369 research outputs found

    Plagioscion squamosissimus (Sciaenidae) and Parachromis managuensis (Cichlidae): A Threat to Native Fishes of the Doce River in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The middle section of the lake basin of the Doce River in Minas Gerais State, Brazil is plagued by grave environmental problems, including the introduction of non-native fish, which reduces the biodiversity of this region. This study reports the presence of two newly-detected non-native species in the Doce River Basin. Sampling efforts included gill nets with mesh size of 3 to 12 mm (measured diagonally) and trawling nets, both of which were used in independent field campaigns in 2002 and 2011. The two new invasive Perciform fishes, Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel 1840) and Parachromis managuensis (Günther 1867) were collected in Caratinga and Rio Doce municipalities. These records and other reports on non-native fishes suggest favorable environmental conditions for the establishment of invasive species in this drainage. These invasive species have behavior and diet observed in other wide distribution exotic fish of Rio Doce Basin representing a threat to the 77 native fishes of this region, 37 of which are endangered

    Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) pesticide policy and integrated pest management in certified tropical plantations

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    The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was the first non-governmental organization composed of multi-stakeholders to ensure the social, environmental, and economic sustainability of forest resources. FSC prohibits certain chemicals and active ingredients in certified forest plantations. A company seeking certification must discontinue use of products so listed and many face problems to comply with these constraints. The aim of this study was to assess the impacts of certification on pest management from the perspective of Brazilian private forestry sector. Ninety-three percent of Brazilian FSC-certified forest companies rated leaf-cutting ants as “very important” pests. Chemical control was the most important management technique used and considered very important by 82 % of respondents. The main chemical used to control leaf-cutting ants, sulfluramid, is in the derogation process and was classified as very important by 96.5 % of the certified companies. Certified companies were generally satisfied in relation to FSC certification and the integrated management of forest pests, but 27.6 % agreed that the prohibitions of pesticides for leaf-cutting ant and termite control could be considered as a non-tariff barrier on high-productivity Brazilian forest plantations. FSC forest certification has encouraged the implementation of more sustainable techniques and decisions in pest management in forest plantations in Brazil. The prohibition on pesticides like sulfluramid and the use of alternatives without the same efficiency will result in pest mismanagement, production losses, and higher costs. This work has shown that the application of global rules for sustainable forest management needs to adapt to each local reality

    Rendimento de grãos de trigo e tricale com utilização de torta de mamona.

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    Insetos predadores em cultivos da palma do óleo na região Norte do Brasil.

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    Insetos-praga representam um dos maiores problemas fitossanitários do dendezeiro, com maior ou menor importância dependendo do local de sua ocorrência, da variabilidade climática, da flora e fauna existentes. O objetivo com a pesquisa foi identificar as principais espécies de insetos predadores associados a surtos de desfolhadores em cultivos da palma do óleo no Estado do Pará. Foram coletadas e identificadas formigas predadoras dos gêneros e Wasmannia sp. e Crematogaster sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), predando pupas de O. invirae, e indivíduos das espécies Solenopsis saevissima F Smith, Dinoponera gigantea Perty e Ectatomma quadridens F. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), predando lagartas, pupas, adultos de O. invirae e larvas de Diptera, respectivamente. Também, observados adultos e ninfas do percevejo predador Alcaeorrhynchus grandis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) predando imaturos de diversas lepidópteras desfolhadoras da palma do óleo. Portanto, foram coletados e identificados uma grande diversidade de insetos, com destaque para os representantes da família Formicida

    Biological control of the bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, in eucalyptus plantations in Brazil.

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    Edição dos abstracts do 24º IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City. Sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research