90 research outputs found


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    This research paper investigates issue of infl uence clan relationships for piracy development on the Horn of Africa. Author contemplates that presence of stable internal links in Somali impedes possible external solution of the piracy problem. Therefore, the identifi cation structural interrelationships within the Somali society could be important both for understanding of the political and socio-economic situation in the region and also it will promote full understanding of internal reasons of piracy problem on the Horn of Africa.Настоящая статья посвящена вопросу о влиянии клановых отношений на развитие пиратства в регионе Африканского Рога. Автор полагает, что наличие устойчивых клановых связей внутри Сомали препятствует возможному внешнему, международному, решению проблемы пиратства. Следовательно, выявление структурных взаимосвязей внутри сомалийского общества может оказаться важным для понимания политической и социально-экономической ситуации на данной территории, а также будет способствовать более полному пониманию внутренних причин международной проблемы пиратства на Африканском Роге

    The phonon Hall effect: theory and application

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    We present a systematic theory of the phonon Hall effect in a ballistic crystal lattice system, and apply it on the kagome lattice which is ubiquitous in various real materials. By proposing a proper second quantization for the non-Hermite Hamiltonian in the polarization-vector space, we obtain a new heat current density operator with two separate contributions: the normal velocity responsible for the longitudinal phonon transport, and the anomalous velocity manifesting itself as the Hall effect of transverse phonon transport. As exemplified in kagome lattices, our theory predicts that the direction of Hall conductivity at low magnetic field can be reversed by tuning temperatures, which we hope can be verified by experiments in the future. Three phonon-Hall-conductivity singularities induced by phonon-band-topology change are discovered as well, which correspond to the degeneracies at three different symmetric center points, \Gamma, K, X, in the wave-vector space of the kagome lattice.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Crystal-field Paschen-Back effect on ruby in ultrahigh magnetic fields

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    Anomalous g

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