7,461 research outputs found

    Towards learning free naive bayes nearest neighbor-based domain adaptation

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    As of today, object categorization algorithms are not able to achieve the level of robustness and generality necessary to work reliably in the real world. Even the most powerful convolutional neural network we can train fails to perform satisfactorily when trained and tested on data from different databases. This issue, known as domain adaptation and/or dataset bias in the literature, is due to a distribution mismatch between data collections. Methods addressing it go from max-margin classifiers to learning how to modify the features and obtain a more robust representation. Recent work showed that by casting the problem into the image-to-class recognition framework, the domain adaptation problem is significantly alleviated [23]. Here we follow this approach, and show how a very simple, learning free Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor (NBNN)-based domain adaptation algorithm can significantly alleviate the distribution mismatch among source and target data, especially when the number of classes and the number of sources grow. Experiments on standard benchmarks used in the literature show that our approach (a) is competitive with the current state of the art on small scale problems, and (b) achieves the current state of the art as the number of classes and sources grows, with minimal computational requirements. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Superconductivity and magnetic order in the non-centrosymmetric Half Heusler compound ErPdBi

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    We report superconductivity at Tc=1.22T_c = 1.22 K and magnetic order at TN=1.06T_N = 1.06 K in the semi-metallic noncentrosymmetric Half Heusler compound ErPdBi. The upper critical field, Bc2B_{c2}, has an unusual quasi-linear temperature variation and reaches a value of 1.6 T for T0T \rightarrow 0. Magnetic order is found below TcT_c and is suppressed at BM2.5B{_M} \sim 2.5 T for T0T \rightarrow 0. Since TcTNT_c \simeq T_N, the interaction of superconductivity and magnetism is expected to give rise to a complex ground state. Moreover, electronic structure calculations show ErPdBi has a topologically nontrivial band inversion and thus may serve as a new platform to study the interplay of topological states, superconductivity and magnetic order.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    MinMax Radon Barcodes for Medical Image Retrieval

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    Content-based medical image retrieval can support diagnostic decisions by clinical experts. Examining similar images may provide clues to the expert to remove uncertainties in his/her final diagnosis. Beyond conventional feature descriptors, binary features in different ways have been recently proposed to encode the image content. A recent proposal is "Radon barcodes" that employ binarized Radon projections to tag/annotate medical images with content-based binary vectors, called barcodes. In this paper, MinMax Radon barcodes are introduced which are superior to "local thresholding" scheme suggested in the literature. Using IRMA dataset with 14,410 x-ray images from 193 different classes, the advantage of using MinMax Radon barcodes over \emph{thresholded} Radon barcodes are demonstrated. The retrieval error for direct search drops by more than 15\%. As well, SURF, as a well-established non-binary approach, and BRISK, as a recent binary method are examined to compare their results with MinMax Radon barcodes when retrieving images from IRMA dataset. The results demonstrate that MinMax Radon barcodes are faster and more accurate when applied on IRMA images.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Visual Computing, December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, US

    Dynamic Programming Solution for a Class of Pursuit Evasion Problems: The Herding Problem

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    A herding dog and sheep problem is studied where the agent “dog” is considered the control action for moving the agent “sheep” to a fixed location using the dynamics of their interaction. The problem is solved for the deterministic case using dynamic programming. Proofs are provided for the correctness of the algorithms. The algorithm is analyzed for its complexity. A software package developed for experimentation is described

    A Preliminary Study of Image Analysis for Parasite Detection on Honey Bees

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    International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2018, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal

    Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection Loss for Camera Relocalization

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    Image-based camera relocalization is an important problem in computer vision and robotics. Recent works utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to regress for pixels in a query image their corresponding 3D world coordinates in the scene. The final pose is then solved via a RANSAC-based optimization scheme using the predicted coordinates. Usually, the CNN is trained with ground truth scene coordinates, but it has also been shown that the network can discover 3D scene geometry automatically by minimizing single-view reprojection loss. However, due to the deficiencies of the reprojection loss, the network needs to be carefully initialized. In this paper, we present a new angle-based reprojection loss, which resolves the issues of the original reprojection loss. With this new loss function, the network can be trained without careful initialization, and the system achieves more accurate results. The new loss also enables us to utilize available multi-view constraints, which further improve performance.Comment: ECCV 2018 Workshop (Geometry Meets Deep Learning

    Genomic models predict successful coral adaptation if future ocean warming rates are reduced

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    Population genomic surveys suggest that climate-associated genetic variation occurs widely across species, but whether it is sufficient to allow population persistence via evolutionary adaptation has seldom been quantified. To ask whether rapid adaptation in reef-building corals can keep pace with future ocean warming, we measured genetic variation at predicted warm-adapted loci and simulated future evolution and persistence in a high-latitude population of corals from Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Alleles associated with thermal tolerance were present but at low frequencies in this cooler, southerly locality. Simulations based on predicted ocean warming in Rarotonga showed rapid evolution of heat tolerance resulting in population persistence under mild warming scenarios consistent with low CO emission plans, RCP2.6 and RCP4.5. Under more severe scenarios, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5, adaptation was not rapid enough to prevent extinction. Population adaptation was faster for models based on smaller numbers of additive loci that determine thermal tolerance and for higher population growth rates. Finally, accelerated migration via transplantation of thermally tolerant individuals (1 to 5%/year) sped adaptation. These results show that cool-water corals can adapt to warmer oceans but only under mild scenarios resulting from international emissions controls. Incorporation of genomic data into models of species response to climate change offers a promising method for estimating future adaptive processes

    Target Mass Monitoring and Instrumentation in the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors

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    The Daya Bay experiment measures sin^2 2{\theta}_13 using functionally identical antineutrino detectors located at distances of 300 to 2000 meters from the Daya Bay nuclear power complex. Each detector consists of three nested fluid volumes surrounded by photomultiplier tubes. These volumes are coupled to overflow tanks on top of the detector to allow for thermal expansion of the liquid. Antineutrinos are detected through the inverse beta decay reaction on the proton-rich scintillator target. A precise and continuous measurement of the detector's central target mass is achieved by monitoring the the fluid level in the overflow tanks with cameras and ultrasonic and capacitive sensors. In addition, the monitoring system records detector temperature and levelness at multiple positions. This monitoring information allows the precise determination of the detectors' effective number of target protons during data taking. We present the design, calibration, installation and in-situ tests of the Daya Bay real-time antineutrino detector monitoring sensors and readout electronics.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures; accepted by JINST. Changes in v2: minor revisions to incorporate editorial feedback from JINS

    Multi-layer Architecture For Storing Visual Data Based on WCF and Microsoft SQL Server Database

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    In this paper we present a novel architecture for storing visual data. Effective storing, browsing and searching collections of images is one of the most important challenges of computer science. The design of architecture for storing such data requires a set of tools and frameworks such as SQL database management systems and service-oriented frameworks. The proposed solution is based on a multi-layer architecture, which allows to replace any component without recompilation of other components. The approach contains five components, i.e. Model, Base Engine, Concrete Engine, CBIR service and Presentation. They were based on two well-known design patterns: Dependency Injection and Inverse of Control. For experimental purposes we implemented the SURF local interest point detector as a feature extractor and KK-means clustering as indexer. The presented architecture is intended for content-based retrieval systems simulation purposes as well as for real-world CBIR tasks.Comment: Accepted for the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC, June 14-18, 2015, Zakopane, Polan