Although our GOODS-S map is extremely confused, we demonstrate that our source identification and number counts analyses are robust, and the techniques discussed in this paper are relevant for other deeply confused surveys. We find a total of 41 dusty starburst galaxies with S/N >= 3.5 within this uniformly covered region, where only two are expected to be false detections. We derive the 1.1mm number counts from this field using both a "P(d)" analysis and a semi-Bayesian technique, and find that both methods give consistent results. Our data are well-fit by a Schechter function model with (S', N(3mJy), \alpha) = (1.30+0.19 mJy, 160+27 (mJy/deg^2)^(-1), -2.0). Given the depth of this survey, we put the first tight constraints on the 1.1 mm number counts at S(1.1mm) = 0.5 mJy, and we find evidence that the faint-end of the number counts at S(850\mu m) < 2.0 mJy from various SCUBA surveys towards lensing clusters are biased high. In contrast to the 870 \mu m survey of this field with the LABOCA camera, we find no apparent under-density of sources compared to previous surveys at 1.1 mm. Additionally, we find a significant number of SMGs not identified in the LABOCA catalogue. We find that in contrast to observations at wavelengths < 500 \mu m, MIPS 24 \mu m sources do not resolve the total energy density in the cosmic infrared background at 1.1 mm, demonstrating that a population of z > 3 dust-obscured galaxies that are unaccounted for at these shorter wavelengths potentially contribute to a large fraction (~2/3) of the infrared background at 1.1 mm.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to MNRAS

    The AzTEC mm-Wavelength Camera

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    AzTEC is a mm-wavelength bolometric camera utilizing 144 silicon nitride micromesh detectors. Herein we describe the AzTEC instrument architecture and its use as an astronomical instrument. We report on several performance metrics measured during a three month observing campaign at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and conclude with our plans for AzTEC as a facility instrument on the Large Millimeter Telescope.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notice