912 research outputs found

    Ontwikkeling signalering / vangsysteem voor schadelijke wantsen met lokstoffen en lokplanten": Onderzoek aan geurstoffen en lokplanten in laboratorium, veld en kassen

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    Referaat Behaarde wants, Lygus rugulipennis, en brandnetelwants, Liocoris tripustulatis, staan bekend als plagen in uiteenlopende kasgewassen waaronder paprika, komkommer, aubergine, chrysant. In het laboratorium is bepaald welke geurstoffen mogelijk bruikbaar zouden zijn om deze wantsen te monitoren met behulp van een val in combinatie met een geurstof. Tevens is een lijst van planten opgesteld, die aantrekkelijk zijn voor deze wantsen. Uit een keuzeproef met 16 plantensoorten in een kas bleek dat behaarde wants een voorkeur heeft voor kattenstaartamarant, zonnebloem, aardappel en tuinmelde boven de eerder genoemde gewassen. In een kasproef met 2000 m2 paprika werden zowel behaarde wantsen als brandnetel wantsen losgelaten gedurende 12 weken. Zowel deltavallen, als witte en blauwe signaalplaten werden opgehangen in combinatie met verschillende geurstoffen. Geen van deze combinaties van vallen en geurstoffen resulteerde in grote vangsten van de wantsen. Hoewel duizenden gekweekte wantsen werden losgelaten, trad geen schade op in het gewas.Na het loslaten vlogen wantsen niet naar het glas maar waren uren na het loslaten terug te vinden in de planten bij de loslaatpunten. Na een week waren nog enkele exemplaren op het loslaat punt aanwezig, maar in het gewas waren ze moeilijk te vinden. In de praktijk werden zowel behaarde wantsen als brandnetelwantsen verzameld in gewassen (paprika, aubergine, komkommer, gerbera) waarin schade optrad. Deze wantsen gaven op een jonge paprikaplant in een kooi geen schade. Het blijkt dat het optreden van wantsen en het al dan niet optreden van schade vragen oproept. Uit een vervolgstudie zou moeten blijken onder welke voorwaarden schade optreedt en wanneer niet. Abstract The tarnished plant bug, Lygus ruulipennis, and the coomon nettle capsid, Liocoris tripustulatis, are pests in a variety of crops in greenhouses, including sweet pepper, cucumber, eggplant and chrysantemum. Odours which were possibly attractive to the bugs were established in the laboratory.The aim was to find pheromones, which can be used in combination with a trap for monitoring the bugs.Further a list was composed of plants which are attractive for the bugs.From a choice test with 16 plant species it appeared that the tarnished plant bug us attrackted more to Amaranthus caudatus, Helianthus annuus, Sollanum tuburosum and Atriplex hortensis than to the greenhouse crops. In a greenhouse trial planted with 2000 m2 sweet pepper both tarnished plant bugs and common nettle capsids were introduced during a period of 12 weeks. Delta traps were installed and also white or blue sticky traps in combination with several lures. None of these combinations of traps and lures resulted in large catches of bugs. Although thousands of bugs were released, no symptoms were noticed in the crop. The bugs did not fly to the top of the grennhouse when they were released, but were presemt pn the plants near the releasing point for several hours. After a week some specimens were still present on the releasing point, but they were difficult to find in the crop. In commercial greenhouses both tarnished plant bugs and common nettle bugs were sampled in sweet pepper, egg plant, cucumber and gerbera were symptoms were present. These bugs did not cause any symptoms on a young sweet pepper plant in a cage. It is obvious that the occurrence of bugs and the showing or not-showing of symptoms raises questions. Further studies are necessary in order to reveal the conditions is which symptoms will occur or not

    Fifteen years of NESDA Neuroimaging:An overview of results related to clinical profile and bio-social risk factors of major depressive disorder and common anxiety disorders

