203 research outputs found

    Intercultural Communication in the Cultural Dimension

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    The article deals with the problem of intercultural communication as an autonomous phenomenon in culture. In the analysis of the terminological instability of the definition of this phenomenon, the structuring of its ontological characteristics is proposed. Intercultural communication is defined in the characteristics of the communicative subject. The role of intercultural communications in the symbolic world of human existence is proved. Keywords: subject, culture, intercultural communication, language, myth, art, religio

    Selection of Elements at the Dissolution of Heat Resistant Nickel Alloys in Mineral Acid Solutions

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    Thermodynamic modeling of the interaction of a heat-resistant nickel alloy containing refractory rare metals with hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acids with a temperature change in the range of 20-100 ∘ C and a concentration of 50 to 150 g / dm3 at a pressure of 1 atm was carried out. The thermodynamic assessment data were confirmed in experiments on the anodic dissolution of the alloy in sulfate solutions. According to the results of x-ray phase analysis of the sludge, it was revealed that tungsten in the form of a solid solution in nickel passes to this product. Also, tantalum and niobium pass into the slurry in the form of oxides. Mostly, Re, Co, Cr passed into the electrolyte solution. The results of the study can serve as a scientific basis for the development of promising technologies for processing metal waste from heat-resistant alloys. Keywords: thermodynamic modeling, heat resistant nickel alloy, rare elements, mineral acids, dissolutio

    Online book festival: trends, features, prospects

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    Исследуется явление книжных фестивалей, проводимых в онлайн-формате или отчасти использующих дистанционный формат. Значительное внимание уделяется анализу такого мероприятия, как Московская международная книжная ярмарка, и выявлению его специфики. Делается вывод о перспективности дальнейшего использования приемов и технологий, примененных в дистанционном формате проведения мероприятия.The article examines the phenomenon of book festivals held in an online format or partly using a distance format. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of such an event as the Moscow International Book Fair and the identification of its specifics. The conclusion is made about the prospects of using the techniques and technologies used in the remote format of the event


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    In the last decade, researchers and sports doctors have noted an in-crease incidence of students during their studies at the university. More of-ten this connected with lack of physical activity: every day students study for 6 hours a day and do homework for 6 hours. Besides, students, espe-cially first-year students, experience constant stress which can negatively affect the process of adaptation to learning. That is why it becomes espe-cially important to study the physical and mental conditions of first-year students which influences on the success of adaptation to the student envi-ronment. In this article are presented the results of research of first-year students of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Ural Federal University, studying on courses "Hotel business", "Service" and "Physical Culture". The following methods were used for the study: questioning, functional and psychological tests. 69 first-year students (17-18 years) IFCSaYP took part in the research. We researched physical and mental condition of studens based on the results of questionnaires, func-tional and psychological testing. As a result we proposed the conditions for improving the physical and mental condition of first-year students which make it possible to solve such problems as lack of phisical activity, increased morbidity and overcoming difficulties associated with the pro-cess of adaptation to the educational process at the university. In particu-lar, we are talking about the introduction of a physical pause, which uni-versities have recently ceased to apply. This can help students relax during the day, improve efficiency, to improve the assimilation of material and more quickly to find a common language with classmates and teachers combined common goal and common activities. Further development as a person and future specialist will depend on how successful a fist-year stu-dend adapts to study.В последнее десятилетие исследователи и спортивные врачи отмечают рост заболеваемости студентов во время обучения в вузе. При этом, чаще всего, это связано с недостаточной двигательной активностью: каждый день студенты проводят по 6 часов на парах в университете, столько же времени они посвящают самостоятельной подготовке, пребывая долгое время в сидячем положении. Кроме того студенты, особенно первокурсники, испытывают постоянное умственное и психическое напряжение, что может о-рицательно сказаться на процессе адаптации к обучению. В связи с этим становится особенно актуально изучить физическое и психическое состояние первокурсников, что напрямую влияет на успешность адаптации к студенческой среде. В работе представлены результаты исследования первокурсников Института физической культуры, спорта и молодежной политики (ИФКСиМП) Уральского Федерального университета (УрФУ), обучающихся на направлениях «Гостиничное дело», «Сервис» и «Физическая культура». Для прове-дения анализа использовались следующие методы исследования: анкетирование, функциональное и психологическое тестирование. В исследовании принимали участие 69 студентов первого курса (17-18 лет) ИФКСиМП. На основе результатов анкетирования, функционального и психологического тестирования проведен анализ физиче-ского и психического состояния студентов. Предложены условия улучшения физического и психического состояния первокурсников, позволяющие также решить такие актуальные проблемы, как недостаточная двигательная активность у студентов, повышенная заболеваемость и преодоление трудностей, связанных с процессом адаптации к учебному процессу в вузе. В частности речь идет о вве-дении физкультурной паузы, которую вузы в последнее время перестали применять. Это позволит студентам снять накопившуюся в течение дня усталость, повысить работоспособность, улучшить усвоение материала и быстрее найти общий язык с однокурсниками и преподавателями, объединенными общей целью и общей деятельностью. От того, насколько успешно бывший школьник впишется в новый учебный процесс, зависит его дальнейшее развитие как человека и будущего специалиста

