287 research outputs found

    Il capitalismo municipale e le esternalizzazioni fredde

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    La novella legislativa del 2003 (d.l. 269/2003) ha inciso sull\u2019assetto dei servizi pubblici locali aumentando le fattispecie nelle quali l\u2019ente locale pu\uf2 assumere la veste di soggetto proprietario, attraverso l\u2019acquisizione di partecipazioni in societ\ue0 a capitale totalmente pubblico o a capitale misto pubblico-privato0. Questo scenario istituzionale \ue8 diventato cornice ideale per l\u2019affermazione definitiva del fenomeno del gruppo comunale, che vede il Comune assimilato ad una holding che controlla un sistema di entit\ue0 formalmente indipendenti, strumentale alla realizzazione dei suoi fini sociali e alla promozione dello sviluppo economico e civile delle comunit\ue0 locali. Alla crescita esponenziale del peso dei servizi gestiti dal Comune per il tramite di entit\ue0 partecipate, non \ue8 corrisposta l\u2019evoluzione del suo sistema informativo-contabile verso un modello che dia conto dei risultati, di natura reddituale, patrimoniale e monetaria, ottenuti grazie al complesso delle attivit\ue0 sulle quali estende il suo potere di controllo. Il modello che coglie le interrelazioni operative fra le unit\ue0 del gruppo e la loro complementarit\ue0 rispetto ad un progetto strategico unitario \ue8 il bilancio consolidato. Allorch\ue9 si progetti di adottare il bilancio consolidato nel contesto pubblico locale, ci si imbatte in alcune problematiche da risolvere preventivamente. Merita di riflettere sostanzialmente su tre momenti: a) l\u2019individuazione delle unit\ue0 appartenenti al gruppo comunale (definizione dell\u2019area di gruppo); b) l\u2019individuazione delle unit\ue0 del gruppo comunale i cui bilanci di esercizio dovranno essere consolidati analiticamente (definizione dell\u2019area di consolidamento); c) la ricerca delle condizioni di uniformit\ue0 che devono sussistere perch\ue9 la procedura di consolidamento possa generare valori significativi e attendibili. Gli indubbi vantaggi informativi che si attribuiscono al bilancio consolidato non devono per\uf2 generare l\u2019erronea convinzione che esso debba sostituire i bilanci di esercizio delle unit\ue0 appartenenti al gruppo comunale. In particolare, l\u2019elisione dei valori reciproci, pur rispondendo appieno allo scopo per il quale il bilancio consolidato \ue8 redatto, cela informazioni sull\u2019intensit\ue0 e la direzione delle operazioni infragruppo che potrebbero rivestire molta importanza nell\u2019ottica di determinati soggetti: chi si occupa di problemi della finanza pubblica, ad esempio, \ue8 interessato a conoscere l\u2019importo e la distribuzione dei trasferimenti che il Comune concede agli enti gestori dei servizi pubblici, posto che la scelta dei servizi, e quindi degli enti erogatori, che potranno godere in misura minore o maggiore dei contributi (ad integrazione, ad esempio, di tariffe pi\uf9 o meno remunerative) \ue8 un\u2019informazione importante per valutare la politica di redistribuzione dei redditi attuata dal Comune nell\u2019ambito della collettivit\ue0 amministrata, tenuto conto che i servizi erogati sono destinati a categorie di utenti differenziate, con diversa capacit\ue0 di spesa. Ecco perch\ue9 il bilancio consolidato deve essere correttamente inteso quale porzione di un sistema informativo pi\uf9 vasto, comprendente i bilanci delle singole societ\ue0 del gruppo

    Use and effectiveness of dapagliflozin in routine clinical practice. An Italian multicenter retrospective study

