27 research outputs found

    Analogía de atribución intrínseca y analogía del ente según Santo Tomás

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    En la cuestión 16 de la primera parte de la Suma Teológica, el Doctor Común vuelve a tratar de la verdad. Lo hace a lo largo de 8 artículos y el 6º se intitula así: “Si hay una sola verdad por la que son verdaderas todas las cosas”

    Analogía de atribución intrínseca en Santo Tomás

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    Leemos en los cánones correspondientes a la Sesión tercera del Concilio Vaticano:“Si alguno dijere que Dios vivo y verdadero, creador y señor nuestro, no puede ser conocido con certeza por la luz na* tural de la razón humana por medio de las cosas que han sido hechas, sea anatema

    Shortening of generation cycles in inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) through embryo rescue technique

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    Embryo rescue techniques have been used as an approach to raise hybrids from incompatible crosses. Thesetechniques have also proved to be valuable tools for maize improvement, since they allow reducing the durationof the generation cycles for speed breeding. The aim of this study was to identify an efficient embryo rescueprotocol to evaluate the response of maize (Zea mays L.) embryo culture and compare its generation time (seedto seed) with the generation time of plants obtained by mature seed germination. To this purpose, we evaluatedthe germination efficiency, in vitro protocol efficiency, and days to flowering of three advanced maize inbred linesdeveloped at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina. A greenhouse traditional strategywas used as control. The embryo rescue technique allowed obtaining nearly four generations per year comparedto the two generations obtained in greenhouse. All the plants obtained by the embryo rescue technique weremorphologically normal and fertile. The results confirmed the possibility of using embryo rescue strategies tosignificantly reduce the duration of the generation cycles in maize

    Analogía de atribución intrínseca y analogía del ente según Santo Tomás

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    Na port.: Excerpta ex dissertatione ad lauream in Facultate Philosophica Pontificiae Universitatis Gregoriana

    Pain memory in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis with a meta-regression

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    The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to analyze the accuracy of memory of pain and the variables that may influence it in children with acute, experimental, and chronic pain. We conducted a search in electronic databases from inception to February 11, 2022. Twelve observational studies and 3 randomized controlled studies were included in the study. The main outcome measure was the accuracy of the memory of the pain intensity (experienced/recalled). To compare the outcomes reported by the studies, we calculated the standardized mean difference (SMD) over time for the continuous variables. The overall meta-analysis showed a small effect size in favor of an overestimation of experienced pain intensity (SMD = 0.28). Subanalyzing per pain context, there was a small effect size in favor of overestimation in the clinical context (SMD = 0.33), but there was no evidence of any change in the accuracy of memory of pain in the experimental context (SMD = 0.07). The mean age of the participants and the proportion of girls significantly predicted the accuracy of the memory of pain. The period since the experienced pain measurement, the intensity of expected and recalled fear, trait anxiety, and anxiety sensitivity did not significantly predict the accuracy of the memory of pain. Children showed an overestimation in pain memory between the experienced and recalled intensity of acute pain, especially in a clinical context. Furthermore, only gender and age were predictors of the accuracy of pain memory. These results highlight the relevance of pain memory to medical practice and future research.Sin financiación7.4 Q1 JCR 20222.445 Q1 SJR 2022No data IDR 2022UE