2,279 research outputs found

    X-ray investigation of molten crystal hydrates H2SO4(nH2O) and HNO3(nH2O)

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    Integral analysis of the intensity of the electron density distribution curve in molten crystal hydrates provided by X-ray analysis, permits the following conclusions on the structure of the complex SO and NO ions, and the short-range order in the structure of the solution. The SO4 ion in the solution has a tetrahedral structure with an S to O distance equal to 1.5 A. For the NO3 in the solution, a planar triangular shape is probable, with an N to O distance equal to 1.2 A. Preferential distances between each of the oxygens of the SO ion and the nearest molecules of water proved near to the corresponding distances in solid crystal hydrates. For an (H2SO4)(H2O) solution, the average number of water molecules surrounding each oxygen atom of the SO4 (--) ion was on the order of 1.3 molecules. Hence the preferential distances between the water molecules and the oxygen atoms of the SO ion, and the preference of their mutual position, correspond to the fixed position of these same elements of the structure in the solid crystal hydrate

    Changes in the vector of industrial policy and possibilities for the innovative development of the industrial regions

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    In the present paper, reasons for the increased interest in industrial policy in both developed and developing countries are explained. The systematisation of the results of the development of Russian industry from 1989 to 2014 showed a lack of systematic selection of its priorities, preventing the formation of a strategic vector of industrial policy. The target diversity of the industrial policy is established at the different economic development stages of the country. In the context of economic sanctions against Russia, it is shown that the emergence of a new industrial policy vector is connected to the need for import substitution and concomitant changes in the development model of the domestic economy. The dynamics and characteristics of the industrial development area are shown by the example of a highly developed region like the Central Urals. The total level of organisational innovation activity continues to be low and composes only 12%, although in the manufacturing sector this index is higher than the regional economy index by four absolute percentage points. The industrial policy of the Central Urals is analysed and innovation drivers of the industrial sector of the regional economy are established. The possibilities of the defence, civil engineering, mining, chemical/pharmaceutical and forestry complexes of the Sverdlovsk Region to implement its import substitution policy are explained. The most significant investment projects that will reduce the import dependence of the regional economy are presented. The possibilities of the research sector and created innovation infrastructure of the region in solving this problem are shown. It is necessary to develop the regional laws on the elaboration of industrial policy according to the basic regulations of the Federal Law “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation.”This article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation Grant 14-02-00331 «Innovative and technological development of the region: assessment, forecasting and ways of achievement.

    Development of a Methodology for the Economic Assessment of Managerial Decisions as a Factor of Increased Economic Security

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    The article notes that the emergence of such a phenomenon as the interdependence of security and development, the so-called security-development nexus, becomes a determinant during the development of strategic documents at all hierarchical levels. It gives relevance to the search for methodological solutions that would on a strategic level take into account any potential threats to economic security, and on a tactical level provide for pragmatic actions that are not in conflict with the strategic development vector of business entities. The authors identify the instability factors that pose a real threat to economic security. They substantiate the expediency of forming a new model of the national economy development with a focal point on new industrialization. The article factors in the most important trends in the development of the global economy that determine the strategic vector of enhancing the economic security in Russia. It is ascertained that in the conditions of new industrialization, the intellectual core of the high-tech economy sector is formed by convergent technologies (NBICS technologies). The authors offer a methodological approach to the economic assessment of managerial decisions in the context of uncertainty. They also identify methodological principles that must be taken into account in developing a modern methodology for the economic assessment of business decisions. The principles include forming a preferred reality, or the so-called “vision of the future,” the priority of network solutions as the basis for the formation of new markets; mass customization and individualization of demands, principal changes in the profile of competences that ensure competitiveness on the labor market, use of the ideology of inclusive development and impact investment that creates common values. The proposed methodology is based on the optimum combination of traditional methods used for the economic assessment of managerial decisions with the method of real options and reflexive assessments with regard to entropy as a measure of uncertainty. The proposed methodological approach has been tested in respect of the Ural mining and metallurgical complex.The article has been prepared with the support of the grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 16–06–00403 "Modelling the Motivational Potentials of the Multi-subject Industrial Policy in the Context of New Industrialization"