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    In randomized controlled trials (RCTs), sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors have been shown to confer glycaemic and extra-glycaemic benefits. The DARWIN-T2D (DApagliflozin Real World evIdeNce in Type 2 Diabetes) study was a multicentre retrospective study designed to evaluate the baseline characteristics of patients receiving dapagliflozin vs those receiving selected comparators (dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, gliclazide, or glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists), and drug effectiveness in routine clinical practice. From a population of 281 217, the analysis included 17 285 patients initiating dapagliflozin or comparator glucose-lowering medications (GLMs), 6751 of whom had a follow-up examination. At baseline, participants starting dapagliflozin were younger, had a longer disease duration, higher glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) concentration, and a more complex history of previous GLM use, but the clinical profile of patients receiving dapagliflozin changed during the study period. Dapagliflozin reduced HbA1c by 0.7%, body weight by 2.7 kg, and systolic blood pressure by 3.0 mm Hg. Effects of comparator GLMs were also within the expected range, based on RCTs. This real-world study shows an initial channelling of dapagliflozin to difficult-to-treat patients. Nonetheless, dapagliflozin provided significant benefits with regard to glucose control, body weight and blood pressure that were in line with findings from RCTs

    Inhibitory effect of salmon calcitonin on bone resorption: morphological study of the tibial growth plate in rats.

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    Salmon calcitonin (sCT) at doses of 100 and 50 UI given subcutaneously to growing rats produced in vivo evidence of osteoclastic activity inhibition. Histological assessment was carried out by measuring the perichondrial ring of Lacroix height, and a dose-correlated effect was found. These aspects were coupled with an increase in the osteoclast number and suggested that in studies with bone resorption inhibitors, morphological evaluation based on osteoclasts count is not reliable. The changes of the metaphysis suggested also that sCT affects the activity of hypertrophic chondrocytes of the growth plate. Plasma calcium levels did not differ significantly between treated rats and controls; an increased phosphatemia was observed in sCT-treated animals

    Chronic intoxication by ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate (EHDP) in a child with myositis ossificans progressiva.

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    Chronic intoxication by ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate (EHDP) in a child with myositis ossificans progressiva.

    Experimental model in vivo for quantitative assessment of bone resorption inhibition.

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    Quantitative assessment of bone resorption inhibition in vivo is not easily accomplished; methods relying on a count of osteoclasts are questionable, and histomorphometric evaluation of the bone mass presents several technical problems as well. The authors developed a simple method to measure the inhibition of bone resorption by study of the proximal tibial metaphysis of growing rats: the height of the perichondrial bone ring was taken as an index of the balance between osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity because any agent that inhibits osteoclasts (without interference with osteoblasts) produces an increase in the height of this anatomical structure. Since the ring is well demarcated by surrounding tissues, its height can be measured with accuracy and used for quantitative assessment of bone resorption inhibition. This model was tested with salmon calcitonin, and it provides evidence in vivo that this hormone inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption

    Femoral revision with the modular ZMR stem. Clinical and x-rays results at medium term follow-up

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    A retrospective review was conducted to evaluate the medium-term results of the ZMR modular revision taper stem. From March 1999 to December 2002, 65 consecutive hip revision surgeries were performed mostly for aseptic loosening. Femoral bone stock defects were classified according to AAOS\u2019s criteria and consisted mainly in type II and type III. A Wagner osteotomy was performed in 25 cases to remove primary implants that were cemented in 35 cases. Mean post-operative follow-up was 69 months (range, 36 to 91months). Clinical assessment at follow-up showed a significantly improved mean Harris Hip Score from 42 points preoperatively to 81 points postoperatively, while the x-ray examination did show a satisfactory distal integration of the stem in all cases and satisfactory reconstitution of the femoral bone stock in 47% of cases. The average subsidence of the stem at follow-up was under one millimeter. According to the data leg length discrepancy exceeding 15 millimeters caused significantly higher functional impairment and more pain

    Treatment of periprosthetic femoral fractures with distal fixation modular revision stems

