183 research outputs found

    Life Satisfaction and Engagement among University Undergraduates: A Moderated Mediation Model of Academic Self-efficacy and Life Orientation

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    This study examined the conditional indirect effect of optimism in the interplay between life satisfaction and student engagement through academic self-efficacy. Participants were 166 (mean age = 21.72, σ = 2.71, ♀ = 57.8%) university undergraduates, who responded to an online survey containing Student Engagement Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, General Academic Self-Efficacy Scale and Life Orientation Test-Revised. Data were screened for normality and intercorrelation using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistical tool. Both the direct and indirect effects were estimated using the AMOS Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) procedure while the conditional indirect effect was ascertained using the Hayes (2018) Process Macro. Results showed that life satisfaction, academic self-efficacy and optimism were independent predictors of student engagement. The indirect effect of academic self-efficacy in the life orientation - student engagement link was also significant. The study concluded that the conditional indirect effect of optimism in the association between life satisfaction and student engagement via academic self-efficacy was stronger for low optimistic undergraduate students

    Interface between Religion and Culture: A Critical Study of the Infiltration of Yoruba Tradition on the Practice of Title-Holding Among Egba Muslims of Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Title-holding is an age long practice before the penetration of Islam in Egbaland an area predominantly inhabited by the Yoruba speaking people of Ogun State Nigeria The acceptance of Islam by the Egbas reformed to a large extent the socio-religious and cultural lives of the people The Yoruba traditional systems of marriage naming and burial rites were among others influenced and reformed by Islam However a good number of the Egbas like other Yoruba tribes which profess Islam still retain some of their cultural beliefs and traditions Consequently there was an infiltration of Yoruba tradition and culture on certain Islamic practices and rites such as marriage naming and funeral rites Such infiltration can also be noticed in title-holding among the people This paper therefore critically appraises the fusion of the Yoruba traditional elements to the Islamic practice of the title-holding among Egba Muslims The paper adopts the historical approach establishing the institutionalization of titleholding in Islam It then x-rays the practice of title-holding among the people The paper then considers the similarities between the Muslim titles and the traditional titles patterned along the traditional set up among the four sections of the people Realizing the fact that title-holding has become a firmly rooted institution among the Egba Muslims the paper offers a number of recommendations for the restructure of the institution for better administration of the people and further development of Islam in Egbaland in particular and Yorubaland in genera

    Depression, Self-Esteem and Sociodemographic Determinants of Suicidal Ideation Among University Undergraduates

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    The study examined the direct effects and interaction effects of depression, self-esteem, age and religious affiliation on suicidal ideation. A total of 241 (Mean age=18.89; female=52.7%) university undergraduates in a Nigerian university that were selected through convenient sampling procedure responded to the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Beck Depression Scale (Short form) and Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire. Results of the Two-Way ANOVA revealed a between subject significant main effect of depression, (F = 11.27, p<.05, Æžp2 = .089) and a non-significant main effects of self-esteem, (F= 1.82, p>.05, Æžp2 = .015) on suicidal ideation. The interaction effect was not found to be significant (F= .49, p<.05, Æžp2 = .008). however, age (F = 8.06, p<.01, Æžp2 = .064) and religious affiliation (F = 9.41, p<.05, Æžp2 = .038) were also found to have significant main effects and interaction effects (F = 40.85, p<.01, Æžp2 = .045) on respondents' suicidal ideation. The study concluded that depression, age and religious affiliation influenced suicidal ideation among college students

