160 research outputs found

    Comparative proteomic study of pig muscle proteins during growth and development of an animal

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    The production of high-quality pork is closely related to the growth and development of muscle tissue. The present article provides a comparative proteomic research of l. dorsi, b. femoris, m. brachiocephalicus during the pigs’ growth and development (at age of 60 days and 180 days). This work was supported by data of electrophoretic methods: one-dimensional electrophoresis according to Laemmli with densitometric assessment in the ImageJ software and two-dimensional electrophoresis according to O’Farrell method with its further processing on the software ImageMaster. The mass spectrometric identification was conducted with the help of the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system connected to a mass spectrometer; further the data were interpreted by search algorithm Andromeda. When comparing frequency diagrams of one-dimensional electrophoregrams of all three muscle tissues of weaned pigs, the greatest difference was observed for the muscle sample l. dorsi. Comparison of diagrams of muscle tissue samples taken for mature pigs showed a great similarity of all three studied muscles samples. Within the framework of the research, the Fold indicator was calculated. The exceeding its value by more than 2 units is generally considered to be a statistically significant difference. When analyzing two-dimensional electrophoretograms of weaned pigs’ muscles, 18 protein fractions were revealed with Fold > 2. When examining the muscle tissue of mature pigs, 15 of those proteins were found; the differences were mostly detected in the minor protein fractions. The mass spectrometric analysis of the cut bands with well-pronounced differences from the onedimensional electrophoretogram revealed 214 proteins involved to a greater extent in cellular and metabolic processes, physical activity and localization. Growth and development protein — semaphorin‑6B (96.78 kDa) — was revealed in muscle tissue of l. dorsi, a. Also in l. dorsi and b. femoris the growth and development proteins were found: cadherin‑13 (78.23 kDa), cadherin‑7 (87.01 kDa), the F‑actin-cap protein beta subunit (30.66 kDa), and two uncharacterized proteins at 65.60 kDa and 63.88 kDa

    Some aspects of the study of the ethnic picture of the world

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    В статье рассматривается сущность и структура картины мира, особое внимание уделяется этнической картине мира, факторам и источникам ее формирования.The article considers the essence and structure of the picture of the world, focusing on ethnic picture of the world, factors and sources of its formation

    Comparative study of technologies for extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material of animal origin

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    Technologies of isolation and concentration of biologically active substances, developed in the middle of the 20th century, need adjustment and adaptation to modern conditions both to increase the activity of substances and for greater economic efficiency. The aim of the research is the comparison of dynamics of biologically active compounds extraction from porcines pancreas in two methods: the saline method based on 0.9% sodium chloride solution, and the acidic method based on 2.4% trichloroacetic acid solution. Also the purpose of research is to assess the possibilities for further optimization of technologies. The total protein concentration based on the biuret reaction in the samples taken during the extraction, as well as the calculation and analysis of the point degrees and rates of extraction are chosen as the controlled parameters. Local maxima of the protein yields into the extractant media at the 60th, 135th and 255th minute were recorded during saline extraction; and at the 75th and 135th minute during acid extraction. Also the proteomic profile of the extracts was studied. Wide range of compounds with molecular weight of less than 52 kDa was found in extracts based on physiological saline solution, and protein substances of whole presented range of molecular weights in trichloroacetic acid based extracts were considered. The predominance of low molecular weight protein fraction of interest was noted also in this method of extraction in comparison with the other methods of extraction. According to the UniProt database, we assume availability of probable compounds with a molecular weight of less than 30 kDa in the purified acidic extract. The presence of some proteins absent in the final saline extract was noted. The acidic erythrograms showed a weak degrading effect of both types of extracts on the membranes of rat erythrocytes, as well as the cytoprotective effect of acidic ultrafiltrates (less than 3 kDa). The obtained results prove a better efficiency of trichloroacetic acid extraction method used for obtaining a mixture of a wide range of compounds, including biologically active substances of low molecular weight

    Professional Burnout of Faculty Members of Higher Educational Institutions

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of professional burnout of the academic staff of a number of Moscow higher educational institutions. This problem most often affects residents of large cities, due to the intense rhythm of the city and lack of time for personal life, wasted on the way from home to work and back. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a sociological study conducted by the authors in 2019 on the basis of FSBEI HE Russian State Social University (RSSU), FSBEI HE Moscow State Humanitarian and Economic University (MSHEU), and FSBEI HE Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RSUTS). The problem of the deteriorated psychological state of teachers leading to professional burnout is poorly developed and causes increased research and practical interest, and gives rise to the practical need to improve the development of measures for the prevention and avoidance of burnout. All the above makes further research activity highly relevant, and may be extremely necessary in some universities. This is evidenced by the results of the study.: It is of vital importance to take measures to prevent professional burnout of the academic staff and to develop a strategy for a teacher-based approach considering personal qualities and potential. The administration should consider psychological, spiritual, and labor characteristics of teachers for the formation and distribution of individual schedules of teachers. The Novelty of the study is in investigating the professional burnout of the academic staff of an institution in Moscow

