184 research outputs found

    Praktik Al-Hijr dalam Penyelesaian Nusyûz di Pengadilan Agama

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    Perkara nusyûz yang dilakukan oleh istri dapat diselesaikan melalui tiga cara yaitu memberi nasihat yang baik, al-hijr atau pisah ranjang, dan pemukulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis latar belakang dan pelaksanaan al-hijr yang dilakukan oleh para pihak berperkara di Pengadilan Agama. Melalui pendekatan diskriptif kualitatif diketahui bahwa para pihak yang mengajukan perceraian melakukan al-hijr karena alasan perselingkuhan, pertengkaran, perselisihan yang berkepanjangan, pengusiran oleh satu pihak. Pelaksanaan al-hijr ini belum sesuai dengan hukum Islam karena sebagian besar al-hijr dilakukan melebihi batas waktu maksimal. Selain itu, sebagian besar pasangan melakukan al-hijr dengan cara meninggalkan rumah, memutus komunikasi, tidak memberikan nafkah dan lahir batin

    Seleksi Terbuka Camat Dan Lurah Secara Terbuka Yang Dilaksanakan Oleh Pemerintah DKI Jakarta Berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur No. 19 Tahun 2013

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    Terpilihnya Gubernur DKI Jakarta pada periode 2012-2017 Jokowi dodo (Jokowi) dan wakilnya Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) sebagai Kepala daerah akan berdampak pada kebijakan-kebijakan yang diputuskan. Dalam rangka membentuk kebijakan daerah yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan masyarakat, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Jokowi dodo membuat produk hukum berupa Peraturan Gubernur No. 19 Tahun 2013 tentang seleksi terbuka camat dan lurah atau lebih populer dengan istilah seleksi terbuka. Berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur No.19 Tahun 2013 Seleksi Terbuka adalah proses pemilihan yang diumumkan secara luas melalui media bagi PNS yang memenuhi syarat untuk diangkat dalam Jabatan Camat atau Lurah. seleksi terbuka memiliki sisi positif yang diharapkan membawa dampak baik pada tata kelola pemerintahan daerah di lingkungan kecamatan dan kelurahan.1 Pertama, mendapatkan outcome yang positif yaitu terangkatnya PNS yang memiliki kompetensi dan profesionalitas yang memadai sesuai dengan jabatannya atau paling tidak memiliki rekam jejak yang baik. Kedua, dengan adanya seleksi terbuka persaingan positif akan terbuka. Tentu dengan adanya persaingan mendorong semangat bagi peningkatan kualitas. Ketiga, memperkuat sistem managemen karir berdasarkan merit sistem dimana terbuka peluang yang sama bagi setiap PNS untuk meningkatkan karir berdasarkan kompetensi yang dimilikinya. Disamping itu sistem seleksi terbuka yang diundangkan Jokowi tersebut memunculkan sejumlah permasalahan

    Ultimate behavior of idealized composite floor elements at ambient and elevated temperature

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    This paper is concerned with the ultimate behavior of composite floor slabs under extreme loading situations resembling those occurring during severe building fires. The study focuses on the failure state associated with rupture of the reinforcement in idealized slab elements, which become lightly reinforced in a fire situation due to the early loss of the steel deck. The paper describes a fundamental approach for assessing the failure limit associated with reinforcement fracture in lightly reinforced beams, representing idealized slab strips. A description of the ambient-temperature tests on isolated restrained elements, carried out to assess the influence of key material parameters on the failure conditions, is firstly presented. The results of a series of material tests, undertaken mainly to examine the effect of elevated temperature on ductility, are also described. A simplified analytical model is employed, in conjunction with the experimental findings, to assess the salient material parameters and their implications on the ultimate response at both ambient and elevated temperature. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Aplikasi Six Sigma Dmaic sebagai Metode Pengendalian dan Perbaikan Kualitas Produk Bedside Cabinet Skn 04-03abs pada PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha

