412 research outputs found

    HMAP Dataset 10: Catalonian Coast

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    Fish (various) landings and fishing effort in Catalonia, 1831-1984

    La immigració en àrees rurals i petites ciutats d'Espanya : un estat de la qüestió

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    En l'estudi de la immigració a Espanya habitualment s'ha prioritzat la recerca sobre les àrees metropolitanes i les ciutats grans o mitjanes. Durant bona part dels segles XIX i XX, la major part dels fluxos han tingut com a destinació les grans àrees urbanes, però, en les darreres dècades, la migració cap a àrees rurals i petites ciutats, tant procedent de l'estranger com d'altres parts d'Espanya, ha esdevingut un fenomen molt significatiu. En aquestes pàgines, els autors realitzen una aproximació a la literatura publicada des de la dècada de 1980 sobre la immigració estrangera i sobre la immigració interior cap a àrees rurals i petites ciutats.En el estudio de la inmigración en España, habitualmente se ha priorizado la investigación de las áreas metropolitanas y las ciudades grandes o medianas. Durante buena parte de los siglos XIX y XX, la mayor parte de los flujos han tenido como destino las grandes áreas urbanas, pero en las últimas décadas la migración hacia áreas rurales y pequeñas ciudades, tanto procedente del extranjero como de otras partes de España, ha comenzado a ser un fenómeno muy significativo. En estas páginas, los autores realizan una aproximación a la literatura publicada desde la década de 1980 sobre la inmigración extranjera y sobre la inmigración interior hacia áreas rurales y pequeñas ciudades.Dans l'étude de l'immigration en Espagne on a couramment accordé la priorité à la recherche sur les zones métropolitaines et les grandes ou moyennes villes. Au long d'une bonne partie du XIXe et XXe siècles, la plupart des courants migratoires ont eu comme destination les grandes zones urbaines, mais dans les dernières décennies la migration vers les zones rurales et vers les petites villes, en provenance aussi bien de l'étranger que d'autres parties de l'Espagne, est devenu un phénomène très significatif. Dans les pages qui suivent les auteurs font une approche à la littérature publiée depuis les années 80 sur l'immigration étrangère et sur l'immigration interne.In Spain, immigration studies have been mainly focused on metropolitan areas and big or intermediate cities. During important parts of the XIXth and XXth centuries, most migration flows have had big urban areas as destination, but in the last decades both international and internal migration into rural areas and small towns have become a very significant phenomenon. In this paper, the authors approach the academic literature published since the 1980s on foreign immigration and internal immigration in rural areas and small towns

    The biotic crisis across the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Palaeoenvironmental inferences based on foraminifera and geochemical proxies from the South Iberian Paleomargin

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    Open marine sediments deposited during the CenomanianeTuronian transition are well exposed in the Spanish Ba~nos de la Hedionda section (Betic Cordillera, South Iberian Palaeomargin). Analysis of foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxies allow inferences on the impact of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in this area of the western Tethys. Three main intervals have been identified corresponding to different lithological units and biozones. (1) The top of the Capas Blancas Member (Rotalipora cushmani Biozone) represents the pre-extinction phase with diverse foraminiferal assemblages and well developed water-column tiering, well-oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-waters and oxygenated to poorly oxygenated, mesotrophic surface-waters. Foraminiferal opportunist species point to a minor event with dysoxic conditions preceding the OAE2. (2) The black radiolaritic shales (Whiteinella archaeocretacea Biozone) consist of a foraminiferal-barren interval, except for the lowermost centimetres where planktic surface-dweller opportunists are common. Redox sensitive elements (Cr/Al, V/Al, U/Th, MoEF, Moaut, UEF and Uaut) and increased TOC values reflect oxygen depleted conditions related to the OAE2. The increase in P/Ti values at the base of this stratigraphic interval indicates an abrupt increase in productivity. High concentrations of radiolarians are congruent with high surface productivity probably related to changes in oceanic circulation and enhanced upwelling currents, as well as subsequent shallowing of the oxygenminimum zone. The increase in MoEF and Moaut towards the top of the black radiolaritic shales indicates temporal euxinic conditions. (3) A slow, bottom-up recovery of foraminiferal assemblages is inferred at the base of the Boqueron Member (Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Biozone), with seafloor recolonization by benthic foraminifera being recorded previous to the water column colonization by planktic forms, mainly by intermediate-dwellers typical of mesotrophic waters. The subsequent proliferation of surfacedweller opportunists and deep-dweller opportunists adapted to mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, and the decrease in planktic foraminiferal diversity, may indicate the persistence of poorly oxygenated conditions in the water column towards the lower-middle part of the H. helvetica Biozone