    The Image of Municipalities

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    Purpose of the study: The aim of this study is to investigate the image of municipalities and also to determine the things that give the city a positive image of the territory. Methodology: The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the ideas and paradigms that were developed in the works of leading domestic sociologists, cult urologists, economists, and marketers. The applied individual methods include comparative analysis, typology, classification method, questionnaire, method of analysis of social factors and events Results: The Program of socio-economic development must be amended in the form of a subprogram for the formation of a positive image of the municipality of Chekhov, since today there are no projects or programs aimed at creating a positive image of the municipality to one degree or another, its popularization and perception among the local population and among tourists. Moreover, information support of the main assets of the municipality of Chekhov (information about the advantages of the territory, photographs and advertising leaflets) in social networks, the media, on the Internet, that is, marketing of historical and cultural heritage with a priority on the work of A.P. Chekhov Applications of this study: The formation of a favorable image is of fundamental importance primarily for residents of the municipality. It affects the creation and support of social optimism among the population, trust in the authorities and confidence in the future. Novelty of the study: The image of the municipality is formed from the priority elements of its structure and a set of certain factors of development and promotion of the territory. So, the novelty of this study is to asses this image in modern life

    Towards retrieving dispersion profiles using quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography and Machine Learnin

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    Artefacts in quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography are considered detrimental because they scramble the images even for the simplest objects. They are a side effect of autocorrelation which is used in the quantum entanglement mimicking algorithm behind this method. Interestingly, the autocorrelation imprints certain characteristics onto an artefact - it makes its shape and characteristics depend on the amount of dispersion exhibited by the layer that artefact corresponds to. This unique relationship between the artefact and the layer's dispersion can be used to determine Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) values of object layers and, based on them, build a dispersion-contrasted depth profile. The retrieval of GVD profiles is achieved via Machine Learning. During training, a neural network learns the relationship between GVD and the artefacts' shape and characteristics, and consequently, it is able to provide a good qualitative representation of object's dispersion profile for never-seen-before data: computer-generated single dispersive layers and experimental pieces of glass.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The impact of a local supply chain strategy on regional economic

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    Abstract- The aim of this research is to explore socio-economic risks and challenges, in the modern globalized production landscape from an end-to-end supply chain perspective. Given the sensitivity of a Russian regional economy contribution to its supply chains, any improvement in supply chains strategy will be beneficial for mines and their stakeholders. The objectives of this work were to: (i) test the hypothesis that supply chain management strategy, by mines in a region, significantly affects regional economy; and (ii) develop a methodology to identify the critical backward commodities of a regional economic sector. The complexity of the strategic development of the region is conditioned by the fact that it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of all cities and settlements, to be able to integrate their plans into a single document, which allows to build a single development strategy for the entire territory. The development of a regional development strategy is the most important task of both regional science and the practical activities of regional authorities. The relevance of the study concerning the processes and tools of strategic planning for the development of Russian Federation constituent entities is conditioned by the fact that the quality of strategic documents that determines the success of the territory development in modern, dynamically developing socio-economic conditions. At present, the main agency responsible for the strategic approach to the development of the territory is the Ministry of Economic Development of the corresponding territory, which, in conjunction with the regional government, other ministries and departments, forms a document defining the main development vectors of the Russian Federation constituent entity, and the Ministry is responsible for the quality of this document. Orientation to the strengths or weaknesses of the region can act as the principles for the regional development strategy creation, and the content of the strategy determines which sectors will be priority in terms of their development support, which will be provided with additional sources of financing, and which will be developed independently, without state close attention

    Gerenciamento de projetos no comércio de livros na Rússia: barreiras e perspectivas de desenvolvimento