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    Background Late periprosthetic fractures of the femur are the third most frequently reported cause of surgery after total hip artroplasty. Revision total hip artroplasty can be difficult, especially when poor bone stock is encountered. The aim of this study was to examine the results of late periprosthetic fractures complicated with primary implant loosening performed with distal fixation modular revision stem. Methods From November 1999 to May 2006, 16 late periprosthetic fractures were treated with distal-fixation, modular, straight stem. There were 13 females (82%) and 3 males (18%) whose mean age at surgery was 76.7 years (range, 48 to 95 years). Femoral revision surgery was performed with the Revitan (2 cases) and ZMR (14 cases) to get a stable distal primary fixation. X-rays were assessed accordingly to the Vancouver classification: there were 3 type B2 and 13 type B3 fractures. Mean post-operative follow-up was 52 months (range, 10 to 88 months). At the time of the last follow-up visit 4 patients already passed away, all of them for causes unrelated to the procedure. The clinical outcome was monitored with the Harris Hip Score, subjective VAS, pain and satisfaction evaluation. Standard AP and lateral x-rays of the hip were obtained at each follow-up visit. Leg-length discrepancy was also investigated as a factor possibly affecting outcome. Complications included one septic loosening that was treated with a two-stage revision. Results All the patients but one were finally able to walk and had minimal to no pain at all. A satisfactory functional outcome was achieved with an average 76 (range, 25 to 100) Harris Hip Scores points. The subjective pain and satisfaction scores were respectively 2.4 and 7.8 points. As far as radiograms are concerned, all the sixteen femur did show a good healing of the fracture, with no secondary stem subsidence. Discussion Generally, considering the severity of an event such as a periprosthetic late fracture in an elderly patient, results were satisfactory. The average Harris Hip Score and subjective satisfaction would have been even higher if one patient wouldn\u2019t have been so much disappointed because of her severe leg-length discrepancy, dependent on the acetabular side. From a surgical point of view, the employed devices proved to be handy in bridging the fracture with distal fixation while adequately stabilizing it. Conclusions According to the reported results, straight modular-revison stems provide an adequate treatment option of Vancouver type B3 and in selected cases of B2 type periprosthetic femoral fracture

    Y Engineering a 3D in vitro model of human skeletal muscle at the single fiber scale

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    The reproduction of reliable in vitro models of human skeletal muscle is made harder by the intrinsic 3D structural complexity of this tissue. Here we coupled engineered hydrogel with 3D structural cues and specific mechanical properties to derive human 3D muscle constructs (“myobundles”) at the scale of single fibers, by using primary myoblasts or myoblasts derived from embryonic stem cells. To this aim, cell culture was performed in confined, laminin-coated micrometric channels obtained inside a 3D hydrogel characterized by the optimal stiffness for skeletal muscle myogenesis. Primary myoblasts cultured in our 3D culture system were able to undergo myotube differentiation and maturation, as demonstrated by the proper expression and localization of key components of the sarcomere and sarcolemma. Such approach allowed the generation of human myobundles of ~10 mm in length and ~120 μm in diameter, showing spontaneous contraction 7 days after cell seeding. Transcriptome analyses showed higher similarity between 3D myobundles and skeletal signature, compared to that found between 2D myotubes and skeletal muscle, mainly resulting from expression in 3D myobundles of categories of genes involved in skeletal muscle maturation, including extracellular matrix organization. Moreover, imaging analyses confirmed that structured 3D culture system was conducive to differentiation/maturation also when using myoblasts derived from embryonic stem cells. In conclusion, our structured 3D model is a promising tool for modelling human skeletal muscle in healthy and diseases conditions


