280 research outputs found

    Proton polarizability effect in the hyperfine splitting of the hydrogen atom

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    The contribution of the proton polarizability to the ground state hyperfine splitting in the hydrogen atom is evaluated on the basis of isobar model and evolution equations for the parton distributions. The contributions of the Born terms, vector meson exchanges and nucleon resonances are taken into account in the construction of the proton polarized structure functions g1,2(W,Q2)g_{1,2}(W,Q^2). Numerical values of this effect are equal (2.2±0.8)×106(2.2\pm 0.8)\times 10^{-6} times the Fermi splitting in electronic hydrogen and (4.70±1.04)×104(4.70\pm 1.04)\times 10^{-4} times the Fermi splitting in muonic hydrogen.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    The subject of the study is the financial system and monetary regulation of the economy during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of the article is to investigate the monetary policy pursued by the national Central banks of developed countries in the context of the economic crisis caused by pandemic. The paper uses comparative analysis, a systematic approach to the study of information, as well as graphical and tabular methods. The author considers monetary policy instruments used by national Central banks of developed countries to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the real sector of the economy. The study reveals distinctive features of anti-crisis measures of monetary regulation bodies


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    One of the important factors for improving the economic situation in the Russian Federation is the optimization of the mechanism of currency regulation. Its role as the main means of implementing monetary policy is of particular importance in countries where the national currency has limited convertibility, since it is not in stable demand in the global financial markets. The purpose of this article is to summarize existing theoretical approaches to the problem of formation and regulation of the exchange rate based on the study of the evolution of relevant theories and concepts, as well as the definition of their scope of application and the conditions of validity. The article systematizes the theoretical aspects of the formation and regulation of the exchange rate. The paper highlights the instruments that affect the exchange rate. The authors study the main approaches to the relationship between the balance of payments and the exchange rate. The obtained theoretical results can be used in the formation and adjustment of monetary policy

    The use of morphobiological characteristics in the selection of Phacelia Tanacetifolia Benth

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    The aim of the work is to create new adapted varieties resistant to the complex of biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. morphological and biological characteristic


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    The regularities of volatile organic compounds standard gas mixtures generation based on the chromate membrane gas extraction of these compounds from the flow of an aqueous solution with a given concentration into the extractant gas stream were considered. It was shown that the chromate membrane gas extraction allowed the generation of water-saturated standard gas mixtures with the predetermined concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the ppm level. The preparation of these gas mixtures is relevant for the analysis’s metrological assurance of the moist atmospheric air and exhaled air for the purpose of non-invasive diagnostics.  The metrological possibilities of chromate membrane generation of the standard gas mixtures in the mode of complete extraction of the target components from the solution flow into the gas-extractant stream and in the mode of equilibrium saturation of the gas-extractant stream were discussed. The choice of modes depended on the distribution coefficients (K) of the target components between the water and gas phases. For the polar compounds with K 100 (alcohols, ketones) the equilibrium saturation mode was preferable, and for the chlorinated hydrocarbons (K 20) the full extraction mode was recommended. The relative error calculated for the two modes did not exceed 7%. The volume of the generated standard gas mixtures with the constant concentration of the target components for 1 liter of the generating solution was from 10 liters to 1000 liters, depending on the distribution coefficients of these components. Compared with the traditional continuous gas extraction from the stationary aqueous solutions, its chromate membrane variant allowed for a 5 to 20-fold increase in the volume of the generated gas mixture without refilling.Key words: volatile organic compounds, standard gas mixtures, generation, chromatomembrane gas extraction, aqueous solutions(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.002 A.R. Gorbacheva, O.V. RodinkovSaint-Petersburg State University (SPbU), prosp. Universitetskii, 26, St. Petersburg, 198504, Russian FederationРассмотрены закономерности генерирования стандартных газовых смесей летучих органических соединений на основе хроматомембранной газовой экстракции этих соединений из потока водного раствора с заданной концентрацией в поток газа-экстрагента. Показано, что  хроматомембранная газовая экстракция позволяет генерировать насыщенные водяным паром стандартные газовые смеси  с заданными концентрациями летучих органических веществ  на уровне ppm.  Получение подобных газовых смесей актуально для метрологического обеспечения анализа влажного атмосферного воздуха и воздуха, выдыхаемого человеком, с целью неинвазивной диагностики. Обсуждаются метрологические возможности  хроматомембранного генерирования стандартных газовых смесей в режиме полного извлечения целевых компонентов из потока раствора в поток газа-экстрагента и в режиме равновесного насыщения последнего. Режим полного извлечения позволяет обойтись без термостатирования  при условии постоянства потоков жидкой и газовой фаз через хроматомембранную ячейку. Режим равновесного насыщения, напротив, предусматривает жесткое термостатирование, но при этом не требуется поддерживать постоянными потоки фаз через ячейку.  Выбор режима зависит от коэффициентов распределения (К) целевых компонентов между водной и газовой фазой. Для полярных соединений, у которых K 100  (спирты, кетоны), предпочтительнее режим равновесного насыщения, а для хлорированных углеводородов (К 20)  – режим полного извлечения.  Рассчитанная по процедуре приготовления относительная погрешность для обоих режимов не превышает 7 %. Объем генерируемых стандартных газовых смесей  с постоянной концентрацией целевых компонентов  для 1 л генерирующего раствора составляет от 10 л до 1000 л в зависимости от коэффициентов распределения этих компонентов. По своим метрологическим характеристикам хроматомембранные ячейки не уступают парофазным источникам газовых смесей, а по сравнению с традиционной непрерывной газовой экстракцией из неподвижных водных растворов её хроматомембранный вариант позволяет в 5-20 раз  увеличить  объем генерируемой газовой смеси без перезаполнения. Ключевые слова: летучие органические соединения, стандартные газовые смеси, генерирование, хроматомембранная газовая экстракция, водные растворыDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.1.00