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    The longitudinal Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA) Neuroimaging study was set up in 2003 to investigate whether neuroanatomical and functional abnormalities during tasks of primary emotional processing, executive planning and memory formation, and intrinsic brain connectivity are i) shared by individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) and common anxiety disorders; and ii) characterized by symptomatologyspecific abnormalities. Furthermore, questions related to individual variations in vulnerability for onset, comorbidity, and longitudinal course could be investigated.& nbsp; Between 2005 and 2007, 233 individuals fulfilling a diagnosis of MDD, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and/or generalized anxiety disorder and 68 healthy controls aging between 18 and 57 were invited from the NESDA main sample (n = 2981). An emotional faces processing task, an emotional word-encoding task, and an executive planning task were administered during 3T BOLD-fMRI acquisitions. In addition, resting state BOLDfMRI was acquired and T1-weighted structural imaging was performed. All participants were invited to participate in the two-year and nine-year follow-up MRI measurement.& nbsp; Fifteen years of NESDA Neuroimaging demonstrated common morphological and neurocognitive abnormalities across individuals with depression and anxiety disorders. It however provided limited support for the idea of more extensive abnormalities in patients suffering from both depression and anxiety, despite their worse prognosis. Risk factors including childhood maltreatment and specific risk genes had an emotion processing modulating effect, apparently stronger than effects of diagnostic labels. Furthermore, brain imaging data, especially during emotion processing seemed valuable for predicting the long-term course of affective disorders, outperforming prediction based on clinical information alone

    Miniaturization of 90-degree hybrid optical couplers

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    Here we explore the limits of miniaturization of an efficient 90-degree hybrid coupler on the InP photonic integration platform, working in the L, C and S bands, with respect to their figures of merit. We investigate the main effects responsible for the degradation of the performance of the devices, and establish the minimal dimension that such devices can have without significant degradation for photonic applications. The miniaturized device has a footprint of only 2200µm2, more than 5 times smaller than the conventional device used as reference

    Miniaturization of 90-degree hybrid optical couplers

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    Here we explore the limits of miniaturization of an efficient 90-degree hybrid coupler on the InP photonic integration platform, working in the L, C and S bands, with respect to their figures of merit. We investigate the main effects responsible for the degradation of the performance of the devices, and establish the minimal dimension that such devices can have without significant degradation for photonic applications. The miniaturized device has a footprint of only 2200µm2, more than 5 times smaller than the conventional device used as reference

    On the Role of Penning Ionization in Photoassociation Spectroscopy

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    We study the role of Penning ionization on the photoassociation spectra of He(^3S)-He(^3S). The experimental setup is discussed and experimental results for different intensities of the probe laser are shown. For modelling the experimental results we consider coupled-channel calculations of the crossing of the ground state with the excited state at the Condon point. The coupled-channel calculations are first applied to model systems, where we consider two coupled channels without ionization, two coupled channels with ionization, and three coupled channels, for which only one of the excited states is ionizing. Finally, coupled-channel calculations are applied to photoassociation of He(^3S)-He(^3S) and good agreement is obtained between the model and the experimental results.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, submitted to the special issue on Cold Molecules of J. Phys.

    Low-optical-loss, low-resistance Ag/Ge based ohmic contacts to n-type InP for membrane based waveguide devices

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    We present the development of Ag/Ge based ohmic contacts to n-type InP with both low contact resistances and relatively low optical losses. A specific contact resistance as low as 1.5×10-6 O cm2 is achieved by optimizing the Ge layer thickness and annealing conditions. The use of Ge instead of metal as the first deposited layer results in a low optical absorption loss in the telecommunication wavelength range. Compared to Au based contacts, the Ag based metallization also shows considerably reduced spiking effects after annealing. Contacts with different lengths are deposited on top of InP membrane waveguides to characterize the optical loss before and after annealing. A factor of 5 reduction of the propagation loss compared to the conventional Au/Ge/Ni contact is demonstrated. This allows for much more optimized designs for membrane photonic devices