    Knowledge management and knowledge regenerating: Main risks of modern liberal arts education

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    The article is devoted to analyzing the status of modern liberal arts education. Based on research of Russian educational system development general conditions, prerequisites to necessary development of new federal governmental educational standards, their advantages and disadvantages, are have been identified. It is particularly stressed that communicative society as a whole actualizes the problematic of subject-subjective relationships in social sphere and accordingly increases the meaningfulness of solving all educational problems within general logic of country development. In this event, the reverse determination is meaningful: the subject of educational process impacts on the status of those social spheres, in which he is incorporated. In this connection, the estimation is expressed that presently the educational system represents the dialectical unity of generating knowledge and the processes of regulating them. In this context, the attempt is undertaken to conceptualize main risks of liberal arts education. The meaningfulness of interdisciplinary investigations is shown on critical reflection peculiarities, subject’s linguistic field, status of academic knowledge. Main contours of minimizing the accentuated risks in education development are outlined. © 2018 Perspektivy Nauki i Obrazovania. All rights reserved

    Problems of Digitalization of Freedom

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    Статья посвящена проблеме трансформации свободы в условиях цифровизации всех социальных сфер. Акт уальность данного исследования детерминирована измененным характером экзистенции коммуникативного субъекта в условиях цифровой экономики. Изменения свободы прослежены в области новых социальных отношений, в области правового измерения свободы, на уровне свободы как личного чувства человека. Доказательно показано, что при всех внешних трансформациях сущность свободы современного человека преемственна с ее традиционным пониманием.The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of freedom in the conditions of digitalization of all social spheres. The relevance of this research is determined by the changed nature of the existence of a communicative subject in the digital economy. Changes in freedom are traced in the field of new social relations, in the field of the legal dimension of freedom, at the level of freedom as a personal feeling of a person. It is proved that in all external transformations, the essence of modern man’s freedom is consistent with its traditional understanding

    3D-Model of Education: Prospects of Distance Learning

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    В статье рассматриваются основания трансформации современной системы образования. Особое внимание уделено анализу форм дистанционного образования. Доказательно выделены основные риски таких форм обучения. В качестве минимизации рисков предложены направления выработки системы оценки качества получаемой квалификации.The article discusses the foundations of the transformation of the modern education system. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the forms of distance education. Evidently, the main risks of such forms of education are highlighted. As a risk minimization, the directions of developing a system for assessing the quality of the obtained qualifications are proposed

    The Conflict of Knowledge and Competence: Challenges of the Time

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    В статье поднимается проблема конфликтного состояния современной системы образования. Особое внимание уделено соотношению эффективности академического знания и skills в процессах обучения. Специально проанализированы причины конфликтного состояния знания будущего специалиста. Доказательно обоснована трансформированная роль получаемых в процессе обучения компетенций.The article raises the problem of the conflict state of the modern education system. Special attention is paid to the ratio of the effectiveness of academic knowledge and skills in the learning processes. The reasons of the conflict state of knowledge of the future specialist are specially analyzed. The transformed role of the competencies obtained in the learning process is proved

    Voluntary Refusal to Commit a Crime: Significance, General and Special Signs

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    The article describes and examines the significance of the rule of the voluntary refusal to commit a crime, as well as explores its general and special signs. It is noted that the voluntary refusal to commit a crime is the rule contained in any modern, progressive law. In this vein, there are different theoretical approaches to the determination of its value and signs. The signs are debatable in nature, and their establishment by the law enforcer may cause difficulties. The difference between voluntary refusal to commit a crime, which is implemented in three functions, is determined, definitions of general signs of voluntary refusal are proposed, their content is clarified. Special signs of voluntary refusal are disclosed

    The main participants of innovation climate development (on the example of the Russian federation)

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    The article describes the main participants of innovation activity and innovation infrastructure, which includes such important categories as subject and object of innovation activity and the most important elements of innovation infrastructure. We attempted to display illustratively the basic economic relations that can be between the subjects of innovation activity, at the same time as the main participants are considered government, business and households. As binders subjects are allocated venture funds, technology parks, and business incubators. The state of innovation climate in the Russian regions can not be considered as favorable, because the order of interaction between government, universities (science), and business prevents it