1,501 research outputs found

    BTZ black hole from Poisson-Lie T-dualizable sigma models with spectators

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    The non-Abelian T-dualization of the BTZ black hole is discussed in detail by using the Poisson-Lie T-duality in the presence of spectators. We explicitly construct a dual pair of sigma models related by Poisson-Lie symmetry. The original model is built on a 2+12+1-dimensional manifold MO×G{\cal M} \approx O \times \bf G, where G\bf G as a two-dimensional real non-Abelian Lie group acts freely on M{\cal M}, while OO is the orbit of G\bf G in M{\cal M}. The findings of our study show that the original model indeed is canonically equivalent to the SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R}) Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model for a given value of the background parameters. Moreover, by a convenient coordinate transformation we show that this model describes a string propagating in a spacetime with the BTZ black hole metric in such a way that a new family of the solutions to low energy string theory with the BTZ black hole vacuum metric, constant dilaton field and a new torsion potential is found. The dual model is built on a 2+12+1-dimensional target manifold M~\tilde {\cal M} with two-dimensional real Abelian Lie group G~{\tilde {\bf G}} acting freely on it. We further show that the dual model yields a three-dimensional charged black string for which the mass MM and axion charge QQ per unit length are calculated. After that, the structure and asymptotic nature of the dual space-time including the horizon and singularity are determined.Comment: 20 page

    Impact of basidiomycete fungi on the wettability of soil contaminated with a hydrophobic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

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    Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) present a challenge to bioremediation because they are hydrophobic, thus influencing the water availability and repellency of soil. The addition of different concentrations of the PAH, anthracene, showed it to induce moderate levels of repellency. We investigated the efficacy of three basidiomycete fungal species on improving the wettability of soil by reducing repellency caused by contamination of soil with 7 ppm anthracene. A microcosm system was used that enabled determination of the impact of fungi on wettability at three locations down a 30 mm deep repacked soil core. Before incubation with fungi, the contaminated soil had a repellency of R = 3.12 ± 0.08 (s.e.). After 28 days incubation, Coriolus versicolor caused a significant reduction in repellency to R = 1.79 ± 0.35 (P <0.001) for the top section of the soil in a microcosm. Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Phlebia radiata did not influence repellency. None of the fungi had an effect at 20 mm depth

    Reclamancipation: A Story of Brilliance, Resilience, and Transilience

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    The experiences of African American women are composed of more than the maltreatment that often exclusively defines them. Oppression and celebration intermingle to define the identities of African American women, and this thesis proposes a method to understand this reality through an exchange of stories in the form of a customizable board game. The game educates those inside and outside the African American women’s community by encouraging the emancipation of self, decolonization of society, and formation of empathy. This thesis embraces intersectional feminism, womanism, and linguistic descriptivism. The research is informed by personal narratives of African American women ages 23-71 and a “call and response” interview methodology

    The Influence of Store Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Decision at Kawan Baru Restaurant Mega Mas Manado

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    Culinary business is a business type thats growing rapidly in the city of Manado. Nowadays, a taste of food, price, services and quality of the foods no longer being a major consideration for the culinary connoisseur. The store atmosphere becomes an important factor for consumers to choosing a place for dine. The research aim to analyzing the influence of store atmosphere on Kawan Baru Restaurant Mega Mas Manado. The analytical methods of analysis used by multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The data used in this research is primary data obtained through the questionnaire distributed to consumer Kawan Baru Restauran Mega Mas Manado. Based on the analysis the results are store exterior, general interior, store layout and interior display significantly influence consumers purchase decision on Kawan Baru Restaurant Mega Mas Manado. Based on the results of this research, the restaurant management should be more understanding of the marketing strategy related to the restaurant atmosphere and the benefits that accrue when the atmospheric restaurant can impress consumers, this increasing satisfaction and intentions consumer behavior. Keywords: store atmosphere, consumer purchase decisio

    Identity in Changing Context: Factors of Losing Identity in New Developed Part of the City of Famagusta, North Cyprus

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    Historical cities due to its magnificent building in its context have tremendous influence on formation of city identity, which is created through the interaction of natural, social and built elements. Unfortunately modernization after the industrial revolution couldn\u27t adapt itself to vernacular area, owe to the fact that cities began to lose their identity and sense of belonging to the environment. New technology of construction lets the cities to expand itself outside, but in this transformation, some factors which have an influence on the identity of the city have been forgotten. In this research it is aimed to analysis Physical and social factors which are causing the loss of identity in the city of Famagusta (Gazimagusa). Both qualitative and qualitative methods have been used in this research and the adopted techniques are personal observation, sketches, and comparing new development part of the city with traditional part. The research will try to answer the question of why urban sprawl could not maintain the identity of the city of Gazimagusa?). This research revealed that Globalization by neglecting historical housing principles is the main factor which threatening identity of the city

    Psychometric properties of the king spiritual intelligence questionnaire (KSIQ) in physical veterans of Iran-Iraq warfare

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    Aims: The study's purpose was to determine reliability and validity of the King spiritual intelligence questionnaires in veterans of Iran-Iraq Warfare. Methods: In this cross sectional study, 300 veterans of the Iran-Iraq war completed the King spiritual intelligence questionnaires. Principal components analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation was used to assess domain structure of the King spiritual intelligence questionnaires. Internal and external consistency reliability was assessed with Cronbach's alpha and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Internal consistency of King spiritual intelligence questions estimated with Cronbach's alpha, 0.872 and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC).872 (CI 95%: 0.84 -0.89). The construct validity of the questionnaire was calculated using exploratory factor analysis that showed 3 factors with Eigen values of greater than one, which explained in total 44.7% of the variance. (1, 8 items, α= 0.87; 2, 5. items; α = 0.89; 3, 2 items, α= 0.51). Conclusion: The Persian version of King spiritual intelligence questionnaire demonstrated suitable validity and reliability among the Veterans of Iran-Iraq Warfare. With the consideration of the proper psychometric characteristics, this questionnaire can be used to further research spiritual intelligence in this population