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    (APPLICATION OF SIX SIGMA DMAIC AS A CONTROL AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT METHODS FOR SKN 04-03ABS BEDSIDE CABINET PRODUCT IN PT. SARANDI KARYA NUGRAHA)The main factors to achieve business success in global competition is quality. In the world of hospital equipment industry, quality is a key to maintaining customer loyalty. For PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha, quality control is expected to help achieve corporate objectives related to the level of the company\u27s revenue. Reality on the ground from 2013 until August 2015 shows that the average of defective products for bedside cabinet SKN 04-03ABS is 10.74%. Therefore a study is conducted to analyze the causes of defectivity using the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) Six Sigma. The stage of define and measure shows the dominant factor that causes defectivity is welding. Sigma values obtained after the calculation for the company amounted to 3.4 where it shows the value of the average amount of industry in Indonesia. Then from the calculation of Critical To Quality (CTQ) potential, cause of defectivity by welding obtained amounted to 43.22%. Fishbone diagram is used in analyze stages to analyze the causes of defectivity by analyzing five factors, those are construction design, environment, technical, structural, and human factors. The stage of control giving recommendation for direct improvement

    A novel 'boundary layer' finite element for the efficient analysis of thin cylindrical shells

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    Classical shell finite elements usually employ low-order polynomial shape functions to interpolate between nodal displacement and rotational degrees of freedom. Consequently, carefully-designed fine meshes are often required to accurately capture regions of high local curvature, such as at the ‘boundary layer’ of bending that occurs in cylindrical shells near a boundary or discontinuity. This significantly increases the computational cost of any analysis. This paper is a ‘proof of concept’ illustration of a novel cylindrical axisymmetric shell element that is enriched with rigorously-derived transcendental shape functions to exactly capture the bending boundary layer. When complemented with simple polynomials to express the membrane displacements, a single boundary layer shell element is able to support very complex displacement and stress fields that are exact for distributed element loads of up to second order. A single element is usually sufficient per shell segment in a multi-strake shell. The predictions of the novel element are compared against analytical solutions, a classical axisymmetric shell element with polynomial shape functions and the ABAQUS S4R shell element in three problems of increasing complexity and practical relevance. The element displays excellent numerical results with only a fraction of the total degrees of freedom and involves virtually no mesh design. The shell theory employed at present is kept deliberately simple for illustration purposes, though the formulation will be extended in future work


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    Modelling of RC beam-column sub-assemblages under sudden column loss scenario

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    The design of structures against disproportionate collapse is commonly achieved through structural assessment under a sudden column loss scenario. In this regard, a novel framework has been previously developed at Imperial College London, aiming to improve the accuracy of robustness assessment whilst maintaining a certain level of practicality. To predict the dynamic behaviour under sudden column loss, the framework transforms the nonlinear static response of a structure into a pseudo-static response through principles of energy balance. Furthermore, the response of an entire structure can be obtained based on the assemblage of its individual components. As such, the structural assessment under sudden column loss can be performed, for example, by simply providing the nonlinear static response of a beam-column sub-assemblage (BCSA) extracted from the structure. Complement to the above framework, this paper aims to propose efficient numerical models to predict the nonlinear static response of RC BCSAs under column loss scenarios. The BCSAs are modelled in the nonlinear finite element analysis program ADAPTIC using one-dimensional fibre-beam elements and a combination of joint/link elements. To reproduce the fracture of reinforcement, a uniaxial steel constitutive model is developed, in which a tensile softening branch follows an exponential degrading function. Two approaches are employed to assess the relevance of considering bond-slip. The first approach, which uses conventional fibre-beam elements, is more simplistic, with the inherent assumptions of linear cross-sectional strain distribution and full-bond between reinforcement and concrete. The second approach is more sophisticated since it relies on two separate elements for the modelling of concrete and reinforcement/bond, respectively. Lastly, parametric studies are performed to assess the sensitivity of the predicted nonlinear static response to various model parameters, including the tensile softening rate of reinforcement and the bond strength
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