948 research outputs found

    Maximising utility savings through appropriate implementation of combined heat and power scheme

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    Combined Heat And Power (CHP) Scheme, Also Known As Cogeneration Is Widely Accepted As A Highly Efficient Energy Saving Measure, Particularly In Medium To Large Scale Chemical Process Plants. The Advantages Of A CHP Scheme For A Chemical Plant Are Two-Fold: (I) To Drastically Reduce Electricity Bill From On-Site Power Generation (Ii) To Save On Fuel Bills Through Recovery Of The Quality Waste Heat From Power Generation For Process Heating. In Order To Be Effective, A CHP Scheme Must Be Placed At The Right Temperature Level, In The Context Of An Overall Process System. Failure To Do So Might Render A CHP Venture Worthless. This Paper Describes The Procedure For An Effective Implementation Of A CHP Scheme Using An Ethyl Benzene Process As A Case Study. A Key Visualisation Tool In Pinch Analysis Technique Known As The Grand Composite Curve Is Used To Guide CHP Integration, And Allows It To Be Optimally Placed Within The Overall Process Scenario. The Study Shows That Appropriate CHP Integration With The Ethyl Benzene Process Above The Pinch Can Potentially Result In Significant Savings On Electricity Cost Of Up To 87%


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    Pendidikan karakter menjadi alternatif dalam membangun karakter anak bangsa yang saat ini telah mengalami persoalan serius terutama di era digital saat ini. Adapun tujuan pelatihan penguatan pendidikan karakter adalah mempertahankan nilai-nilai karakter santri, yakni keikhlasan, kesederhanaan, kemandirian, persaudaraan yang kuat, dan mengamalkan amar ma’ruf nahi munkar yang berpedoman pada Al Qur’an dan Hadits. Pondok Pesantren ini merupakan Pondok Pesantren Tahfid. Santri sudah mempunyai bekal dalam mengamalkan perilaku kehidupan sesuai dengan Al-Qur’an dan sunnah. Berpedoman pada Al-Qur’an di era digital sekarang dapat membantu orang tua dalam pembentukan karakter masing-masing anak. Era digital sekarang ini memiliki pengaruh yang besar bagi karakter, pendidikan, serta perilaku anak di zaman sekarang. Pada saat ini, banyak  remaja yang terjerumus keluar syari’at dikarenakan pergaulan bebas. Salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan telepon genggam, karena sudah seperti benda yang wajib dimiliki, tak terkecuali anak-anak di bawah umur yang bahkan belum bisa membaca ataupun menulis, mereka sudah mengenal yang namanya telepon genggam. Adapu salah satu kontribusi pembentukan karakter dalam pelatihan ini adalah mengajarkan kepada santri, tentang bagaimana cara mengunakan handphone dengan benar, membekali siswa terkait dengan kenakalan remaja saat ini dan juga untuk mengajarkan kepada anak anak cara untuk mengkaji dan mengamalkan Al-Qur’an dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan telepon genggam yang dilakukan pada pelatihan ini adalah sebagai sarana entrepreneur dan juga Al Qur’an yang menjadi pedoman dalam usaha. Santri bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas berbasis digital menjadi sesuatu yang lebih bermanfaat bagi hidupnya dan membangun jiwa Al Qur’an dalam hatinya.Kata Kunci: Pondok pesantren tahfidz, Era digital, Telepon genggam, Al-Qur’an, Entrepreneu

    An Interacting Scenario for Dark Energy in Bianchi Type-I Universe

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    We study the interaction between dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) in the scope of anisotropic bianchi type I space-time. First we derive the general form of the dark energy equation of state parameter (EoS) in both non-interacting and interacting cases and then we examine it's future by applying a hyperbolic scale factor. It is shown that in non-interacting case, depending on the value of the anisotropy parameter KK, the dark energy EoS parameter is varying from phantom to quintessence whereas in interacting case EoS parameter vary in quintessence region. However, in both cases the dark energy EoS parameter ωde\omega^{de}, ultimately (i. e at z=1z=-1) tends to the cosmological constant (ωde=1\omega^{de}=-1). Moreover, we fixed the cosmological bound on the anisotropy parameter KK by using the recent observational data of Hubble parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 201

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Menentukan Nilai Tempat dengan Menggunakan Media Papan Nilai

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    The purpose of this research is to assess the improvement of students learning outcomes to determine the value of place in class IV Elementary School of Extraordinary (SDLB) Tunagrahita light. This research used two cycles of learning materials to determine the value of the place, (1) to demonstrate the scoreboard media, (2) to determine the value by using media boards place value, (3) to determine the place value of hundreds, tens and ones by using media scoreboard special. The results of data analysis showed the learning to determine the value of the place affects the improvement of student learning outcomes : 1) to facilitate students in determining the value of the place, to improve the smoothness of the material in determining the value of the place. 2) to increase students' understanding of the material determine the value of the place, and 3) to increase students interest and motivation to determine the value the material points

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi di SD

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    S. This study aimed to describe the learning outcome of students using demonstration method in teaching mathematics class v SDN 28 Senangak. This study used descriptive, qualitative and quantitative approaches to the shape of PTK. The subjects research were 16 students and 1 teacher of class v SDN 28 Senangak. Data collection technique is direct observation techniques. Data collection tool in the form of observation sheets IPKG 1, IPKG 11, and a written test. The data is analyzed and reflected. From the observation, the implementation of learning has incrased. Planning learning the first cycle an average score is 2,52, in the second cycle an average score is 2,64. Implementation of learning the first cycle an avetage score is 2,9, in second cycle an average score is 3,0. The results of students learning the first cycle an average was 64,37, in the second cycle average was 88,12

    Subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction a critical review of its analytical usefulness

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    Subcritical R134a is suggested as a low-pressure alternative to supercritical CO2 in the supercritical fluid extraction technology in particular of palm oil application. Therefore, a measurement of solubility of palm oil in subcritical Rl34a will be carried out at temperatures of 40, 60, 70 and 80°C and pressures up to 300 bar. The solubility of carotene are also will be measured using UV Spectrophotometer. Results obtained from this study will be compared with the previous work and for the first time, simulation for the SFE process of palm oil will be performed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and it will be implemented in comparisons as well when the operating conditions of the previous findings are different from this study. It is expected that the solubility of the palm oil in subcritical Rl34a is much higher than SC-C02, and it is expected that R134a could be a viable alternative solvent to supercritical carbon dioxide as R134a could be perform well at a lower pressure used whereas can achieved a higher solubility compared to SC-C0

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dengan Media Nyata Kelas 1 Sdn 08 Kuala Mandor B

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    : Increase Student Learning Activities With Tangible MediaClass 1 SDN 08 Kuala Foreman B. This research aims to enhancestudents learning activities using real media class 1 SDN 08 KualaForeman B. Research method used is the method deskri. This studydesign included studies introduction, planning,action, observation andreflection. As for the preliminary studies carried out to obtain thereflectionawal. Subsequent remedial measures done in theclassicallearning as much as 2 cycle. Based on the observation made by twocycles with three times the meeting, the Grade 1 students learningactivities SDN 08 Kuala Foreman B having increased to 55,45% from68,20% in cycle I first meeting, 87,26% in cycle I meeting second.Then excellent increase of 100% in cycle II

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Metode Inkuiri di Kelas IV Sdn

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the increase in the activity of learners in the learning of Natural Sciences using inquiry methods. This study used a descriptive method of research is the form of action research. This research was conducted for 3 cycles. The results of this study are as follows: baseline physical activity indicator by 24.64% to 97.10% the third cycle. There is a difference of 72.46%. Thus the increase in physical activity can be categorized as "High". Baseline on indicators of mental activity by 21.01% to 96.36% the third cycle. There is a difference of 75.35%. Thus the increase in mental activity can be categorized as "High". Baseline on indicators of emotional activity of 23.92% to 97.83% .Terdapat third cycle difference of 73.91%. Thus the increase in emotional activity can be categorized as "High"