    The survey of the effect of ginger extract on gastric residual volume in mechanically ventilated patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units

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    Background and purpose: Delayed gastric emptying in mechanically ventilated patients is common. According to evidences, Ginger can accelerate gastric emptying. This study aimed to determine the effect of ginger extract on gastric residual volume of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Materials and Methods: In this double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial with before and after schematization, 24 mechanically ventilated patients hospitalized in ICUs were divided into two groups, intervention group (12 patients) and control group (n = 12) after matching for sex and severity of disease. After 48 hours of feeding with a standard gavage solution, the intervention group received 120mg of ginger extract in 4 days and the control group received 5 ml water as placebo in 4 days. The mean residual volume was recorded in the fifth and the sixth days. Data analysis was done with independent and paired T-tests at a significance level of 0.05. Results: The mean residual volume in the first 48 hours was not significantly different between the groups. But after 48 hours of starting treatment, the average of mean and standard deviation of the residual volume in the fifth and sixth days were (24.58±16.81) in intervention group and (108.33±15.09) in control group that according to the Independent T-test showed a significant difference (P <0.0001). Discussion and Conclusion: The result of this study showed that ginger extract reduces gastric residual volume in mechanically ventilated patients hospitalized in intensive care units compared with placebo. © 2013 AENSI Publisher All rights reserved

    Non Residential Solid Waste Reduction in Krembangan District, North Surabaya

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    Reduction of non-residential solid waste is important because it can reduce the generation of solid waste in Benowo Landfill. Krembangan District is one of the districts in North Surabaya that was chosen as a research area however, there is no data about the existing and reduction potential of non-residential solid waste in Krembangan District. The purposes of this research are the identification of existing and reduction potential of non-residential solid waste in Krembangan District. There are 21 samples for this research. Public facility samples contain education facilities, offices, worship places, commercial places, medical centres and street sweeping. Total generation of solid waste from public facilities is 10.179,74 kg/day. Existing reduction of solid waste in source and transfer station are 158,1 kg/day and 472,53 kg/day. The reduction potential of non-residential solid waste is based on the optimal recovery factor. Reduction potential with composting and recycling activities are 3.668,31 kg/day and 694,67 kg/day

    Analisis Kebermanfaatan Aplikasi Panduan Diet untuk Anak Penderita Demam Berdarah

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    Latar Belakang: Demam berdarah Dengue atau DBD merupakan penyakit yang sangat rentan menyerang sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia, terbukti menurut Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur pada tanggal 25 Januari 2015 angka penderita DBD di 38 Kabupaten/Kota di Jatim sudah mencapai 1.054 penderita, dengan 25 penderita di antaranya meninggal dunia.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan dari aplikasi yang telah dibuat. Data diperoleh dengan cara survey langsung pada orang tua yang memiliki anak sedang menderita demam berdarah. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar check list menggunakan skala Likert. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga kelurahan yang berbeda yaitu kelurahan Wonokromo pada Puskesmas Wonokromo, Kelurahan Jagir pada Puskesmas Jagir dan Kelurahan Sukolilo pada Puskesmas Sukolilo, yang ketiga puskesmas tersebut berada di Kota Surabaya. Sampel penelitian meliputi tujuh kategori untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan dari system yang telah dibuat yang meliputi kebermanfaatan aplikasi, kemudahan penggunaan, kemudahan pembelajaran, kemudahan tampilan, kemudahan bahasa, kemampuan aplikasi, dan penerimaan responden terhadap aplikasi yang dibuat.Hasil: aplikasi ini telah diujicobakan kepada tiga kelompok yang berbeda yaitu: dua ahli gizi, lima orang perawat, dan 20 orang tua yang memiliki anak penderita DBD, dan menghasilkan persentase sebesar 81% dari Ahli Gizi dan 89% dari tim medis kesehatan serta 81% dari orang tua, dimana ketiga kelompok tersebut menyatakan bahwa aplikasi ini dikategorikan sebagai alat bantu yang sangat baik

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Menu Makanan dan Minuman pada Kafe Berbasis Web Menggunakan Jaringan Intranet

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    Kafe merupakan tempat untuk bersantai dan berbincang-bincang dimana pengunjung dapat memesan minumandan makanan. Pada umumnya restoran ataupun kafe mengalami kesulitan untuk melayani pemesanan menumakanan dan minuman, kesulitan tersebut adalah pelanggan menunggu terlalu lama untuk mendapatkan menumakanan dan minuman yang dipesan sehingga kurang adanya Kenyamanan bagi pengunjung. Implementasi sisteminformasi pemesanan menu makanan dan minuman ini diterapkan berbasis web dengan menggunakan jaringanintranet bertujuan agar operasional kafe dapat berjalan lebih efektif, aman, cepat, dan akurat. Dengan sisteminformasi ini data laporan penjualan kafe menjadi terkomputerisasi, sehingga data dapat tersimpan dengan baik.Sistem informasi ini dikembangkan menggunakan framework bootstrap dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP danmenggunakan database MySQL. Dari hasil pengujian menggunakan metode blackbox dapat disimpulkan bahwasistem informasi pemesanan menu makanan dan minuman berbasis web ini dapat membantu proses pemesananpada salah satu kafe Made In Bandung