362 research outputs found


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    PLN (Persero) Kantor Pelayanan Ondor merupakan salah satu usaha atau bisnis dalam bidang kelistrikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk bagaiamana merumuskan perencanaan yang efektif diaplikasikan untuk menurunkan tunggakan listrik di PT. PLN (Persero) Kantor Pelayanan Ondor. Metedologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Untuk penilaian respondon menggunakan skala likert dan pengolahan data penulis menggunakan analisis SWOT dengan menggunakan Perhitungan Matriks Internal Analysis Summary (IFAS) jumlah skor untuk faktor kekuatan (S) sebesar 2,16 sedangkan jumlah skor kelemahan (W) sebesar 0,59. Sedangkan  pada perhitungan Matriks  External  Analysis  Summary (EFAS) jumlah skor untuk faktor peluang (O) sebesar 1,76 dan ancaman (T) sebesar 0,67. Hasil  diagram  SWOT menunjukkan  bahwa posisi PT.PLN (Persero) KP. Ondor ada pada  kuadran I dengan strategi pertumbuhan agresif. Dengan menggunakan Grand Stategi  diperoleh 4 strategi yakni, stretgi SO, ST, WO dan WT dengan 15 alternatif strategi adalah membuat pengembangan aplikasi monitoring penagihan tunggakan yang berbasis perangkat mobile, menjalankan kerjasama dengan perbankan untuk mempermudah pembayaran melalui internet banking / mobile banking, melakukan sosialisasi kepada pelanggan dengan memanfaatkan media teknologi informasi dan lainnya

    HSF1 in Translation

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    The master regulator of the classical cytoprotective “heat shock” response, heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), is increasingly implicated in cancer pathogenesis, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. A recent study connects increased protein translation to activation of HSF1 in malignant cells and demonstrates the therapeutic benefit of targeting this link

    Sources and transfers of particulate organic matter in a tropical reservoir (Petit Saut, French Guiana): a multi-tracers analysis using d<sup>13</sup>C, C/N ratio and pigments

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    International audienceCarbon cycling and organic matter transfers in the tropical Sinnamary river system (French Guiana), including a mid-stream reservoir (Petit Saut) and its estuary on the Atlantic coast, were studied during the dry season by analyzing the organic carbon isotopic ratios (d13C-OC), C/N ratios and pigments contents of suspended matter, sediments, sediments traps and epiphytic and epilithic biofilms. In the River upstream as well as in surface sediments at the entrance of the reservoir and at the littoral zone of the reservoir, particulate organic matter (POM) was in majority of terrestrial origin, with a d13C-C/N signature close to the one of soil and litter collected in the surrounding forest and with high OC/total pigments ratios. High concentrations of Pheopigments a and b in these surface sediments showed that this terrestrial POM, either carried by the river and eolian transport or present in the soil before flooding, undergoes intense degradation. Deeper in the sediment, the d13C profile showed a decreasing trend with depth typical of what is found in soils, showing that the flooded soil still remains present at the reservoir bottom 10 years after flooding. At the center of the reservoir, POM in the water column, in sediment traps and in surface sediments was in majority of aquatic origin with low C/N and OC/total pigments ratios. In the oxic epilimnion at 3 m depth, Chl a, Chl b and Lutein showed the predominance of Chlorophyceae to the phytoplankton community. At this depth, a C/N ratio of 21 suggests a large contribution of transparent exopolymeric particles to the bulk POM, which, in addition, was 13C-depleted due to a significant contribution of methanotrophic bacteria. At 7 m depth, below the oxicline, high concentrations of BChl d and occasionally BChl c revealed the presence of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, namely Chlorobiaceae. In the sediment traps, Chl a, Chl b, Lutein and BChl c and BChl d confirmed the contribution of plankton to the sedimentary POM. This material was undergoing intense degradation as revealed by high concentration of pheopigments and by an increase in C/N ratio and an increase in d13C-OC with trap depth. Scytonemin was found in a biofilm developed on tree trunks at the reservoir surface and in all sediment traps. Other tracers showed however that the contribution of the biofilm to the sedimentary POM was minor compared to the planktonic source. In the Sinnamary downstream of the dam, POM became more 13C-depleted showing a larger contribution of methanotrophic bacteria. Chl b, Lutein and BChl c + BChl d originating from the reservoir progressively decreased downstream as the result of mineralization. At the estuarine mouth, fucoxanthin showed the presence of diatoms and the d13C-C/N signature matched the one of POM carried by the Amazonian coastal mobile mud belt

    Scattering of Ultrasound (Including Rayleigh Waves) by Surface Roughness and by Single Surface Flaws. A Review of the Work Done at Paris 7 University

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    Since some years our team has worked on the characterization of rough surfaces from a study of the angular and frequency dependence of the backscattered intensity of ultrasonic waves. We shall discuss, in view of our experimental results, the different components of the signature of the surface profile which can be evaluated by these means: r.m.s. roughness h with a precision of the order of 1 ÎĽm in the range 6-100 ÎĽm influence of the autocorrelation distance L when present, surface periodicities with a precision which can be better than 1%. In the case of quasiperiodic surfaces, we shall present a comparison between the spectra theoretically predicted in the low-frequency approximation for various samples, and the ultrasonic spectra actually observed. Since 1977, we have also used Rayleigh waves to study surface properties and surface cracks in ceramics and metals and we shall give an introduction to the results obtained at the present time. This topic will be developed by B.R. Tittmann in a following paper


