5,823 research outputs found

    A dynamical metric and its ground state from the breaking down of the topological invariance of the Euler characteristic

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    Quantum state wave functionals are constructed in exact form for the graviton-like field theory obtained by breaking down the topological symmetry of the string action related with the Euler characteristic of the world-surface; their continuous and discrete symmetries are discussed. The comparison with the so-called Chern-Simons state, which may be inappropriate as quantum state, allows us to conclude that the found wave functionals will give a plausible approximation to the ground state for the considered field theory

    Gender gap in self-rated health: a cohort perspective in eastern European countries

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    Background: The relationship between self-rated health and gender differs across countries and generations. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of socioeconomic conditions on self-rated health from a generational perspective, its differential effect on gender, and its influence on the gender gap in order to explore health diversity using a multidisciplinary approach and considering policy implications in Eastern European countries. Methods: We used data drawn from the European Health Interview Survey for eight Eastern European countries and EUROSTAT from 2006 through to 2009. We conducted multilevel analyses to understand the individual and national health determinants of self-rated health by gender and to determine whether national differences remain after controlling for micro variables. In order to analyze the role of equity (Gini quartile) in gender differences, Oaxaca analyses were used. Results: The self-rated health gender gap increases with age. Individual characteristics, such as educational level or smoking, influence citizens’ perceived health, and have a stronger effect on women than on men. Knowing both the characteristics (endowment effects) and the effects of individual characteristics (coefficient effects) on health is important in order to understand gender gaps among people from the silent generation. Conclusions: Our research indicates that random effects are greater for men than for women. Moreover, random effects might be explained to a certain extent by economic equity (Gini index). The combined effects of gender, cohort, and geographical differences on self-rated health have to be taken into account to develop public health policies. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Potencial redox en suelos de la zona de Cabo de Gata (Almería)

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos la relación entre el potencial redox y una serie de factores que lo condicionan, en un total de ocho perfiles procedentes de la zona de Cabo de Gata (Almeria) y desarrollados todos ellos sobre roca caliza o rica en carbonato cálcico bajo clima subdesérticocálido. Encontramos que el valer del Eh está relacionado con los contenidos en materia orgánica y manganeso y con el valor del pH, en cambio no guarda relación con el contenido en hierro.In the present papel' we study the relationship among redox potential and some of the factors that they condition it, in eight soil profils from Cabo de Gata región (Almeria-Spain), all them al'e developed on limestone or other richo in calcium carbonate, rocks. The climate is warm subdesertic. We found the Eh value Eh related with the amounts of organic matter and manganese and the pH value. The Eh value is not related with the iron content

    Frequency and type of adverse analytical findings in athletics: Differences among disciplines.

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    Athletics is a highly diverse sport that contains a set of disciplines grouped into jumps, throws, races of varying distances, and combined events. From a physiological standpoint, the physical capabilities linked to success are quite different among disciplines, with varying involvements of muscle strength, muscle power, and endurance. Thus, the use of banned substances in athletics might be dictated by physical dimensions of each discipline. Thus, the aim of this investigation was to analyse the number and distribution of adverse analytical findings per drug class in athletic disciplines. The data included in this investigation were gathered from the Anti-Doping Testing Figure Report made available by the World Anti-Doping Agency (from 2016 to 2018). Interestingly, there were no differences in the frequency of adverse findings (overall, 0.95%, range from 0.77 to 1.70%) among disciplines despite long distance runners having the highest number of samples analysed per year ( 9812 samples/year). Sprinters and throwers presented abnormally high proportions of adverse analytical findings within the group of anabolic agents (p < 0.01); middle- and long-distance runners presented atypically high proportions of findings related to peptide hormones and growth factors (p < 0.01); racewalkers presented atypically high proportions of banned diuretics and masking agents (p = 0.05). These results suggest that the proportion of athletes that are using banned substances is similar among the different disciplines of athletics. However, there are substantial differences in the class of drugs more commonly used in each discipline. This information can be used to effectively enhance anti-doping testing protocols in athletics.post-print1.911 K

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a lifestyle modification programme in the prevention and treatment of subclinical, mild and moderate depression in primary care: A randomised clinical trial protocol

