1,257 research outputs found

    DL-lite with attributes and datatypes

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    We extend the DL-Lite languages by means of attributes and datatypes. Attributes -- a notion borrowed from data models -- associate concrete values from datatypes to abstract objects and in this way complement roles, which describe relationships between abstract objects. The extended languages remain tractable (with a notable exception) even though they contain both existential and (a limited form of) universal quantification. We present complexity results for two most important reasoning problems in DL-Lite: combined complexity of knowledge base satisfiability and data complexity of positive existential query answering

    Spectral multiplicity for powers of weakly mixing automorphisms

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    We study the behavior of maximal multiplicities mm(Rn)mm (R^n) for the powers of a weakly mixing automorphism RR. For some special infinite set AA we show the existence of a weakly mixing rank-one automorphism RR such that mm(Rn)=nmm (R^n)=n and mm(Rn+1)=1mm(R^{n+1}) =1 for all nāˆˆAn\in A. Moreover, the cardinality cardm(Rn)cardm(R^n) of the set of spectral multiplicities for RnR^n is not bounded. We have cardm(Rn+1)=1cardm(R^{n+1})=1 and cardm(Rn)=2m(n)cardm(R^n)=2^{m(n)}, m(n)ā†’āˆžm(n)\to\infty, nāˆˆAn\in A. We also construct another weakly mixing automorphism RR with the following properties: mm(Rn)=nmm(R^{n}) =n for n=1,2,3,...,2009,2010n=1,2,3,..., 2009, 2010 but mm(T2011)=1mm(T^{2011}) =1, all powers (Rn)(R^{n}) have homogeneous spectrum, and the set of limit points of the sequence {mm(Rn)n:nāˆˆN}\{\frac{mm (R^n)}{n} : n\in \N \} is infinite

    A cookbook for temporal conceptual data modelling with description logic

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    We design temporal description logics suitable for reasoning about temporal conceptual data models and investigate their computational complexity. Our formalisms are based on DL-Lite logics with three types of concept inclusions (ranging from atomic concept inclusions and disjointness to the full Booleans), as well as cardinality constraints and role inclusions. In the temporal dimension, they capture future and past temporal operators on concepts, flexible and rigid roles, the operators `always' and `some time' on roles, data assertions for particular moments of time and global concept inclusions. The logics are interpreted over the Cartesian products of object domains and the flow of time (Z,<), satisfying the constant domain assumption. We prove that the most expressive of our temporal description logics (which can capture lifespan cardinalities and either qualitative or quantitative evolution constraints) turn out to be undecidable. However, by omitting some of the temporal operators on concepts/roles or by restricting the form of concept inclusions we obtain logics whose complexity ranges between PSpace and NLogSpace. These positive results were obtained by reduction to various clausal fragments of propositional temporal logic, which opens a way to employ propositional or first-order temporal provers for reasoning about temporal data models

    Sub-wavelength imaging: Resolution enhancement using metal wire gratings

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    An experimental evidence of subwavelength imaging with a "lens", which is a uniaxial negative permittivity wire medium slab, is reported. The slab is formed by gratings of long thin parallel conducting cylinders. Taking into account the anisotropy and spatial dispersion in the wire medium we theoretically show that there are no usual plasmons that could be exited on surfaces of such a slab, and there is no resonant enhancement of evanescent fields in the slab. The experimentally observed clear improvement of the resolution in the presence of the slab is explained as filtering out the harmonics with small wavenumbers. In other words, the wire gratings (the wire medium) suppress strong traveling-mode components increasing the role of evanescent waves in the image formation. This effect can be used in near-field imaging and detection applications.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Tractable interval temporal propositional and description logics

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    We design a tractable Horn fragment of the Halpern-Shaham temporal logic and extend it to interval-based temporal description logics, instance checking in which is P-complete for both combined and data complexity
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