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    Gardu KTB-09 yang terletak pada Penyulang Kota-B dalam data pembebanannya mencapai 112% (± 56.188 kVA) dari kapasitasnya yaitu 50 kVA dengan tegangan ujung sebesar 205V dan mengalami penurunan (drop tegangan) sebesar 12%. Pembebanan tersebut melampaui dari kapasitas maksimum transformator standar 80%, yang berpotensi pada kerugian secara materiel dan finansial bagi PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Masohi. Jatuh tegangan yang diakibatkan dari hal tersebut sudah melebihi dari SPLNT6.001-2013 sebesar -±10% untuk tegangan rendah. Mempertimbangkan matriks pada Health Index assessment tier-1 Trafo Distribusi, presentase pembebanan trafo berada pada kategori buruk karena dibebani ≥100%. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diterapkan pemasangan transformator sisipan. Dengan pembebanan yang semula dari 112% menjadi 66.60% dari kapasitas 50 kVA, tegangan ujung dengan adanya sisip transformator semula sebesar 205 V dengan jatuh tegangan sebesar 12,7% naik menjadi 212 V dengan prosentase jatuh tegangan yang menurun menjadi 8,2%. Pelaksanaan sisip trafo efektif untuk mengatasi kelebihan beban (over load) dan perbaikan tegangan ujung untuk. Penerapan metode rantai nilai terhadap transformator sisip mampu menghasilkan efisiensi, peningkatan pendapatan dan perbaikan kualitas pelayanan serta mengetahui ada atau tidaknya nilai tambah yang dihasilkan. Dengan efisiensi dari potensi kerusakan transformator sebesar Rp. 62.999.166., peningkatan pendapatan dari losses transformator sebesar Rp. 23.023.087.-/tahun dengan nilai investasi sebesar Rp. 104.921.753

    Integration of multiple platforms for the analysis of multifluorescent marking technology applied to pediatric GBM and dipg

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    The intratumor heterogeneity represents one of the most difficult challenges for the development of effective therapies to treat pediatric glioblastoma (pGBM) and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). These brain tumors are composed of heterogeneous cell subpopulations that coexist and cooperate to build a functional network responsible for their aggressive phenotype. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms sustaining such network will be crucial for the identification of new therapeutic strategies. To study more in-depth these mechanisms, we sought to apply the Multifluorescent Marking Technology. We generated multifluorescent pGBM and DIPG bulk cell lines randomly expressing six different fluorescent proteins and from which we derived stable optical barcoded single cell-derived clones. In this study, we focused on the application of the Multifluorescent Marking Technology in 2D and 3D in vitro/ex vivo culture systems. We discuss how we integrated different multimodal fluorescence analysis platforms, identifying their strengths and limitations, to establish the tools that will enable further studies on the intratumor heterogeneity and interclonal interactions in pGBM and DIPG

    Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms in an optical disordered potential

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    We report a study of three-dimensional (3D) localization of ultracold atoms suspended against gravity, and released in a 3D optical disordered potential with short correlation lengths in all directions. We observe density profiles composed of a steady localized part and a diffusive part. Our observations are compatible with the self-consistent theory of Anderson localization, taking into account the specific features of the experiment, and in particular the broad energy distribution of the atoms placed in the disordered potential. The localization we observe cannot be interpreted as trapping of particles with energy below the classical percolation threshold.Comment: published in Nature Physics; The present version is the initial manuscript (unchanged compared to version 1); The published version is available online at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys2256.htm

    Bose-Einstein Condensate in Weak 3d Isotropic Speckle Disorder

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    The effect of a weak three-dimensional (3d) isotropic laser speckle disorder on various thermodynamic properties of a dilute Bose gas is considered at zero temperature. First, we summarize the derivation of the autocorrelation function of laser speckles in 1d and 2d following the seminal work of Goodman. The goal of this discussion is to show that a Gaussian approximation of this function, proposed in some recent papers, is inconsistent with the general background of laser speckle theory. Then we propose a possible experimental realization for an isotropic 3d laser speckle potential and derive its corresponding autocorrelation function. Using a Fourier transform of that function, we calculate both condensate depletion and sound velocity of a Bose-Einstein condensate as disorder ensemble averages of such a weak laser speckle potential within a perturbative solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. By doing so, we reproduce the expression of the normalfluid density obtained earlier within the treatment of Landau. This physically transparent derivation shows that condensate particles, which are scattered by disorder, form a gas of quasiparticles which is responsible for the normalfluid component

    Diminished circadian and ultradian rhythms in pathological brain tissue in human in vivo

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    Chronobiological rhythms, such as the circadian rhythm, have long been linked to neurological disorders, but it is currently unknown how pathological processes affect the expression of biological rhythms in the brain. Here, we use the unique opportunity of long-term, continuous intracranially recorded EEG from 38 patients (totalling 6338 hours) to delineate circadian and ultradian rhythms in different brain regions. We show that functional circadian and ultradian rhythms are diminished in pathological tissue, independent of regional variations. We further demonstrate that these diminished rhythms are persistent in time, regardless of load or occurrence of pathological events. These findings provide the first evidence that brain pathology is functionally associated with persistently diminished chronobiological rhythms in vivo in humans, independent of regional variations or pathological events. Future work interacting with, and restoring, these modulatory chronobiological rhythms may allow for novel therapies
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