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    Introduction Major depression is a highly prevalent pathology that is currently the second most common cause of disease-induced disability in our society. The onset and continuation of depression may be related to a wide variety of biological and psychosocial factors, many of which are linked to different lifestyle aspects. Therefore, health systems must design and implement health promotion and lifestyle modification programmes (LMPs), taking into account personal factors and facilitators. The main objective of this protocol is to analyse the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and cost utility of an LMP and an LMP with information and communication technologies (ICTs) as adjunctive treatment for depression in primary care patients. The secondary objectives are to analyse the clinical effectiveness in the subgroup that presents comorbidity and to analyse the correlation between personal factors on health behaviour and lifestyle patterns. Methods and analysis A randomised, multicenter pragmatic clinical trial with three parallel groups consisting of primary healthcare patients suffering from subclinical, mild or moderate depression. The following interventions will be used: (1) Usual antidepressant treatment with psychological advice and/or psychotropic drugs prescribed by the general practitioner (treatment as usual (TAU)). (2) TAU+LMP. A programme to be imparted in six weekly 90-minute group sessions, intended to improve the following aspects: behavioural activation+daily physical activity+adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern+sleep hygiene+careful exposure to sunlight. (3) TAU+LMP+ICTs: healthy lifestyle recommendations (TAU+LMP)+monitoring using ICTs (a wearable smartwatch). The primary outcome will be the depressive symptomatology and the secondary outcomes will be the quality of life, the use of health and social resources, personal factors on health behaviour, social support, lifestyle patterns and chronic comorbid pathology. Data will be collected before and after the intervention, with 6-month and 12-month follow-ups. Ethics and dissemination This study has been approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Aragón (approval number: C.P.-C.I. PI18/286) and the Research Ethics Committee of the Balearic Islands (IB3950/19 PI). Data distribution will be anonymous. Results will be disseminated via conferences and papers published in peer-reviewed, open-access journals. Trial registration number ClinicalTrials.gov Registry (NCT03951350)

    Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with natural and human-made disasters in the World Mental Health Surveys

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    Background: Research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following natural and human-made disasters has been undertaken for more than three decades. Although PTSD prevalence estimates vary widely, most are in the 20–40% range in disaster-focused studies but considerably lower (3–5%) in the few general population epidemiological surveys that evaluated disaster-related PTSD as part of a broader clinical assessment. The World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys provide an opportunity to examine disaster-related PTSD in representative general population surveys across a much wider range of sites than in previous studies. Method: Although disaster-related PTSD was evaluated in 18 WMH surveys, only six in high-income countries had enough respondents for a risk factor analysis. Predictors considered were socio-demographics, disaster characteristics, and pre-disaster vulnerability factors (childhood family adversities, prior traumatic experiences, and prior mental disorders). Results: Disaster-related PTSD prevalence was 0.0–3.8% among adult (ages 18+) WMH respondents and was significantly related to high education, serious injury or death of someone close, forced displacement from home, and pre-existing vulnerabilities (prior childhood family adversities, other traumas, and mental disorders). Of PTSD cases 44.5% were among the 5% of respondents classified by the model as having highest PTSD risk. Conclusion: Disaster-related PTSD is uncommon in high-income WMH countries. Risk factors are consistent with prior research: severity of exposure, history of prior stress exposure, and pre-existing mental disorders. The high concentration of PTSD among respondents with high predicted risk in our model supports the focus of screening assessments that identify disaster survivors most in need of preventive interventions

    Constraints on the parameters of radiatively decaying dark matter from the dark matter halo of the Milky Way and Ursa Minor

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    We improve the earlier restrictions on parameters of the dark matter (DM) in the form of a sterile neutrino. The results were obtained from non-observing the DM decay line in the X-ray spectrum of the Milky Way (using the recent XMM-Newton PN blank sky data). We also present a similar constraint coming from the recent XMM-Newton observation of Ursa Minor -- dark, X-ray quiet dwarf spheroidal galaxy. The new Milky way data improve on (by as much as the order of magnitude at masses ~3.5 keV) existing constraints. Although the observation of Ursa Minor has relatively poor statistics, the constraints are comparable to those recently obtained using observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud or M31. This confirms a recent proposal that dwarf satellites of the MW are very interesting candidates for the DM search and dedicated studies should be made to this purpose.Comment: 8 pp. v.2 - Final version to appear in A&

    P67 195. Cirugía del tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo en el enfermo crítico

