273 research outputs found

    Tindak Tutur dalam Upacara Pernikahan Masyarakat Madura di Desa Kalidandan, Pakuniran, Probolinggo: Kajian Pragmatik

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    Speech act is language use which considered as the system of communication in speech done by people on certain situations. Speech act can be stated as the essence of language use related to physical component and psychological language self. It is a deliberacy to make interpretations on what would like to say, for instance speech wedding ceremony done by Madurese at Kalidandan village, Pakuniran district, Probolinggo regency had some phases, those are phase of engagement, pre-wedding, marriage, and post wedding.             This research used qualitative descriptive approach with listening method (observation method). The theory used in this research is theory pragmatics. The analysis results stated that illocutionary act at speech act of madurese wedding ceremony at Kalidandan, Pakuniran, Probolinggo are concluded (1) asking, (2) do not play around in marriage, (3) grateful, (4) regret, (5) willingly, (6) patient, (7) time of scarcity before harvesting, and (8) pregnant under married. Meanwhile, it found part of speech act (1) direct speech act, (2) indirect speech act, (3) literal speech act, (4) nonliteral speech act, (5) direct literal speech act, (6) indirect speech act, (7) direct nonliteral speech act, and (8) indirect nonliteral speech act


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    Almost every day, issues and news about corruption become part of several headlines in newspapers, or become a theme raised in television media in this country. This fact indicates that, today Indonesia is still unable to escape from a culture of corruption that is getting stronger and running systemically. Although it is not proclaimed as an Islamic state, Indonesia is listed as a country with a Muslim majority. Even so, the quantity of diversity is not directly proportional to the moral quality and practice of religion which explicitly states, both in the Koran and al-Sunnah, that it prohibits actions that harm others, let alone the State. Because Indonesia is dominated by a Muslim majority, whether it is recognized or not, the perpetrators of corruption in this country are mostly Muslims. This article will discuss the discourse on the eradication of corruption as stipulated in Law Number 20 of 2001 and in Islamic law. By using literature research methods and descriptive analysis of the sources of positive law and Islamic law, this article produces several findings, namely; 1) efforts to eradicate corruption as regulated in Law Number 20 of 2001 are carried out with physical punishments such as fines and a maximum sentence of life which does not provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators; 2) Islam emphasizes that the eradication of corruption is carried out by means of theological-morality, namely awareness of corruptors and the provision of moral sanctions, such as being displayed to the public so as to provide an educational effect for others. From these findings, this article agrees with Mahfud MD's idea that punishment for corruptors should be carried out in the aspects of physical and moral punishment

    Implementasi Outdoor Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah Sistematika Tumbuhan Tinggi

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    Outdoor learning was learning that gives students the opportunity to explore the surrounding environment as a source of learning. Students are required to be able to construct knowledge independently throgh the process of exploring the learning environment in Systematics of High Plant. This research aims to improve student cognitive learning outcomes through the implementation of outdoor learning in the subject of High Plant Systematics. The method used was classroom action research with 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of four basic stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Samples used in this study was 22 fourth semester students of Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teaching and Education, University of Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo .The study was conducted in March and May 2015. The cognitive learning was measured through the posttest. The results showed that the cognitive learning outcomes of students increased from the first cycle to the second cycle amounted to 27.56% and from the second cycle to the third cycle of 10.20%. Target of cognitive learning outcomes at least achieved grade of 75 in average

    Identifikasi Fasad Arsitektur Tropis pada Gedung-gedung Perkantoran Jakarta (Studi Kasus pada Koridor Dukuh Atas-semanggi)

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi kondisi Jalan Jenderal Sudirman di Jakarta yang merupakan jalan protokol dan menjadi salah satu landmark ibukota Republik Indonesia. Jalan Jenderal Sudirman adalah jalan protokol yang terkenal banyak menjadi tempat berdirinya gedung-gedung tinggi, sehingga dapat dikatakan menjadi brandimage jika ingin mengetahui perkembangan konsep dan desain gedung tinggi di Indonesia.Tampilan bentuk gedung tinggi di kawasan ini yang sangat variatif menjadisalah satu alasan kenapa topik ini diangkat menjadi topik penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi elemen-elemen arsitektur tropis pada fasad gedunggedung perkantoran jalan Jenderal Sudirman yang rata-rata memiliki tipikal fasad minimalis , studi kasus pada Koridor Dukuh Atas-Semanggi. Metoda Penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metoda kualitatif diskriptif yang dalam pelaksanaannya diawali dengan kegiatan survei lapangan atau pengamatan/ observasi dan didukung dengan studi literatur. Sedangkan obyek penelitian adalah fasad pada gedung-gedung kantor sepanjang jalan Jendral Sudirman terbatas pada koridor Dukuh Atas-Semanggi dengan menjabarkan fasad secara umum, dan fasad secara khusus dengan mengambil satu unit gedung dengan kriteria tertentu sebagaisample penelitian. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa tampilan fasad gedunggedung cenderung memakai fasad minimalis tanpa ada variasi kecuali sedikit untuk menyesuaikan dengan konsep fasad minimalis yang berada di wilayah iklim tropis