    The era of nano-bionic: 2D materials for wearable and implantable body sensors

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    Nano-bionics have the potential of revolutionizing modern medicine. Among nano-bionic devices, body sensors allow to monitor in real-time the health of patients, to achieve personalized medicine, and even to restore or enhance human functions. The advent of two-dimensional (2D) materials is facilitating the manufacturing of miniaturized and ultrathin bioelectronics, that can be easily integrated in the human body. Their unique electronic properties allow to efficiently transduce physical and chemical stimuli into electric current. Their flexibility and nanometric thickness facilitate the adaption and adhesion to human body. The low opacity permits to obtain transparent devices. The good cellular adhesion and reduced cytotoxicity are advantageous for the integration of the devices in vivo. Herein we review the latest and more significant examples of 2D material-based sensors for health monitoring, describing their architectures, sensing mechanisms, advantages and, as well, the challenges and drawbacks that hampers their translation into commercial clinical devices

    Ill conditioning loci in noise parameter determination

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    II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España : España y las migraciones internacionales en el cambio de siglo : Madrid, 5-7 d'octubre de 2000 :

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    Entre els dies 5 i 7 d'octubre de 2000 es va celebrar a Madrid el II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. L'objectiu d'aquest congrés era el de consolidar el camp d'estudi de les migracions internacionals a Espanya i proporcionar un marc de discussió i de posada en comú de l'estat de la recerca i dels coneixements entre els investigadors que hi treballen.Entre los días 5 y 7 de octubre de 2000 se celebró en Madrid el II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. El objetivo de este congreso fue consolidar el campo de estudio de las migraciones internacionales en España y proporcionar un marco de discusión y de puesta en común del estado de la investigación y de los conocimientos entre los investigadores que trabajan sobre estos temas.Du 5 au 7 octobre 2000 a eu lieu à Madrid le II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. L'objectif de ce congrès fut consolider le champ d'études sur les immigrations internationales en Espagne et donner un cadre de débats et de misse en commun des recherches et les connaissances entre les chercheurs qui étudien sur ces sujets.In October 5th-7th 2000 the II Congreso sobre la Inmigración en España took place in Madrid. This congress was aiming to consolidate a research area on international migrations in Spain and to offer a framework for discussing and sharing a state of the art among researchers involved in such field

    Calcareous Nannofossils and Paleoclimatic Evolution Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition at IODP Site U1509, Tasman Sea, Southwest Pacific Ocean

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    The Eocene‐Oligocene transition (EOT; ∼34 Ma) was one of the most prominent global cooling events of the Cenozoic, coincident with the emergence of continental‐scale ice‐sheets on Antarctica. Calcareous nannoplankton experienced significant assemblage turnover at a time of long‐term surface ocean cooling and trophic conditions, suggesting cause‐effect relationships between Antarctic glaciation, broader climate changes, and the response of phytoplankton communities. To better evaluate the timing and nature of these relationships, we generated calcareous nannofossil and geochemical data sets (δ18O, δ13C and %CaCO3) over a ∼5 Myr stratigraphic interval recovered across the EOT from IODP Site U1509 in the Tasman Sea, South Pacific Ocean. Based on trends observed in the calcareous nannofossil assemblages, there was an overall decline of warm‐oligotrophic communities, with a shift toward taxa better adapted to cooler more eutrophic conditions. Assemblage changes indicate four distinct phases caused by temperature decrease and variations in paleocurrents: late Eocene warm‐oligotrophic phase, precursor diversity‐decrease phase, early Oligocene cold‐eutrophic phase, and a steady‐state cosmopolitan phase. The most prominent shift in the assemblages occurred during the ∼550 kyr‐long precursor diversity‐decrease phase, which has relatively high bulk δ18O and %CaCO3 values, and predates the phase of maximum glacial expansion (Earliest Oligocene Glacial Maximum–EOGM)

    3D Printable Conducting and Biocompatible PEDOT-graft-PLA Copolymers by Direct Ink Writing

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    Tailor-made polymers are needed to fully exploit the possibilities of additive manufacturing, constructing complex, and functional devices in areas such as bioelectronics. In this paper, the synthesis of a conducting and biocompatible graft copolymer which can be 3D printed using direct melting extrusion methods is shown. For this purpose, graft copolymers composed by conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and a biocompatible polymer polylactide (PLA) are designed. The PEDOT-g-PLA copolymers are synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization between 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and PLA macromonomers. PEDOT-g-PLA copolymers with different compositions are obtained and fully characterized. The rheological characterization indicates that copolymers containing below 20 wt% of PEDOT show the right complex viscosity values suitable for direct ink writing (DIW). The 3D printing tests using the DIW methodology allows printing different parts with different shapes with high resolution (200\ua0\ub5m). The conductive and biocompatible printed patterns of PEDOT-g-PLA show excellent cell growth and maturation of neonatal cardiac myocytes cocultured with fibroblasts