23 research outputs found

    Strategic priorities of regional investment activity

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    © Authors. The purpose of the paper is to study the regional investment strategy development based on the identified strategic priorities for its development. Methods of the problem under research include statistical and methods of system and logical analysis, comparative and retrospective methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods for conjugate effects accounting. The paper presents the study results of the regional investment activities strategic priorities, taking into account its investment environment functioning features. The conducted study is based on the most important strategic documents, reflecting the long-term goals of regional development. In order to justify the possibility of implementing the strategy, the conditions for implementing investment projects aimed at the regional infrastructure developing and its socio-economic development indices improving are considered. The studies were carried out on the analysis basis of the major national economic complexes investment structure in the region. The paper also presents the region's target state indicators in the context of various forecast scenarios for its development, which include inertial, basic and optimistic ones. At the same time, a basic scenario aimed at overcoming resource constraints is considered in the context of the regional economic complexes. The conclusions are made on the compliance of the regional investment activities' strategic priorities with the potential for its development. The paper materials are of practical value for specialists engaged in the development, analysis and implementation of the regional investment strategy

    The management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The development of a modern economy fundamentally changes the requirements for professional staff. Specialists who not only have an excellent command of their profession, are actively involved in the improvement of production, but also seek to improve their skills, master related professions are still in demand. This leads to new targets of professional training of future specialists, including the formation of readiness for independent educational cognitive activities. The purpose of this paper is to define the peculiarities of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training. The leading approaches to the study are the system approach that allows considering of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists as a continuous purposeful process, and an integrative approach allowing to organize the process of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities on different logical grounds. The article reveals the methods and functions of self-educational-cognitive activities of future specialists; defines the content of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities; presents the mechanism and pedagogical conditions of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational cognitive activities in the process of vocational training. The paper submissions may be useful for scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions; employees of the centers of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff

    Особенности ДНК-идентификации потожировых следов на кожных покровах трупов

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    The paper presents the results of a pilot molecular genetic study of sweat and oil residue left by the fingertips and hand palms of male volunteers (donors) on various regions of the skin surface of dead bodies (recipients) of both sexes. In cases of contact with female recipients donor-specific allele combinations were obtained for only 11.6% of autosomal loci and 12.9% of Y-chromosomal loci. Donor-specific traits were absent in 68.4% of autosomal loci and 87.1% of Y-chromosomal loci. In cases of contact with male recipients the full genetic profile was obtained for 18.6% of autosomal loci, and 64.2% of loci showed a lack of donor-specific alleles. Meanwhile, allelic combinations specific to female recipients were encountered in 40.5% of autosomal loci, and to male recipients – in 34.2% of autosomal loci. Results demonstrate poor adhesion of sweat and oil compounds from donors’ hands to the corpses’ skin, probably due to significant temperature differences between contact surfaces. Представлены результаты экспериментального молекулярно-генетического исследования следов потожирового вещества, оставленного подушечками пальцев рук и ладонями добровольцев (доноров) мужского пола на кожных покровах различных частей тел трупов (реципиентов) обоего пола. Аллельные комбинации, свойственные донорам, при контакте с реципиентами женского пола получены только для 11,6 % аутосомных локусов и 12,9 % локусов Y-хромосомы. В 68,4 % аутосомных и 87,1 % локусов Y-хромосомы отсутствовали генетические признаки, присущие донорам. В случае контакта доноров с реципиентами мужского пола полный генетический профиль получен для 18,6 % аутосомных локусов, а в 64,2 % отсутствовали свойственные донорам аллели. При этом аллельные комбинации, свойственные реципиентам женского пола, встречались в 40,5 %, а реципиентам мужского пола – в 34,2 % аутосомных локусов. Полученные результаты могут свидетельствовать о слабой адгезии потожирового вещества доноров на кожных покровах трупов, вероятно, из-за высокой разницы температур контактирующих поверхностей

    Didactic frame compression principle in students training content

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the search for effective solutions in the transformation of the university students' education content, which is determined by large information blocks, structures and a set of invariant, author, and multivariate courses that often duplicate each other and, thereby, impede their assimilation. The importance and universality of the didactic frame in the synthesis of knowledge elements integral system, in the educational information transformation in the teaching content, in the transformation of verbal information into non-verbal information, in the creation of innovative, symbolic and symbolic structural diagrams of its presentation to students are determined in the article. The authors reveal the functional essence of the didactic frame as a pedagogical category the structure and content of the didactic frame basic models (frame - concept and frame - scenario), adapted to the university students training content. The practical importance of compression principle implementation in the student training content projecting is proved. © 2017

