11 research outputs found

    Plant sulfolipid. II. Mutant study and phosphate deficiency

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    Study with SQDG-deficient mutants showed that formation of the sulfonic acid precursor, UDP-sulfoquinovose, in higher plants is considered to be catalyzed by the orthologous plant proteins SQD1. The second required plant enzyme, SQD2, is highly similar to glycosyltransferases and it is proposed that this protein represents sulfolipid synthase. The results of recent works have shown that for the stable activity PS II needs the presence of SQDG and that it participates in PS II recovering through some mechanism dependent on light. Under phosphate-limiting conditions a decrease in the content of one acidic lipid (PG) was accompanied by an increase in the content of the other acidic lipid (SQDG), which resulted in the maintenance of a certain level of total acidic lipids of chloroplast membranes

    Response of photosynthetic apparatus of two Deschampsia species with different distribution areas on abiotic stress

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    Deschampsia antarctica (endemic of Antarctic region) and Deschampsia caespitosa (inhabitant of moderate climate regions) are two plant species of Poaceae. The influences of UV-B radiation and H₂O₂ on photosynthetic apparatus of these plants were studied.Deschampsia antarctica (ендемік Антарктичного регіону) і Deschampsia caespitosa (представник регіонів помірного клімату) – два види рослин родини Poaceae. Досліджували вплив УФ-В випромінювання та Н₂О₂ на фотосинтетичний апарат цих рослин.Deschampsia antarctica (эндемик Антарктического региона) и Deschampsia caespitosa (представитель регионов умеренного климата) – два вида растений семейства Poaceaе. Исследовали влияние УФ-В излучения и Н₂О₂ на фотосинтетический аппарат этих растений

    Sulpholipid reflects plant resistance to stress-factor action

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    Sulphoquinovosyl Diacylglycerol (SQDG) — The Sulpholipid of Higher Plants

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