35 research outputs found

    Flexible magnetoelectronics: some aspects of the development of hibrid thin film structures

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    This work was developed under support of the “Laboratory of Physical Sensoric” project of Ural Federal University and ACTIMAT-ETORTEK grant of UPV-EHU and The Basque Country Government

    Permalloy-based magnetic nanostruсtures for magnetoimpedance pressure sensors

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    The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, project RFMEFI57815X0125

    Permalloy-Based Thin Film Structures: Magnetic Properties and the Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect in the Temperature Range Important for Biomedical Applications

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    Permalloy-based thin film structures are excellent materials for sensor applications. Temperature dependencies of the magnetic properties and giant magneto-impedance (GMI) were studied for Fe19Ni81-based multilayered structures obtained by the ion-plasma sputtering technique. Selected temperature interval of 25 degrees C to 50 degrees C corresponds to the temperature range of functionality of many devices, including magnetic biosensors. A (Cu/FeNi)(5)/Cu/(Cu/FeNi)(5) multilayered structure with well-defined traverse magnetic anisotropy showed an increase in the GMI ratio for the total impedance and its real part with temperature increased. The maximum of the GMI of the total impedance ratio Delta Z/Z = 56% was observed at a frequency of 80 MHz, with a sensitivity of 18%/Oe, and the maximum GMI of the real part Delta R/R = 170% at a frequency of 10 MHz, with a sensitivity of 46%/Oe. As the magnetization and direct current electrical resistance vary very little with the temperature, the most probable mechanism of the unexpected increase of the GMI sensitivity is the stress relaxation mechanism associated with magnetoelastic anisotropy.This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grants mol nr no. 16-32-50054 and by the ELKARTEK grant KK-2016/00030 of the Basque Country Government


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    Amorphous ribbons as composite materials with different types of thermomechanically induced magnetic anisotropy were investigated to determine the features of magnetostatic and magnetodynamic properties.The research was carried out within the state assignment of Minobrnauki of Russia № АААА-А19-119070890020-3 (theme "Alloys")

    Thin film based magnetoimpedance sensor for magnetic needle position indentification

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    The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 18-32-00094

    Asymmetric multilayers elements for magnetic detection

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    In this paper, we study a magnetic impedance characteristics of film multilayer elements of the strip type [Ti / FeNi] 5 / Ti / Cu / Ti / (FeNi / Ti) x, x = 0...5, prepared by magnetron sputtering. We observed in these structures similar type of magnetization reversal in an array of layers between the substrate and the central conductive layer of copper for all the samples and changing the type of magnetization reversal in the array of the conductive layer of copper with a decrease in the number of upper magnetic layers. Despite the fact that the absolute maximum MI ratio amounted impedance ΔZ / Z = 126% for a symmetrical structure, an asymmetrical structure with four magnetic layers above the layer of copper also has high MI ratio ΔZ / Z = 121% in the lower fields, which allows to recommend asymmetric structure for the subsequent functionalization of the upper layer in detectors of weak magnetic fields.В данной работе исследуются особенности магнитного импеданса плёночных многослойных элементов в форме полос типа [Ti/FeNi]5/Ti/Cu/Ti/(FeNi/Ti)x, x = 0…5, полученных магнетронным распылением. На полученных структурах наблюдался сходный тип перемагничивания в массиве слоев между подложкой и центральным проводящим слоем меди для всех образцов и смена типа перемагничивания в массиве над проводящим слоем меди при уменьшении количества верхних магнитных слоев. Несмотря на то, что абсолютный максимум МИ соотношения импеданса составил ∆Z/Z=126% для симметричной структуры, асимметричная структура с 4 магнитными слоями над слоем меди также обладает высоким МИ соотношением ∆Z/Z=121% в меньших полях, что позволяет рекомендовать асимметричную структуру для последующей функционализации верхнего слоя в детекторах слабых магнитных полей

    Functional magnetic ferrogels: From biosensors to regenerative medicine

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    Polyelectrolyte gels and ferrogels (FG) are attracting special interest in biomedicine. Here we describe our experience developing functional magnetic ferrogels for regenerative medicine and magnetoimpedance biosensing for measuring stray fields of nanoparticles in FG with a multilayered sensitive element. We discuss the possibility of developing a new generation of drug delivery systems for magnetic field assisted delivery, positioning and biosensing. © 2020 Author(s).This work was supported by the RSF project 18-19-00090. We thank O.M. Samatov, B. Stadler, V.N. Lepalovskij, M.A. Korch, A.V. Svalov, D.G. Blisnets, A. Larrañaga, I. Orue, and M.N. Volochaev for support. Selected measurements were made at SGIKER UPV/EHU


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    The work is devoted to a study of the effect of the coating different and both sides of amorphous Fe5Co70Si15B10 ribbon with GE varnish on its magnetic properties and magnetoinpedance (MI) effect. In all cases the decreasing of coercive force was observed, moreover the increasing of sensibility of MI ratio ΔZ/Z to a extend field H of 7 % took place in the case of covering only a free side of the ribbon