    Didactic frame compression principle in students training content

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the search for effective solutions in the transformation of the university students' education content, which is determined by large information blocks, structures and a set of invariant, author, and multivariate courses that often duplicate each other and, thereby, impede their assimilation. The importance and universality of the didactic frame in the synthesis of knowledge elements integral system, in the educational information transformation in the teaching content, in the transformation of verbal information into non-verbal information, in the creation of innovative, symbolic and symbolic structural diagrams of its presentation to students are determined in the article. The authors reveal the functional essence of the didactic frame as a pedagogical category the structure and content of the didactic frame basic models (frame - concept and frame - scenario), adapted to the university students training content. The practical importance of compression principle implementation in the student training content projecting is proved. © 2017

    Strategic priorities of regional investment activity

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    © Authors. The purpose of the paper is to study the regional investment strategy development based on the identified strategic priorities for its development. Methods of the problem under research include statistical and methods of system and logical analysis, comparative and retrospective methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods for conjugate effects accounting. The paper presents the study results of the regional investment activities strategic priorities, taking into account its investment environment functioning features. The conducted study is based on the most important strategic documents, reflecting the long-term goals of regional development. In order to justify the possibility of implementing the strategy, the conditions for implementing investment projects aimed at the regional infrastructure developing and its socio-economic development indices improving are considered. The studies were carried out on the analysis basis of the major national economic complexes investment structure in the region. The paper also presents the region's target state indicators in the context of various forecast scenarios for its development, which include inertial, basic and optimistic ones. At the same time, a basic scenario aimed at overcoming resource constraints is considered in the context of the regional economic complexes. The conclusions are made on the compliance of the regional investment activities' strategic priorities with the potential for its development. The paper materials are of practical value for specialists engaged in the development, analysis and implementation of the regional investment strategy

    The management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The development of a modern economy fundamentally changes the requirements for professional staff. Specialists who not only have an excellent command of their profession, are actively involved in the improvement of production, but also seek to improve their skills, master related professions are still in demand. This leads to new targets of professional training of future specialists, including the formation of readiness for independent educational cognitive activities. The purpose of this paper is to define the peculiarities of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training. The leading approaches to the study are the system approach that allows considering of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists as a continuous purposeful process, and an integrative approach allowing to organize the process of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities on different logical grounds. The article reveals the methods and functions of self-educational-cognitive activities of future specialists; defines the content of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities; presents the mechanism and pedagogical conditions of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational cognitive activities in the process of vocational training. The paper submissions may be useful for scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions; employees of the centers of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff

    The management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The development of a modern economy fundamentally changes the requirements for professional staff. Specialists who not only have an excellent command of their profession, are actively involved in the improvement of production, but also seek to improve their skills, master related professions are still in demand. This leads to new targets of professional training of future specialists, including the formation of readiness for independent educational cognitive activities. The purpose of this paper is to define the peculiarities of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training. The leading approaches to the study are the system approach that allows considering of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists as a continuous purposeful process, and an integrative approach allowing to organize the process of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities on different logical grounds. The article reveals the methods and functions of self-educational-cognitive activities of future specialists; defines the content of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities; presents the mechanism and pedagogical conditions of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational cognitive activities in the process of vocational training. The paper submissions may be useful for scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions; employees of the centers of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff

    The management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The development of a modern economy fundamentally changes the requirements for professional staff. Specialists who not only have an excellent command of their profession, are actively involved in the improvement of production, but also seek to improve their skills, master related professions are still in demand. This leads to new targets of professional training of future specialists, including the formation of readiness for independent educational cognitive activities. The purpose of this paper is to define the peculiarities of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists in the process of vocational training. The leading approaches to the study are the system approach that allows considering of the management of independent educational-cognitive activities of future specialists as a continuous purposeful process, and an integrative approach allowing to organize the process of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities on different logical grounds. The article reveals the methods and functions of self-educational-cognitive activities of future specialists; defines the content of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational-cognitive activities; presents the mechanism and pedagogical conditions of formation of future specialists’ readiness for independent educational cognitive activities in the process of vocational training. The paper submissions may be useful for scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions; employees of the centers of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff

    Y-Chromosome Haplogroup Diversity in Khazar Burials from Southern Russia

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    Genetic studies of archaeological burials open up new possibilities for investigating the cultural-historical development of ancient populations, providing objective data that can be used to investigate the most controversial problems of archeology. In this work, we analyzed the Y-chromosomes of nine skeletons recovered from elite burial mounds attributed to the 7th-9th centuries of the Khazar Khaganate in the modern Rostov region. Genotyping of polymorphic microsatellite loci of the Y chromosome made it possible to establish that among the nine skeletons studied, three individuals had R1a Y-haplogroup, two had C2b, and one each had G2a, N1a, Q, and R1b Y-haplogroups. Such results were noteworthy for the mixture of West Eurasian and East Asian paternal lineages in these samples. The Y-chromosome data are consistent with the results of the craniological study and genome-wide analysis of the same individuals in showing mixed genetic origins for the early medieval Khazar nobility. These findings are not surprising in light of the history of the Khazar Khaganate, which arose through its separation from the Western Turkic Khaganate and establishment in the North Caucasus and East European steppes