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    Background:Patients with Spondyloarthritis (SpA) can experience flares during pregnancy and postpartum even though the available data are limited and not conclusive.Objectives:To assess disease activity and treatment modification during pregnancy and postpartum in patients with SpA and to identify risk factors for disease flare.Methods:Data on SpA pregnancies prospectively-followed in a pregnancy clinic from 2010 to 2019 were retrospectively analysed. Disease activity was assessed during each trimester and postpartum using ASDAS-CRP or DAS28-CRP. Flare was defined as an increase of disease activity leading to treatment modification (introduction or increase ≥5mg/day of prednisone, introduction of cDMARD or bDMARD)1.Results:Data on 50 pregnancies in 46 patients were collected (mean age at conception 33±4.7 years; median disease duration: 60 months (IQR 24-132); 33 psoriatic arthritis, 6 axialSpA, 2 reactive arthritis, 2 IBD-related SpA; 6 undifferentiated SpA, 1 juvenile idiopathic arthritis). Six pregnancies ended in miscarriage, so they weren't considered for the analysis of flares during pregnancy (table 1). Fifteen out of 44 (34%) pregnancies had at least one flare during pregnancy (6, 7 and 4 during 1st, 2ndand 3rdtrimester respectively; 2 pregnancies had multiple flares). A higher rate of flare was observed in pregnancies of patients with axial involvement (p=0.01), on treatment with bDMARDs at preconceptional visit (p=0.03) and who stopped TNFi at positive pregnancy test (p=0.03). Peripheral involvement was associated with a lower rate of flares (p=0.02). Medications resumed during pregnancy were steroids (in 6 pregnancies), cDMARDs (2 sulfasalazine, 1 cyclosporine) and bDMARDs (4 certolizumab, 4 etanercept). During postpartum period flares were recorded in 46% of patients.Table 1.clinical features, medication and disease activity in pregnancies with flare vs without flareCLINICAL FEATURESFLARE (15)NO FLARE (29)pAxial involvement, n (%)11/15 (73)9/29 (31)0.01Peripheral arthritis, n (%)8/15 (53)26/29 (90)0.02Enthesitis, n (%)5/15 (33)14/29 (48)nsDactilitis, n (%)3/15 (20)8/29 (28)nsPsoriasis, n (%)6/15 (40)17/29 (59)nsIBD, n (%)2/15 (13)0nsUveitis, n(%)1/15 (7)3/29 (10)nsHLAB27 +7/11 (64)5/12 (42)nsMEDICATION HISTORYbDMARDs, n (%)11/15 (73)7/29 (24)0.003bDMARDs at preconception visit, n (%)8/15 (53)6/29 (21)0.04bDMARDs stopped at positive pregnancy test, n (%)7/15 (47)4/29 (14)0.03cDMARDs, n (%)12/15 (80)25/29 (86)nsDISEASE ACTIVITYACTIVE DISEASE* preconception visit, n(%)3/14 (21)4/23 (17)nsACTIVE DISEASE 1sttrimester, n(%)6/15 (40)1/29 (3)0.004ACTIVE DISEASE 2ndtrimester, n(%)8/15 (47)2/29 (7)0.001ACTIVE DISEASE 3rdtrimester, n(%)2/15 (13)1/29 (3)ns*DAS28-CRP>3.2 or ASDAS-CRP≥2.1Conclusion:In our cohort of prospectively-followed SpA pregnancies, 34% experienced a flare during pregnancy and 46% during postpartum. Flares occurred especially in those patients who discontinued TNFi early in pregnancy and with axial involvement. When resumed during pregnancy, TNFi was able to control the disease. At preconception counselling, the continuation of TNFi during pregnancy should be considered to ensure a better control of disease.References:[1]Fischer-Betz R et al.Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015; 67.Disclosure of Interests: :None declare

    Suppression of Parasitic Nonlinear Processes in Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing with Linearly Uncoupled Resonators

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    We report on a signal-to-noise ratio characterizing the generation of identical photon pairs of more than 4 orders of magnitude in a ring resonator system. Parasitic noise, associated with single-pump spontaneous four-wave mixing, is essentially eliminated by employing a novel system design involving two resonators that are linearly uncoupled but nonlinearly coupled. This opens the way to a new class of integrated devices exploiting the unique properties of identical photon pairs in the same optical mode
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