6,394 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo study of gg->H+jets contribution to Vector Boson Fusion Higgs production at the LHC

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    The contribution of gg->H+jets production process to the vector boson fusion production of the Higgs boson, VV->H, at LHC was evaluated with the ALPGEN generator and the PYTHIA shower Monte Carlo including a jet-parton matching procedure. After the experimental like event selections applied at PYTHIA particle level, the contribution was found to be 4-5 % for a Higgs boson mass of 120 GeV

    Discovery Reach of Charged MSSM Higgs Bosons at CMS

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    We review the 5 sigma discovery contours for the charged MSSM Higgs boson at the CMS experiment with 30/fb for the two cases M_H+ m_t. In order to analyze the search reach we combine the latest results for the CMS experimental sensitivities based on full simulation studies with state-of-the-art theoretical predictions of MSSM Higgs-boson production and decay properties. Special emphasis is put on the SUSY parameter dependence of the 5 sigma contours. The variation of μ\mu can shift the prospective discovery reach in tan_beta by up to Delta tan_beta = 40.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk given at SUSY08, Seoul, Kore

    Hierarchical Model of Architecture of Supercomputer Systems for Comparison and Ranking

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    The task of comparing the capabilities of computing systems with each other and forming various ratings has many possible goals. Here, there is the identification of trends, the promotion of proven general-purpose architectures, and the demonstration of superiority in a certain class of tasks, etc. It is, of course, not enough to describe the achieved performance for all these purposes, various rankings and comparisons use different levels of abstraction and generalization up to that level, which would allow to associate the identified performance indicators with certain features of the system. In practice, descriptions of the architectural peculiarities of systems in ratings are rather scarce, and the authors of the work solve the problem of development a formal description of computer systems of a relatively high level, which, at the same time, would allow to increase the required level of detail, corresponding to the goals of applied research. Such a hierarchical system description model has been proposed and tested on well-known systems from the Top50 and Top500 lists.The task of comparing the capabilities of computing systems with each other and forming various ratings has many possible goals. Here, there is the identification of trends, the promotion of proven general-purpose architectures, and the demonstration of superiority in a certain class of tasks, etc. It is, of course, not enough to describe the achieved performance for all these purposes, various rankings and comparisons use different levels of abstraction and generalization up to that level, which would allow to associate the identified performance indicators with certain features of the system. In practice, descriptions of the architectural peculiarities of systems in ratings are rather scarce, and the authors of the work solve the problem of development a formal description of computer systems of a relatively high level, which, at the same time, would allow to increase the required level of detail, corresponding to the goals of applied research. Such a hierarchical system description model has been proposed and tested on well-known systems from the Top50 and Top500 lists

    One-dimensional modeling of relativistic collapse of a cloud

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    Построена численная модель релятивистского свободного коллапса сферически-симметричного облака пыли. Модель успешно протестирована с помощью аналитических решений и асимптотических соотношений.The numerical model of the relativistic free collapse of a spherically-symmetric dust cloud is developed. The model is successfully tested with the help of analytical solutions and asymptotic relations


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    В статье рассматривается вопрос становления субъектности студентов первокурсников как необходимой составляющей осуществления их учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Раскрывается содержание психолого-педагогического сопровождения как условия, реализующего становление субъектности студентаIn article the question of formation of subjectivity of first-year students as a necessary component of implementation of their educational professional activity is considered. Content of psychology and pedagogical maintenance as the condition realizing formation of subjectivity of the student reveal

    Comparing Online with Brick and Mortar Course Learning Outcomes: An Analysis of Quantitative Methods Curriculum in Public Administration

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    Teaching graduate students in an intensive adult-learning format presents a special challenge for quantitative analytical competencies. Students often lack necessary background, skills and motivation to deal with quantitative-skill-based course work. This study compares learning outcomes for graduate students enrolled in three course sections (cohorts) taking a quantitative methods course in a public administration program. One cohort of students was taught online, while two student cohorts were taught face-to-face in a traditional classroom setting. Most of the online students resided in the same geographic location as the “brick-and-mortar’ students. While student backgrounds and demographics were comparable, there were notable differences in their levels of self-directed learning readiness and persistence. These differences illustrate both course design and modality features for a comparison between online and traditional brick-and-mortar learning environments. We find that predictors of student performance in an online environment are rather well described by the Self-Directed Learning Theory (SDL) and Self-Regulated Learning Theory (SRL). A statistically significant difference was found in the pretest-posttest mean scores, which indicates that students learned the course content for quantitative methods in the online section differently from those in the brick-and-mortar section. Overall, students enrolled in the online section (cohort) performed better on the posttest than did students enrolled in traditional “brick-and-mortar” classes. An age variable shows that older students performed much better than younger students on the posttest. Other differences in learning outcomes between the online and brick-and-mortar sections are analyzed in the study. Stakeholders in online education should be interested in these outcomes