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    The development of book-selling industry is one of the sources for new economy development - knowledge economy. However, in modern Russian conditions of high crisis uncertainty, the book industry experiences serious difficulties, and the Russian book-selling network is declining every year. One of the anti-crisis measures for book-selling companies is the finding of some ways to improve project management at an enterprise. The purpose of the article is to identify the key barriers to the implementation of project management at the enterprises of the book-selling industry in Russia, as well as to determine the prospects of a project management system development in this area. The empirical base consists of study results conducted in 2018 at the enterprises of the Russian modern general-purpose bookstores of the book-selling industry.On the basis of the conducted research, they identified the main problems that Russian book-selling enterprises face when they implement project management: an insufficient formalization of project management processes; the uncertainty of project manager status caused by the lack of real powers; the lack of participant motivation system in project activities based on the results of an employee performance evaluation; low level of communication management and the lack of a clear interaction interface between various functional units and groups, etc. To minimize the likelihood of identified problems during project implementation, a special attention should be paid to the organization of a formalized management system (the creation of project offices), taking into account the interests of all project participants, clearly define the organizational structure and align management procedures, and use recognized methodology - project management standards that will facilitate the formation of a team focused on a particular result.El desarrollo de la industria de la venta de libros es una de las fuentes para el desarrollo de nuevas economías: la economía del conocimiento. Sin embargo, en las condiciones modernas rusas de alta incertidumbre de crisis, la industria del libro experimenta serias dificultades, y la red rusa de venta de libros disminuye cada año. Una de las medidas contra la crisis para las empresas vendedoras de libros es encontrar algunas formas de mejorar la gestión de proyectos en una empresa. El propósito del artículo es identificar las barreras clave para la implementación de la gestión de proyectos en las empresas de la industria de venta de libros en Rusia, así como determinar las perspectivas de desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de proyectos en esta área. La base empírica consiste en resultados de estudios realizados en 2018 en las empresas de las modernas librerías de propósito general rusas de la industria de la venta de libros.Sobre la base de la investigación realizada, identificaron los principales problemas que enfrentan las empresas rusas de venta de libros cuando implementan la gestión de proyectos: una formalización insuficiente de los procesos de gestión de proyectos; la incertidumbre del estatus de gerente de proyecto causada por la falta de poderes reales; la falta de un sistema de motivación de los participantes en las actividades del proyecto basado en los resultados de la nivel de gestión de la comunicación y la falta de una interfaz de interacción clara entre varias unidades funcionales y grupos, etc. Para minimizar la probabilidad de problemas identificados durante la implementación del proyecto, se debe prestar especial atención a la organización de un sistema de gestión formalizado (la creación de las oficinas de proyectos), teniendo en cuenta los intereses de todos los participantes del proyecto, definen claramente la estructura organizativa y alinean los procedimientos de gestión, y utilizan una metodología reconocida: normas de gestión de proyectos que facilitarán la formación de un equipo centrado en un resultado particular.O desenvolvimento da indústria de livros vendidos é uma das fontes para o desenvolvimento da nova economia - a economia do conhecimento. No entanto, nas condições russas modernas de alta incerteza de crise, a indústria de livros experimenta sérias dificuldades, e a rede russa de venda de livros está declinando a cada ano. Uma das medidas anti-crise para as empresas de venda de livros é a descoberta de algumas maneiras de melhorar o gerenciamento de projetos em uma empresa. O objetivo do artigo é identificar as principais barreiras para a implementação do gerenciamento de projetos nas empresas da indústria de vendas de livros na Rússia, bem como determinar as perspectivas de desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento de projetos nessa área. A base empírica consiste nos resultados do estudo realizado em 2018 nas empresas das modernas livrarias russas de uso geral da indústria de venda de livros.Com base na pesquisa realizada, eles identificaram os principais problemas que as empresas russas de venda de livros enfrentam quando implementam o gerenciamento de projetos: uma formalização insuficiente dos processos de gerenciamento de projetos; a incerteza do status do gerente de projetos causada pela falta de poderes reais; a falta de sistema de motivação dos participantes nas atividades do projeto com base nos resultados de uma avaliação de desempenho do funcionário; baixo nível de gerenciamento de comunicação e falta de uma interface de interação clara entre várias unidades funcionais e grupos, etc. Para minimizar a probabilidade de problemas identificados durante a implementação do projeto, uma atenção especial deve ser dada à organização de um sistema de gestão formalizado (a criação dos escritórios do projeto), levando em conta os interesses de todos os participantes do projeto, definir claramente a estrutura organizacional e alinhar procedimentos de gestão, e usar metodologia reconhecida - padrões de gerenciamento de projetos que facilitarão a formação de uma equipe focada em um resultado particular

    Titanium compounds as catalysts of higher alpha-olefin-based super-high-molecular polymers synthesis

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    The synthesis of polymers of 10 million or more molecular weight is a difficult task even in a chemical lab. Higher α-olefin-based polymer agents of such kind have found a narrow but quite important niche, the reduction of drag in the turbulent flow of hydrocarbon fluids such as oil and oil-products. In its turn, searching for a catalytic system capable to produce molecules of such a high length and to synthesize polymers of a low molecular-mass distribution is part of a global task of obtaining a high-quality product. In this paper we had observed a number of industrial catalysts with respect to their suitability for higher poly-α- olefins synthesis. A number samples representing copolymers of 1-hexene with 1-decene obtained on a previous generation catalyst, a microsphere titanium chloride catalytic agent had been compared to samples synthesized using a titanium-magnesium catalyst both in solution and in a polymer medium


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of the study was the analysis of key labor market request content for the secondary education system, the level of employers' expectations compliance and actual learning outcomes, the research of resources and partnership interaction limitations of all interesting subjects in the process of an educational order development. Methodology: The main method was the questionnaire survey of experts (individual entrepreneurs, the heads of industrial and structural divisions) of Moscow (N = 316). The results of the expert survey showed the interest of employers in close cooperation with school in order to reflect the interests of the labor market in the educational order adequately. Results: The most motivated group is a small business, the leaders of the lowest level in the sphere of trade and service, who directly interact with the school graduates in the process of their early start of labor activity. The experts noted the problems in the development of the social competencies among schoolchildren: excessive self-esteem, an excessive level of claims, low level of willingness to work in a team, the lack of such qualities as responsiveness and responsibility. The cooperation between school and employers is limited to traditional sponsorship practices. The interaction of employers and educational institutions is quite fragmentary, it depends on a variety of random factors (personal and situational motives), which does not ensure the stability and the effectiveness of social partnership. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of Reflection of Labor Market Interests and Expectations in Educational Order for Contemporary School is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner