17 research outputs found

    Mercados educativos y segmentación de la oferta escolar: efectos sobre las desigualdades educativas en Chile

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    En 1988 Chile introdujo un ambicioso sistema de vouchers convirtiéndose en uno de los países con una mayor trayectoria en la implementación de políticas de cuasi-mercado en América Latina, y en uno de los pocos del mundo que utiliza este modo de financiación a gran escala. Esta política se caracteriza por una amplia libertad de elección de centro por parte de las familias, asumiendo que la competencia generada entre los centros educatives por la captación de alumnos incrementará la calidad de los servicios educativos. Sin embargo, el análisis de la evidencia en otros sistemas educativos muestra cómo no siempre los proveedores responden a la introducción de mecanismos de competencia como la teoria espera. Estas respuestas no esperadas tienen consecuencias directas en el incremento de la estratificación social de los centros educativos y, por lo tanto, conllevan un aumento de desigualdades en el ámbito educativo. El presente trabajo analiza el comportamiento de los proveedores educativos en el contexto de cuasi-mercado chileno, concretamente en la ciudad de Valparaíso. Los resultados muestran cómo la capacidad de los proveedores educativos para determinar el precio o seleccionar a los alumnos, entre otros factores, incide en la jerarquización y segmentación de los mercados educativos locales a través de la aparición de tipologías de proveedores claramente diferenciades y orientadas a la atracción de un alumnado específico. Asimismo, el análisis de las entrevistas a los responsables de los centros educativos permite afirmar que la segmentación es una estrategia explícita que los centros desarrollan como respuesta a la competencia por los recursos del sistema educativo.Education markets and school supply segmentation: effects on educational inequalities in Chile». In 1988, Chile introduced an ambitious voucher system becoming one of the countries with greater experience in the implementation of quasi-market policies in Latin America and one of the few in the world to use this financing scheme at a national scale. This policy is characterized by a high level of school choice, under the assumption that the resulting competition between schools to attractstudents will contribute to increase the quality of educational services. However, evidence from other educational systems showsthe providers do not respond to the introduction of competition mechanisms in the way the theory predicts. These unexpected responses have a direct impact on increasing social stratification between schools and, therefore, lead to increase of inequalities in education. This paper analyses the behaviour of educational providers in the context of the Chileaneducation quasi-market, specifically in the municipality of Valparaiso. The results show how the capacity of educational providers to determine the fees or to select students, among other factors, affect the hierarchization and segmentation of local educational markets through the development of different typologies of suppliers oriented to attract a specific types of students. Furthermore, the analysis of interviews with schools managersshows that segmentation is an explicit strategy that schools develop in response to competition for resources that are available in the education system

    Policy enactment and educational quasimarkets:Analysing school offer and demand dynamics in Chile

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    El artículo cuestiona las asunciones de la teoría de la elección pública en educación mediante el análisis del funcionamiento de los mecanismos de mercado y de las dinámicas de oferta y demanda educativa en Chile - el país del mundo que ha adoptado políticas de cuasi-mercado educativo por un período más largo y a mayor escala. En términos analíticos, el artículo se basa en el trabajo sobre mercados educativos y elección escolar de Stephen Ball, así como en el marco conceptual desarrollado por este mismo autor para entender, por un lado, las lógicas de acción de la oferta educativa en espacios educativos locales y, por el otro, el 'enactment' (o la recontextualización) de políticas educativas.This article challenges the main assumptions of public choice theory in education by analyzing the functioning of market mechanisms and the educational offer and demand dynamics in Chile - the country that has adopted quasimarket policies in education for a longer period and at a larger scale. In analytical terms, the article relies on the work on school choice and education markets developed by Stephen Ball, as well as on the conceptual framework developed by the same author most recently to understand the logics of action of schools in local educational spaces and the 'enactment' of education policy.O artigo questiona os pressupostos de escolha público em educação por meio da análise do funcionamento dos mecanismos de mercado ea dinâmica de oferta e demanda de educação no Chile - país que adotou políticas quase-mercado educação para um período mais longo e de maior escala. Em termos analíticos, o artigo é baseado no trabalho de escolha da escola e da educação mercados Stephen Ball, bem como a estrutura conceitual desenvolvida pelo mesmo autor para entender, por um lado, a lógica da ação de oportunidades educacionais em espaços educativos local e, por outro, a "promulgação" (ou a recontextualização) a política de educação

    Indicators for a Broad and Bold Post-2015 Agenda: A Comprehensive Approach to Educational Development

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    This report reviews the conceptual debates and existing data sources that relate to three ambiguous and controversial targets included in the post-2015 education framework: Relevant Learning Outcomes; Knowledge, Skills, Values, and Attitudes (for education for global citizenship and sustainable development); and Teachers and Safe, Inclusive, and Effective Learning Environment

    Public-Private Partnerships in Colombian Education: The Equity and Quality Implications of 'Colegios en concesión'

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    'Charter schools are one of the most iconic public-private partnership (PPP) formulas in education. Nonetheless, despite charter school programs having been implemented in some countries for decades and their global diffusion, evidence on their impact in education systems is far from conclusive. This report analyzes the case of the Colegios en Concesión (CEC), a paradigmatic charter school program implemented in Bogotá since 1999 to benefi t students from poor areas of the city. By adopting a realist evaluation approach, our research discusses to what extent the assumptions behind the promotion of the CEC program in Colombia are met in real situations, and challenges some of the main conclusions that existing evaluations of this program have reached so far. This study shows that the CEC program has not achieved the expected results: these schools enjoy only of moderate levels of school autonomy; their economic efficiency largely relies on a drastic worsening of teachers’ employment conditions; many CEC schools have strategically selected their students during enrollment processes, though this practice is not allowed by the Education Department; and the pedagogical differentiation that these schools have promoted within the education system has not necessarily translated into substantive academic improvement. In fact, in relation to the latter, we have observed that in terms of learning outcomes, there are not statistically significant differences between CEC and public schools after controlling for school day and the economic status of students. However, we have also seen how CEC schools have had the capacity to generate high levels of loyalty among their more direct users, and both parents and students are deeply engaged and satisfied with these schools. Overall, our results raise some challenging questions about the effects, in terms of equity, quality and segregation, of the CEC program in the Colombian education system.