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    La extracción de los trombos pulmonares en el tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo antes de 1953 (operación de Trendelenburg) cosechó fracaso tras fracaso. Desde el advenimiento de la circulación extracorpórea (CEC) el porcentaje de éxito de esta operación mejoró notablemente, no habiendo dejado de aumentar hasta la actualidad, existiendo series que reflejan porcentajes de hasta el 94% de supervivencia inmediata, con 86 y 83% de supervivencia actuarial a 1 y 3años.Presentamos un caso de paciente varón de 35años sin enfermedad previa ni antecedentes familiares de enfermedad tromboembólica. Consulta por insuficiencia respiratoria, siendo diagnosticado por tomografía computarizada de tromboembolismo en AP izquierda, la cual ocluye. El ECO-Doppler de MMII descarta trombosis venosa profunda (TVP). Una nueva tomografía computarizada informa de persistencia de la obstrucción de AP izquierda y sus ramas, que parece haber aumentado. En ecocardiografía transtorácica (ETT) dilatación de cavidades derechas con función de ventrículo derecho (VD) normal y presión sistólica de la arteria pulmonar (PSAP) de 70 mmHg. Los estudios para investigar trombofilia fueron negativos.Tras unos días empeora su situación, produciéndose dos paradas cardiorrespiratorias, de las que es reanimado y tratado inmediatamente con TNK. La tomografía computarizada muestra la existencia de nuevo episodio de tromboembolismo pulmonar que afecta a la AP derecha gravemente.Es intervenido quirúrgicamente bajo CEC sin parada circulatoria, extrayéndose molde trombótico de tronco y ambas ramas de la AP. La evolución postoperatoria fue favorable. En tomografía computarizada de control se observan limpios el tronco y las ramas de la AP, con cierto compromiso en ramas subsegmentarias de la AP izquierda.Se muestran imágenes de la intervención y tomografía computarizada pre y posquirúrgicas

    Indirect signals from light neutralinos in supersymmetric models without gaugino mass unification

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    We examine indirect signals produced by neutralino self-annihilations, in the galactic halo or inside celestial bodies, in the frame of an effective MSSM model without gaugino-mass unification at a grand unification scale. We compare our theoretical predictions with current experimental data of gamma-rays and antiprotons in space and of upgoing muons at neutrino telescopes. Results are presented for a wide range of the neutralino mass, though our discussions are focused on light neutralinos. We find that only the antiproton signal is potentially able to set constraints on very low-mass neutralinos, below 20 GeV. The gamma-ray signal, both from the galactic center and from high galactic latitudes, requires significantly steep profiles or substantial clumpiness in order to reach detectable levels. The up-going muon signal is largely below experimental sensitivities for the neutrino flux coming from the Sun; for the flux from the Earth an improvement of about one order of magnitude in experimental sensitivities (with a low energy threshold) can make accessible neutralino masses close to O, Si and Mg nuclei masses, for which resonant capture is operative.Comment: 17 pages, 1 tables and 5 figures, typeset with ReVTeX4. The paper may also be found at http://www.to.infn.it/~fornengo/papers/indirect04.ps.gz or through http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/. Limit from BR(Bs--> mu+ mu-) adde

    Integrated molecular signaling involving mitochondrial dysfunction and alteration of cell metabolism induced by tyrosine kinase inhibitors in cancer

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    Cancer cells have unlimited replicative potential, insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals, evasion of apoptosis, cellular stress, and sustained angiogenesis, invasiveness and metastatic potential. Cancer cells adequately adapt cell metabolism and integrate several intracellular and redox signaling to promote cell survival in an inflammatory and hypoxic microenvironment in order to maintain/expand tumor phenotype. The administration of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) constitutes the recommended therapeutic strategy in different malignancies at advanced stages. There are important interrelationships between cell stress, redox status, mitochondrial function, metabolism and cellular signaling pathways leading to cell survival/death. The induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest widely related to the antitumoral properties of TKIs result from tightly controlled events involving different cellular compartments and signaling pathways. The aim of the present review is to update the most relevant studies dealing with the impact of TKI treatment on cell function. The induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and Ca2+ disturbances, leading to alteration of mitochondrial function, redox status and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-protein kinase B (Akt)-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathways that involve cell metabolism reprogramming in cancer cells will be covered. Emphasis will be given to studies that identify key components of the integrated molecular pattern including receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) downstream signaling, cell death and mitochondria-related events that appear to be involved in the resistance of cancer cells to TKI treatments.This study was funded by Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCiii) (PI16/00090, PI19/00838 and PI19/01266), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2016-80006-P), Andalusian Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment (BIO-216 and CTS-6264), Andalusian Ministry of Equality, Health and Social Policies (PI-0198-2016) and Valencian Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (PROMETEO/2019/027). P de la C-O was supported by FPU predoctoral fellowship (FPU17/00026) from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. E N-V was supported by the the predoctoral i-PFIS IIS-enterprise contract in science and technologies in health (IFI18/00014) from ISCiii. We thank the Biomedical Research Network Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (CIBERcv), and the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd) founded by the ISCiii and co-financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) "A way to achieve Europe" for their financial support