    Interface between Religion and Culture: A Critical Study of the Infiltration of Yoruba Tradition on the Practice of Title-Holding Among Egba Muslims of Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Title-holding is an age long practice before the penetration of Islam in Egbaland an area predominantly inhabited by the Yoruba speaking people of Ogun State Nigeria The acceptance of Islam by the Egbas reformed to a large extent the socio-religious and cultural lives of the people The Yoruba traditional systems of marriage naming and burial rites were among others influenced and reformed by Islam However a good number of the Egbas like other Yoruba tribes which profess Islam still retain some of their cultural beliefs and traditions Consequently there was an infiltration of Yoruba tradition and culture on certain Islamic practices and rites such as marriage naming and funeral rites Such infiltration can also be noticed in title-holding among the people This paper therefore critically appraises the fusion of the Yoruba traditional elements to the Islamic practice of the title-holding among Egba Muslims The paper adopts the historical approach establishing the institutionalization of titleholding in Islam It then x-rays the practice of title-holding among the people The paper then considers the similarities between the Muslim titles and the traditional titles patterned along the traditional set up among the four sections of the people Realizing the fact that title-holding has become a firmly rooted institution among the Egba Muslims the paper offers a number of recommendations for the restructure of the institution for better administration of the people and further development of Islam in Egbaland in particular and Yorubaland in genera

    Social Support and Work-Family Balance of Manufacturing Companies’ Employee with Self-Efficacy as a Mediator

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    Past studies reported that social support correlated with work-family balance. However, the role of self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and work-family balance among the manufacturing sector employees is missing. Therefore, this study examined the indirect effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between social support and work-family balance. A sample of 456 (F=26.8%; mean age=31.55) manufacturing sector employees that were selected through the stratified sampling technique responded to the Work-Family Balance Scale, Social Support Questionnaire, and Self-Efficacy Scale. Results of the correlation analysis revealed that social support from family and co-workers positively associated with work-family balance. Self-efficacy was also found to relate positively to social support and work-family balance. Mediation analysis, using Hayes Process Macro, showed that self-efficacy had an indirect effect on the relationship between social support and work-family balance among employees of food and beverage companies. Improved social support from co-workers and family can assist manufacturing sector employees to balance the demands from both domains.

    A-21 Day Safety Evaluation Of Methanol Extract Of Stem Bark of Artocarpus Altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (Moraceae) in Wistar Rats

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    Background: Medicinal plants have been used as therapeutic agents since prehistoric era. Artocarpus altilis (Breadfruit) is used in African traditional medicine to treat hypertension with scanty information on its safety profile in animals.Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the toxicological effects of oral administration of methanol extract of Artocarpus altilis (MEAA) in rats.Materials and Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups of 5 animals each and were treated orally with corn oil (control), 100, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg of MEAA for twenty one days.Results: MEAA caused insignificant (p>0.05) changes in the activities of serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT and AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) relative to the control. Cardiac and hepatic AST (114.8±4.8 and (111.0±1.0) serum urea (1.1±0.2), creatinine (0.3±0.1), lactate dehydrogenase (17.3±5.8) and creatinine kinase (15.5±4.4) were significantly decreased (p<0.05) in rats treated with 2000 mg/kg of MEAA when compared to control [(134.8±5.8 and 129.7±5.0), 2.94±0.3, 0.4±0.1, 38.5±13.3 and 41.3±2.9]. The MEAA significantly decreased (p<0.05) serum total cholesterol and triglyceride while high density lipoprotein- cholesterol (HDL-c) level was increased. Histopathological examination of liver, kidney and aorta slides from MEAA- treated rats showed little alteration from the control.Conclusions: The MEAA could be safe when used over a long period for therapeutic purposes.Keywords: Artocarpus altilis, biochemical indices, lipid parameters, toxicity profile

    Moderated Mediation Roles Of Happiness And Family Type On Self-Acceptance And Relationship Satisfaction

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    Self-acceptance has been established to enhance romantic relationship experiences among college students. However, the mechanism for the stablished link is missing. Therefore, this study examined the link between self-acceptance and relationship satisfaction as well as the mediating role of happiness in the association between self-acceptance and relationship satisfaction among college students. It also investigated the moderated mediated role of family type in the relationship. Participants consisted of 275 (Female = 42.9%; Mean age = 21.11, SD = 1.64) who responded to the Relationship Satisfaction Scale, Self-Acceptance and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. Data were analysed with the Pearson Product Moment Corellation and Hayes PROCESS Macro statistical tools. A positive association was found beween  self-acceptance, happiness and  relationship satisfaction. Further, happiness had a mediating effect on the association between self-acceptance and relationship satifaction among university undergraduate students. Results of the moderated mediation analysis showed that the indirect effect of happiness in the self-acceptance – relationship staifaction link was greater among those with monogamous family type than those with polygamous family type. Early exposure of children to social and recreational activities by parents and relevant stakeholders could enhance their self-acceptance, happiness and consequently better realationship experiences