    Development Trends and Economic Assessment of the Integration Processes on the Metals Market

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    In the present paper, reasons for the increased interest in industrial policy in both developed and developing countries are explained. The systematisation of the results of the development of Russian industry from 1989 to 2014 showed a lack of systematic selection of its priorities, preventing the formation of a strategic vector of industrial policy. The target diversity of the industrial policy is established at the different economic development stages of the country. In the context of economic sanctions against Russia, it is shown that the emergence of a new industrial policy vector is connected to the need for import substitution and concomitant changes in the development model of the domestic economy. The dynamics and characteristics of the industrial development area are shown by the example of a highly developed region like the Central Urals. The total level of organisational innovation activity continues to be low and composes only 12%, although in the manufacturing sector this index is higher than the regional economy index by four absolute percentage points. The industrial policy of the Central Urals is analysed and innovation drivers of the industrial sector of the regional economy are established. The possibilities of the defence, civil engineering, mining, chemical/pharmaceutical and forestry complexes of the Sverdlovsk Region to implement its import substitution policy are explained. The most significant investment projects that will reduce the import dependence of the regional economy are presented. The possibilities of the research sector and created innovation infrastructure of the region in solving this problem are shown. It is necessary to develop the regional laws on the elaboration of industrial policy according to the basic regulations of the Federal Law “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation.”This article was prepared with support of the Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities No. 14-32-01030

    The impact of the global distribution of bats on mortality in COVID-19 patients

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) originated in November 2019 in China and quickly spread throughout the world causing a disease named COVID-19. An analysis of the epidemiological data on morbidity and mortality caused by SARS-CoV-2 shows that, in some countries, namely Belgium, UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain, an increased case fatality rate (CFR) was noticed compared to the rest of the world. The CFR, calculated as the number of deaths from the total number of the cases, ranges in these countries from 10.22% to 15.8% according to the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM). At the same time, in the countries of Central and Northern Europe, this parameter varies between 3.78% and 4.94%. This significant heterogeneity in CFR between countries has not been given a convincing explanation yet. It was found that the precursor of SARS-CoV-2 is a virus circulating in bats in China. The mutations that occurred in this virus altered its receptor specificity, thereby enabling viral infection in humans. Bats are highly resistant to viral infections due to their robust interferon system and a reduced level of inflammatory reactions. Viruses replicate in these animals up to high titers without any substantial harm to their health. As a result, bats represent a large reservoir of viruses with the potential to infect other animals, including humans. The infection of people with bat (or human) betacoronaviruses can lead to the formation of memory B-cells that provide an accelerated antibody response to cross-reactive epitopes upon subsequent infection. The early emergence of neutralizing antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 patients correlates with the severity of the disease and the likelihood of a fatal outcome. The antibodydependent enhancement (ADE) of infection/disease known for various viruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, may be a possible cause of this phenomenon. In this article, we suggest a close connection between the distribution areas of bats carrying SARS-CoV-1-like viruses and the CFR from COVID-19.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) originated in November 2019 in China and quickly spread throughout the world causing a disease named COVID-19. An analysis of the epidemiological data on morbidity and mortality caused by SARS-CoV-2 shows that, in some countries, namely Belgium, UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain, an increased case fatality rate (CFR) was noticed compared to the rest of the world. The CFR, calculated as the number of deaths from the total number of the cases, ranges in these countries from 10.22% to 15.8% according to the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM). At the same time, in the countries of Central and Northern Europe, this parameter varies between 3.78% and 4.94%. This significant heterogeneity in CFR between countries has not been given a convincing explanation yet. It was found that the precursor of SARS-CoV-2 is a virus circulating in bats in China. The mutations that occurred in this virus altered its receptor specificity, thereby enabling viral infection in humans. Bats are highly resistant to viral infections due to their robust interferon system and a reduced level of inflammatory reactions. Viruses replicate in these animals up to high titers without any substantial harm to their health. As a result, bats represent a large reservoir of viruses with the potential to infect other animals, including humans. The infection of people with bat (or human) betacoronaviruses can lead to the formation of memory B-cells that provide an accelerated antibody response to cross-reactive epitopes upon subsequent infection. The early emergence of neutralizing antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 patients correlates with the severity of the disease and the likelihood of a fatal outcome. The antibodydependent enhancement (ADE) of infection/disease known for various viruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, may be a possible cause of this phenomenon. In this article, we suggest a close connection between the distribution areas of bats carrying SARS-CoV-1-like viruses and the CFR from COVID-19

