1,915 research outputs found

    Synthetic Frequency Protocol in the Ramsey Spectroscopy of Clock Transitions

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    We develop an universal method to significantly suppress probe-induced shifts in any types of atomic clocks using the Ramsey spectroscopy. Our approach is based on adaptation of the synthetic frequency concept [V. I. Yudin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 030801 (2011)] (previously developed for BBR shift suppression) to the Ramsey spectroscopy with the use of interrogations for different dark time intervals. Universality of the method consists in arbitrariness of the possible Ramsey schemes. However, most extremal results are obtained in combination with so-called hyper-Ramsey spectroscopy [V. I. Yudin, et al., Phys. Rev. A 82, 011804(R) (2010)]. In the latter case, the probe-induced frequency shifts can be suppressed considerably below a fractional level of 1018^{-18} practically for any optical atomic clocks, where this shift previously was metrologically significant. The main advantage of our method in comparison with other radical hyper-Ramsey approaches [R. Hobson, et al., Phys. Rev. A 93, 010501(R) (2016); T. Zanon-Willette, et al., Phys. Rev. A 93, 042506 (2016)] consist in much greater efficiency and resistibility in the presence of decoherentization.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Experimental setup for study of drop deformation in air flow

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    Experimental study for study of deformation of drops in air flow is considered. Experimental setup includes a module for obtaining the drops, an air flow system and measuring system. Module for formation of drops is in the form of vertically arranged dropper with capillary with the possibility of formation of fixed drops. Air flow supply system comprises an air pump coupled conduit through a regulating valve with a cylindrical pipe, installed coaxially with dropper. The measuring system includes the video camera located with possibility of visualization of drop and the Pitot gage for measurement of flow rate of air located in the output section of branch pipe. This experimental setup allows to provide reliable and informative results of the investigation of deformation of drops in the air flow

    Open Saito Theory for A and D Singularities

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    A well-known construction of B. Dubrovin and K. Saito endows the parameter space of a universal unfolding of a simple singularity with a Frobenius manifold structure. In our paper, we present a generalization of this construction for the singularities of types A and D that gives a solution of the open WDVV equations. For the A-singularity, the resulting solution describes the intersection numbers on the moduli space of r-spin disks, introduced recently in a work of the 2nd author, E. Clader and R. Tessler. In the 2nd part of the paper, we describe the space of homogeneous polynomial solutions of the open WDVV equations associated to the Frobenius manifolds of finite irreducible Coxeter groups

    About determining the wettability of coal surface

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    A new method of measuring the wettability of coal powders based on determining the mass fraction of wetted powder particles at their interaction with water droplets during the process of gravitational sedimentation in a transparent cell has been proposed. Wettability parameter is calculated from the results of measuring the dependence of spectral transmittance of laser emission in the cell on time of powder sedimentation

    Analytical study of ultrasound influence on the molten metals atomization

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    This paper focuses on the study of influence of ultrasound on liquid atomization using ejection nozzles. Two principles of influence of ultrasound on the atomization process such as a change of conditions on gas-liquid boundary during the generation of ultrasound oscillation in the gas and liquid jet (film) disintegration under the action of capillary forces in cases of generation of ultrasound oscillation in the liquid are considered. The optimal values of the ultrasound oscillation frequencies are calculated. Two constructions of the nozzles patented are proposed


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    The concept of self-employment as a form of individual entrepreneurship has been considered. A detailed analysis of the experience of foreign countries in establishing the institution of the self-employment,common and distinctive features of the applied models of the development of self-employment in European countries, Australia and the USA, has been presented. Much attention has been paid both the characteristic of the category “self-employed citizens” and the review of their areas of activity in Russia today. Available mechanisms and tools for the development of self-employment have been analyzed. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the concept of self-employment and its forms, presented in legislative acts, which serve as the basis for effective regulation by the government. Conclusions and recommendations of the authors on the application of the new special tax treatment on the income of self-employed citizens, implemented as part of a pilot project in several regions of the Russian Federation, have been presented