    The Civilian Vascular Trauma in a Low‑Income Country: The Determinant Factors of Morbidity and Mortality

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    Background: Civilian vascular injury is relatively common in the West African subregion, but it is highly underreported. Aim/Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the patients managed for civilian vascular surgeries and to determine the factors causing morbidity and mortality in low‑income countries. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study spanning a period of 13 years (2007–2019) of civilian vascular injuries managed in a tertiary hospital in a low‑income country. We obtained data from our hospital record department. Data obtained and analyzed were demography, etiology, vessels affected, pattern of presentation, stratification, and treatment. Results: Within the envisaged period, 58 patients were affected in civilian vascular trauma with a mean of 4.5 cases per year. The male‑to‑female ratio was 0.9:0.1. The age range of patients affected was from 0–10 to 71–80, with the age group of 21–30 years being the most affected. Male was more affected (87.9%). Motor vehicle crashes were the most common etiology agent (42.0%). The femoral artery was the most commonly injured vessel (31.3%). In the pattern of presentation, bleeding with shock was dominant (49.8%). Lateral tarsorrhaphy accounted for the major vascular treatment interventions (30.2%). Conclusion: The outcome was very variable and depended on warm ischemic time, type and/or mechanism of injury, collateral blood supply at the site of injury, and comorbidity. Keywords: Amputation, civilian, injury, vascular, warm ischemic tim

    Development of a Compact and Accurate Auto-Update Digital Clock with Real-Time Location Display using Organic Light Emitting Diode and Crystal Oscillator

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    Research has been going on for a lengthy time on digital clocks but with restraints to auto-updating based totally on location. The objective of the paper is to produce a portable and accurate auto-update digital watch (clock) that shows the real time and the current location of the user with the aid of crystal oscillator to generate clock pulses which interfaced with the GPS modules with organic light-emitting diode (OELD). The system was able to automatically update the co-ordinate of locations whenever the user moves from one place to another, It also auto-update time whenever the battery is removed and reinserted or when switched OFF and then switch ON after sometime. It also eliminate the stretch associated with time adjustment whenever the battery is down and replaced or when the watch is switched OFF and then ON. It performed satisfactorily and as a result, the system can be adapted and integrated to the new technology of modern watch as it can be adopted by the user to locate his/her position at any point in time

    Analysis of Electrical Faults Caused by Natural Phenomena in the Distribution System of Lagos State, Nigeria

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    This paper analysed empirical system data of nature-induced electrical faults, its variation, and ratings in the distribution networks of Lagos State, Nigeria, which affect the power distribution system infrastructure, end-users of electricity, and the economic development of the distribution companies, consumers, and the nation at large. Fault-based outage data (at installed 11 kV and 33 kV nominal network voltages) were obtained and analysed by natural phenomena (NPs) using relative frequency, seasonal variation, and probabilistic statistics. From obtained results, the following were established: NP-induced electrical faults are prevalent in the distribution systems of Lagos State, and it is more towards or closer to the mainland; vegetation (67%) and birds/snakes (24%) are the most predominant fault-causing NPs in the distribution networks; floods (0.1%) rarely cause electrical faults in these distribution networks despite being a coastal region; and NP-induced electrical faults vary periodically throughout the year. It was recommended that existing maintenance policy must be enhanced to control vegetation, birds, and reptile incursions into Lagos DNs. Modern software-based sensor technologies for monitoring vegetation growth and repelling bird/snake incursions in the network should be explored. Existing protection scheme should be evaluated for effectiveness in view of ensuing short circuit events from incidents of these NPs at various hotspots
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