    Boundary Between Stable and Unstable Regimes of Accretion

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    We investigated the boundary between stable and unstable regimes of accretion and its dependence on different parameters. Simulations were performed using a "cubed sphere" code with high grid resolution (244 grid points in the azimuthal direction), which is twice as high as that used in our earlier studies. We chose a very low viscosity value, with alpha-parameter alpha=0.02. We observed from the simulations that the boundary strongly depends on the ratio between magnetospheric radius r_m (where the magnetic stress in the magnetosphere matches the matter stress in the disk) and corotation radius r_cor (where the Keplerian velocity in the disk is equal to the angular velocity of the star). For a small misalignment angle of the dipole field, Theta=5 degrees, accretion is unstable if r_cor/r_m>1.35, and is stable otherwise. In cases of a larger misalignment angle of the dipole, Theta=20 degrees, instability occurs at slightly larger values, r_cor/r_m>1.41.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedings: "Physics at the Magnetospheric Boundary", Geneva, Switzerland, 25-28 June, 201

    Russia-EU energy efficiency cooperation in the Baltic region: the untapped potential

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    A stereotypical understanding of EU-Russia energy relations is often reduced to trade in oil and natural gas, which downplays the importance of energy efficiency cooperation. Such cooperation is promoted within the Energy Charter and its Treaty, Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, Energy Dialogue, Common Economic Space, Partnership for Modernisation. However, it lacks practical development, which relates to the instability of the legal environment in Russia, insufficient mechanisms of financial support for energy conservation projects and poor political support. Nevertheless, energy efficiency cooperation is capable of changing Russia-EU energy cooperation qualitatively: it offers a cheaper way to meet the needs of the EU, redefines interdependence between the parties, and introduces new elements of equality between them. Energy efficiency cooperation also transforms the patterns of the EU-Russia legal harmonization, creates new conditions for the convergence of regulations and the development of the middle class in Russia. Due to its specific features, cooperation in the Baltic Sea region becomes a locomotive of the Russia-EU energy efficiency cooperation, and, as a result, is capable of changing the quality of relations between the partners

    Targeting the principle implementation in the system of social support

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify the actual problems of implementing the principle of targeting in the social protection system in Russia and to develop a set of measures to transform the mechanism of its provision based on a differentiated approach, which implies not only differences in the size of social transfers, but also on various forms of such support. Design/Methodology/Approach: As the basic approaches of the study there were chosen the theory of social investment and the conception of result-based budgeting. The study suggested the development of a more effective financial support system, the substantiation of a differentiated approach to the organization of a social system based on a single method by determining the degree of financial vulnerability of citizens and the development of methodological recommendations on the use of financial instruments to strengthen the targeting of social protection of needy citizens. Findings: The article substantiates that the necessary condition for the transformation of the social protection system to strengthen the social and financial security of needy citizens is the development of a differentiated approach in the provision of social support measures. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be implemented into the management of social protection in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness by using the targeting of social transfers based on clear criteria of need, the differentiated approach implementation in determining the measures of social support through the use of "map of social support of citizens", expanding the application of social contract technology. Originality/Value: The set of measures proposed in the study will make it possible not only to adjust and direct social support to really needy recipients and to differentiate the volume of the support provided, but also to create conditions for the recipients of targeted protection to self-sufficiency, which, in turn, will contribute to the poverty reduction.peer-reviewe