16 research outputs found

    Renormalization in Coulomb gauge QCD

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    In the Coulomb gauge of QCD, the Hamiltonian contains a non-linear Christ-Lee term, which may alternatively be derived from a careful treatment of ambiguous Feynman integrals at 2-loop order. We investigate how and if UV divergences from higher order graphs can be consistently absorbed by renormalization of the Christ-Lee term. We find that they cannot.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figure

    Renormalization of Wilson Operators in Minkowski space

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    We make some comments on the renormalization of Wilson operators (not just vacuum -expectation values of Wilson operators), and the features which arise in Minkowski space. If the Wilson loop contains a straight light-like segment, charge renormalization does not work in a simple graph-by-graph way; but does work when certain graphs are added together. We also verify that, in a simple example of a smooth loop in Minkowski space, the existence of pairs of points which are light-like separated does not cause any extra divergences.Comment: plain tex, 8 pages, 5 figures not include

    Feynman rules for Coulomb gauge QCD

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    The Coulomb gauge in nonabelian gauge theories is attractive in principle, but beset with technical difficulties in perturbation theory. In addition to ordinary Feynman integrals, there are, at 2-loop order, Christ-Lee (CL) terms, derived either by correctly ordering the operators in the Hamiltonian, or by resolving ambiguous Feynman integrals. Renormalization theory depends on the subgraph structure of ordinary Feynamn graphs. The CL terms do not have subgraph structure. We show how to carry out enormalization in the presene of CL terms, by re-expressing these as `pseudo-Feynman' inegrals. We also explain how energy divergences cancel.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figue

    Linear energy divergences in Coulomb gauge QCD

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    The structure of linear energy divergences is analysed on the example of one graph to 3-loop order. Such dangerous divergences do cancel when all graphs are added, but next to leading divergences do not cancel out.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    The Gluon Propagator in the Coulomb Gauge

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    We give the results for all the one-loop propagators, including finite parts, in the Coulomb gauge. In finite parts we find new non-rational functions in addition to the single logarithms of the Feynman gauge. Of course, the two gauges must agree for any gauge invariant function. We revise the manuscript hep-th/0311118v2 and Eur.Phys.J.C37, 307-313(2004) in accordance with the notation and correct Feynman rules for the Coulomb gauge in Minkowski space found in [16]. The high-energy behaviour of the proper two-point functions is added in Appendix C.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, discussion extented, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    D00D_{00} Propagator in the Coulomb Gauge

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    The time-time component of the gluon propagator in the Coulomb gauge is believed to provide a long-range confining force. We give the result, including finite parts, for the D00 D_{00} propagator to order g2 g^2 in the Coulomb gauge.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    The pinch technique at two-loops: The case of mass-less Yang-Mills theories

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    The generalization of the pinch technique beyond one loop is presented. It is shown that the crucial physical principles of gauge-invariance, unitarity, and gauge-fixing-parameter independence single out at two loops exactly the same algorithm which has been used to define the pinch technique at one loop, without any additional assumptions. The two-loop construction of the pinch technique gluon self-energy, and quark-gluon vertex are carried out in detail for the case of mass-less Yang-Mills theories, such as perturbative QCD. We present two different but complementary derivations. First we carry out the construction by directly rearranging two-loop diagrams. The analysis reveals that, quite interestingly, the well-known one-loop correspondence between the pinch technique and the background field method in the Feynman gauge persists also at two-loops. The renormalization is discussed in detail, and is shown to respect the aforementioned correspondence. Second, we present an absorptive derivation, exploiting the unitarity of the SS-matrix and the underlying BRS symmetry; at this stage we deal only with tree-level and one-loop physical amplitudes. The gauge-invariant sub-amplitudes defined by means of this absorptive construction correspond precisely to the imaginary parts of the nn-point functions defined in the full two-loop derivation, thus furnishing a highly non-trivial self-consistency check for the entire method. Various future applications are briefly discussed.Comment: 29 pages, uses Revtex, 22 Figures in a separate ps fil

    propagator in the Coulomb gauge

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