    Analisis Penyerapan Energi Dan Pola Deformasi Crash Box Dengan Variasi Sudut Tirus Dinding Crash Box Pada Uji Simulasi Tabrakan Arah Frontal

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    Sistem transportasi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang penting untuk dipenuhi dalam mempermudah kehidupan pada zaman modern ini. Di sisi lain, meningkatnya kebutuhan akan hal tersebut juga akan ikut meningkatkan produksi kendaraan yang secara tidak langsung turut meningkatkan jumlah kecelakaan. Meninjau hal tersebut, standar keselamatan kendaraan yang lebih baik sangat dibutuhkan, salah satunya adalah crash box. Crash box merupakan sistem keamanan pasif yang digunakan untuk mengurangi tingkat keparahan kecelakaan yang dialami penumpang atau bagian kendaraan yang vital akibat tabrakan. Penelitian ini meninjau pengaruh variasi sudut tirus dinding crash box berpenampang lingkaran (circular) terhadap pola deformasi dan penyerapan energi pada uji simulasi tabrakan arah frontal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan software berbasis metode elemen hingga (MEH). Variasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu crash box dengan sudut tirus (α) 0,2°; 0,4°; 0,6°; 0,8; dan 1,0° dengan material crash box baja AISI 1340. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pola deformasi yang terbentuk adalah pola aksial dengan mode concertina dan campuran (concertina + diamond). Deformasi mode campuran terjadi pada crash box t a 1,6 α 0,0°; α 0,8°; α 1,0°. Penyerapan energi meningkat seiring bertambah besarnya sudut tirus dinding crash box, dengan kemampuan menyerap energi terbesar pada crash box dengan sudut tirus (α) 1,0° sebesar 10823 J. Semakin besarnya sudut tirus dinding crash box juga menunjukkan peningkatan penyerapan energi spesifik crash box


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    Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is one of primate in Indonesia, the only species of great ape that could be found in Asia. Orangutan included in the IUCN list of endangered species category. The decreasing orangutan population is caused by various factors, however, the organization of International Animal Rescue Foundation Indonesia (YIARI) Ketapang gave much concerned and active to jointly maintain and conserve orangutans to avoid extinction. This study aims to determine feeding behavior and the food type for orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in the International Animal Rescue Foundation of Indonesia, Ketapang. Methods: Observations were made using the Focal Animal Sampling method. Based on the results and discussion, adult orangutans Joni, Pino and adolescents Gembar are more dominant in terms of mastery of the feed that is provided above the platform, while the child orangutan Vijai and Lisa are not too dominant. There are 15 kinds on food that is provided, and watermelon was the most favorite and also 17 kinds of food that the could get from the nature as the Ficus sp. was the most favorite. The most dominant orangutan feeding behavior is sitting, meal times ranging from 6:20 to 18:30 o'clock pm on the platform as the most dominant position.Keywords: Feeding behavior, Orangutans, West Borne

    Potential health impact and cost-effectiveness of bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Afghanistan.

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    INTRODUCTION: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination has not been introduced in many countries in South-Central Asia, including Afghanistan, despite the sub-region having the highest incidence rate of cervical cancer in Asia. This study estimates the potential health impact and cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination in Afghanistan to inform national decision-making. METHOD: An Excel-based static cohort model was used to estimate the lifetime costs and health outcomes of vaccinating a single cohort of 9-year-old girls in the year 2018 with the bivalent HPV vaccine, compared to no vaccination. We also explored a scenario with a catch-up campaign for girls aged 10-14 years. Input parameters were based on local sources, published literature, or assumptions when no data was available. The primary outcome measure was the discounted cost per disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) averted, evaluated from both government and societal perspectives. RESULTS: Vaccinating a single cohort of 9-year-old girls against HPV in Afghanistan could avert 1718 cervical cancer cases, 125 hospitalizations, and 1612 deaths over the lifetime of the cohort. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was US426perDALYavertedfromthegovernmentperspectiveandUS426 per DALY averted from the government perspective and US400 per DALY averted from the societal perspective. The estimated annual cost of the HPV vaccination program (US3,343,311)representsapproximately3.533,343,311) represents approximately 3.53% of the country's total immunization budget for 2018 or 0.13% of total health expenditures. CONCLUSION: In Afghanistan, HPV vaccine introduction targeting a single cohort is potentially cost-effective (0.7 times the GDP per capita of 586) from both the government and societal perspective with additional health benefits generated by a catch-up campaign, depending on the government's willingness to pay for the projected health outcomes
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