    Effect of unconventional physical treatments on the properties of anodic oxide coatings obtained in a suspension electrolyte

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    The new data for certain physical effects on anode-oxide coating deposition (ultrasonic field) and on coating (low-temperature plasma, thermal effects and short-time thermal shocks), formed in the electrolyte-suspension. The alumina powder is a dispersed phase in oxidizing AD-1M aluminum alloy. It is shown that the corrosion and thermal resistances are improved and the porosity is reduced under ultrasonic field conditions of oxidizing. The low-temperature plasma processing leads to crack formation on the coating surface independent of alumina presence

    Green finance in the United States of America, United Kingdom and Russian Federation: practice analysis

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    Now, when the world economy is gradually transforming into a low-carbon one, the criterion of sustainable development of the green economy is becoming an increasingly decisive factor in the competitiveness of the state. Another aspect of relevance is the fact that aggressive business development, especially in terms of lending and investment, often opposes environmental protection issues. The purpose of this article is to study the practice of green finance in developed countries and identify development prospects in the Russian Federation. The methods of system and critical analysis, as well as graphical method were used in the work. It is revealed that foreign developed countries are actively improving legislation and introducing mechanisms of green financing. These processes do not always occur smoothly, it takes time to adapt and develop them, but there are more and more green financial instruments, the global financial system is gradually changing. It has been established that the processes of green energy transfer should have a steady but smooth character, otherwise there is always a risk of getting a completely unexpected negative result. It has been revealed that Russia has all the necessary resources to build a new, more environmentally friendly economy through green financing. But the transition to sustainable development, improvement of infrastructure and environmentally friendly industries is impossible without the active intervention of the state and changes in the self-consciousness of Russians

    Modeling of matrix of correspondences of transactivator on example of the Yekaterinburg municipal unitary enterprise "Tram and trolleybus management"

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    Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию пассажиропотока транспортной сети городского электротранспорта г. Екатеринбурга на примере ЕМУП «Трамвайно-троллейбусное управление». Разработано программное приложение для анализа транзакциопотока трамвайно-троллейбусной сети в виде матрицы корреспонденций. Приложение c помощью SQL запросов формирует отчет в виде таблицы, результаты которой позволяют построить графы перемещения пассажиров между административными районами и внутри их. Графическое представление результатов анализа транзакциопотока визуализирует аналитическую обработку статистических данных об использовании городского электротранспорта в различных районах г. Екатеринбурга.This article is dedicated to research of urban passenger of a transport network electric transport Yekaterinburg on the example of municipal unitary enterprise "Tram and trolleybus management". Programmatic application is worked out for the analysis of transactivator of tram-car-trolleybus network as a matrix of correspondences. Appendix a report forms the c help of SQL of queries as a table the results of that allow to build the columns of moving of passengers between administrative districts and into them. Graphic presentation of results of analysis of transactivator visualizes the analytical processing of statistical data about the use of municipal electric transport in different districts Yekaterinburg

    Biological resources of the Fabaceae family in the Cretaceous south of Russia as a source of starting material for drought-resistance selection

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    The aim of this work is the study of biological resources of the genera Medicago and Trifolium species in Cretaceous South of the Central Russian Upland as the most valuable in genetic and economic term