3,188 research outputs found

    The ATLAS Track Extrapolation Package

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    The extrapolation of track parameters and their associated covariances to destination surfaces of different types is a very frequent process in the event reconstruction of high energy physics experiments. This is amongst other reasons due to the fact that most track and vertex fitting techniques are based on the first and second momentum of the underlying probability density distribution. The correct stochastic or deterministic treatment of interactions with the traversed detector material is hereby crucial for high quality track reconstruction throughout the entire momentum range of final state particles that are produced in high energy physics collision experiments. This document presents the main concepts, the algorithms and the implementation of the newly developed, powerful ATLAS track extrapolation engine. It also emphasises on validation procedures, timing measurements and the integration into the ATLAS offline reconstruction software

    The ATLAS Tracking Geometry Description

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    Track reconstruction requires a detector geometry description for the usage in track extrapolation processes and material effects integration during track finding and track fitting. Since, in general, the more realistic detector description used in full detector simulation causes an unacceptable increase of CPU time consumption when being used in track reconstruction, the reconstruction geometry is realised as a simplified description of the actual detector layout. This documents presents the data classes of the newly developed ATLAS reconstruction geometry and describes its building process for the ATLAS CSC detector layouts. Additionally a comparison of the material budget described by the reconstruction geometry with one used in full detector simulation will be presented for the Inner Detector and the Calorimeter

    A Parameterization of the Energy Loss of Muons in the ATLAS Tracking Geometry

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    A parameterization of the muon energy loss in the ATLAS Calorimeters is presented. This parameterization is based on a GEANT4 simulation of the calorimeter absorber materials. The parameterization provides a calculation of the energy loss of muons in each calorimeter volume. This calculation has been integrated into the ATLAS Tracking Geometry to be used by tracking tools to improve the fit of candidate muon tracks traversing the calorimeters. The validation of this parameterization has been performed and compared to the ATLAS GEANT4 full simulation. Finally, possible uses of this parameterization as part of the tracking tools are discussed

    Systematically Exploring High-Performance Representations of Vector Fields Through Compile-Time Composition

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    We present a novel benchmark suite for implementations of vector fields in high-performance computing environments to aid developers in quantifying and ranking their performance. We decompose the design space of such benchmarks into access patterns and storage backends, the latter of which can be further decomposed into components with different functional and non-functional properties. Through compile-time meta-programming, we generate a large number of benchmarks with minimal effort and ensure the extensibility of our suite. Our empirical analysis, based on real-world applications in high-energy physics, demonstrates the feasibility of our approach on CPU and GPU platforms, and highlights that our suite is able to evaluate performance-critical design choices. Finally, we propose that our work towards composing vector fields from elementary components is not only useful for the purposes of benchmarking, but that it naturally gives rise to a novel library for implementing such fields in domain applications

    Single Track Performance of the Inner Detector New Track Reconstruction (NEWT)

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    In a previous series of documents we have presented the new ATLAS track reconstruction chain (NEWT) and several of the involved components. It has become the default reconstruction application for the Inner Detector. However, a large scale validation of the reconstruction performance in both efficiency and track resolutions has not been given yet. This documents presents the results of a systematic single track validation of the new track reconstruction and puts it in comparison with results obtained with different reconstruction applications

    Treatment of energy loss and multiple scattering in the context of track parameter and covariance matrix propagation in continuous material in the ATLAS experiment

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    In this paper we study the energy loss, its fluctuations, and the multiple scattering of particles passing through matter, with an emphasis on muons. In addition to the well-known Bethe-Bloch and Bethe-Heitler equations describing the mean energy loss from ionization and bremsstrahlung respectively, new parameterizations of the mean energy loss of muons from the direct e+e- pair production and photonuclear interactions are presented along with new estimates of the most probable energy loss and its fluctuations in the ATLAS calorimeters. Moreover, a new adaptive Highland/Moliere approach to finding the multiple scattering angle is taken to accomodate a wide range of scatterer thicknesses. Furthermore, tests of the muon energy loss, its fluctuations, and multiple scattering are done in the ATLAS calorimeters. The material effects described in this paper are all part of the simultaneous track and error propagation (STEP) algorithm of the common ATLAS tracking software

    The Fast ATLAS Track Simulation (FATRAS)

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    Various systematic physics and detector performance studies with the ATLAS detector require very large simulated event samples. Since the full detector simulation is a highly CPU time consuming operation, fast simulation techniques are widely used in such applications. Furthermore, the simulation of background events does, in general, not require the very detailed detector simulation and fast simulation techniques satisfy the needed accuracy. In ATLAS, the fast simulation program ATLFAST has been extensively used for such purposes. It is, however, based on the smearing of the initial particle properties and is not capable of producing hits along the track. Tracking relevant studies that include both hit information and pattern recognition effects can not be performed when using ATLFAST. An alternative simulation program, the new Fast ATLAS Track Simulation (FATRAS) has been recently deployed, capable of producing full track information, including hits on track. Initially developed as a validation tool for the ATLAS offline track reconstruction, it has become a powerful engine for various use cases. In general, the CPU time determining factor of the full simulation is the tracking of the particle through the very complex detector geometry, while the event reconstruction including pattern recognition and track fitting is relatively fast. In FATRAS, the simplified reconstruction geometry is used as a simulation geometry model, which leads to a significant speed up of the simulation process. FATRAS uses furthermore mainly common offline track reconstruction code and the reconstruction event data model. It is fully embedded in the ATLAS C++ based software framework ATHENA

    Concepts, Design and Implementation of the ATLAS New Tracking (NEWT)

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    The track reconstruction of modern high energy physics experiments is a very complex task that puts stringent requirements onto the software realisation. The ATLAS track reconstruction software has been in the past dominated by a collection of individual packages, each of which incorporating a different intrinsic event data model, different data flow sequences and calibration data. Invoked by the Final Report of the Reconstruction Task Force, the ATLAS track reconstruction has undergone a major design revolution to ensure maintainability during the long lifetime of the ATLAS experiment and the flexibility needed for the startup phase. The entire software chain has been re-organised in modular components and a common Event Data Model has been deployed during the last three years. A complete new track reconstruction that concentrates on common tools aimed to be used by both ATLAS tracking devices, the Inner Detector and the Muon System, has been established. It has been already used during many large scale tests with data from Monte Carlo simulation and from detector commissioning projects such as the combined test beam 2004 and cosmic ray events. This document concentrates on the technical and conceptual details of the newly developed track reconstruction, also known as New Tracking

    Updates of the ATLAS Tracking Event Data Model (Release 13)

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    In a previous document we have presented the ATLAS tracking Event Data Model (EDM) that has been developed during the recent restructuring of the ATLAS offline track reconstruction. The tracking EDM has become a cornerstone of the new modular track reconstruction algorithms of both tracking devices of the ATLAS detector, the Inner Detector and the Muon System. Recently, some components have undergone yet another design evolution targeted at completing missing modules and at establishing anticipated functionality for the startup of the ATLAS experiment. One particular aspect of the EDM is that is does not only have to fulfill the requirements of today's algorithmic modules, but has to provide the flexibility for future developments. This document is based on ATLAS software release 13.0.0
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