879 research outputs found

    Gas chromatographic column enables analysis of propellant hydrazines

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    Stainless steel column is used in gas chromatographic analysis of propellant-grade hydrazine. The column has also been found effective for the separation of other amines and alcohols and nitriles

    Gas chromatograph injection port protective device

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    To prevent samples containing foreign matter from poisoning the gas chromatographic columns, a pre-filter insertion is placed in the injection port. The packing becomes a variable reactant, for example, acids are removed by using an alkaline liquid

    Filament identification and dominance of Eikelboom Type 0092 in activated sludge from wastewater treatment facilities in Cape Town, South Africa

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    Routine characterisation of activated sludge and identification of the filamentous population by microscopic and/or other non-culture dependent techniques can assist in diagnosing the aetiology of poor performance of wastewater treatment works (WWTWs). In South Africa, most facilities rely solely on physicochemical indicators, treating reactors as ‘black-boxes’, with the result that process adjustments are often delayed, to the detriment of the environment. This study was performed in order to gain insight into the filamentous population found in activated sludge in Cape Town WWTWs, to compare these with other global and local literature findings, and to build capacity in this science. Physicochemical and plant performance parameters, in terms of nutrient removal and settling, were obtained from routine operational data and assessed in conjunction with the microscopic analyses of activated sludge samples taken over a 6-month period. Hypotheses on the links between filament types and/or plant  configurations and/or operational parameters were formulated using  existing literature. In order of prevalence, the five most common dominant filament species in 96 activated sludge samples were: Eikelboom Type  0092, Eikelboom Type 1851, nocardioforms, Microthrix parvicella and  Eikelboom Type 021N. In order to compile a statistically significant  database, it is recommended that an extensive nationwide study is  conducted to link filament types with plant configurations, operational parameters and geographical locations.Keywords: activated sludge, bulking, identification, filament, Type 009

    Development of a fast screening method for the direct determination of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants in fish oil by high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry

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    The authors are grateful to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico and Tecnológico (CNPq); the present research was mostly financed through Project no. CNPq 406877/2013-0. The authors are also grateful to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for financial support and scholarships, and to Analytik Jena for financial support and donation of the contrAA 600 high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometer.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Two-photon interference with true thermal light

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    Two-photon interference and "ghost" imaging with entangled light have attracted much attention since the last century because of the novel features such as non-locality and sub-wavelength effect. Recently, it has been found that pseudo-thermal light can mimic certain effects of entangled light. We report here the first observation of two-photon interference with true thermal light.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, PRA72, 043805 (2005

    Exact approaches for designing multifacility buy-at-bulk networks

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    We study a problem that integrates buy-at-bulk network design into the classical facility location problem. We consider a generalization of the facility location problem where multiple clients may share a capacitated network to connect to open facilities instead of requiring direct links. In this problem, we wish to open facilities, build a routing network by installing access cables of different costs and capacities, and route every client demand to an open facility. We provide a path based formulation and we compare it with the natural compact formulation for this problem. We then design an exact branch-price-and-cut algorithm for solving the path based formulation. We study the effect of two families of valid inequalities. In addition to this, we present three different types of primal heuristics and employ a hybrid approach to effectively combine these heuristics in order to improve the primal bounds. We finally report the results of our approach that were tested on a set of real world instances as well as two sets of benchmark instances and evaluate the effects of our valid inequalities and primal heuristics

    Directed Gradients in the Excited-State Energy Landscape of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanofibers

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    Funneling excitation energy toward lower energy excited states is a key concept in photosynthesis, which is often realized with at most two chemically different types of pigment molecules. However, current synthetic approaches to establish energy funnels, or gradients, typically rely on Förster-type energy-transfer cascades along many chemically different molecules. Here, we demonstrate an elegant concept for a gradient in the excited-state energy landscape along micrometer-long supramolecular nanofibers based on the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene), P3HT, as the single component. Precisely aligned P3HT nanofibers within a supramolecular superstructure are prepared by solution processing involving an efficient supramolecular nucleating agent. Employing hyperspectral imaging, we find that the lowest-energy exciton band edge continuously shifts to lower energies along the nanofibers’ growth direction. We attribute this directed excited-state energy gradient to defect fractionation during nanofiber growth. Our concept provides guidelines for the design of supramolecular structures with an intrinsic energy gradient for nanophotonic applications

    Three-dimensional structure of the radiation beam in atomic absorption spectrometry

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    The results of an investigation of the three-dimensional distribution of radiant intensity in the probing radiation beam produced in a conventional atomic absorption spectrometer by hollow cathode lamps and electrodeless discharge lamps are presented. The investigation is based on the use of a photodiode array-based digital imaging system. The results obtained revealed that the probing radiation beam is highly non-uniform, both longitudinally and radially. The character of the non-uniformities is greatly dependent on the type of the primary source. An interpretation of the results is given and the possible consequences of the radiation beam non-uniformities for the application of Beer-Lambert's law are discussed

    Spatial distribution of radiant intensity from primary sources for atomic absorption spectrometry. Part II: Electrodeless discharge lamps

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    The spatial distribution of radiant intensity from electrodeless discharge lamps (EDLs) used as radiation sources in atomic absorption spectrometry is investigated with a digital photodiode array imaging system. Intensity distribution over the radial and longitudinal sections of Pb and Hg lamps is measured for both atomic and ionic lines of the analyte and the filler gas. The plasma in the EDLs is highly structured, with metal and filler gas excited species being distributed nonuniformly but in different ways. The clouds of emitting metal and Ar atoms are spatially separated in the volume of the Pb EDL. The excited Pb atoms detected from both the resonance and nonresonance lines have the form of a thin layer concentric to the bulb walls located near the surface of the bulb ("optical skin effect"). In contrast, the emission distribution for Ar atomic lines is bell-shaped with a maximum at the center of the plasma. The spatial distribution of emitting Ar ions is more complex - there is a bulk maximum coinciding with Ar atomic emission maximum and another maximum concentric to the walls coinciding with the maximum of metal atom emission. In the Hg EDL the difference between the spatial intensity profiles of metal and filler gas (Ar) lines is less pronounced because of the use of an increased filler gas pressure in the lamp. Emitting species of both Ar and metal are primarily located in the bulk of the plasma with, however, a small depletion in the vicinity of the lamp axis. Evolution of the spatial intensity profiles during warm-up of the lamps is investigated as well. In both lamps the radial and longitudinal intensity distributions of metal lines are established during the first minutes after lamp ignition, after which there is a slow and monotonic increase of the established intensity profiles. This result implies thermal vaporization as a mechanism of analyte supply to the plasma. The spatial intensity profiles for Ar lines are established in the first seconds after lamp ignition, after which only the absolute values of the established distributions change. The approach to the steady-state intensity of Ar atomic and ionic lines is nonmonotonic; there is a clearly pronounced initial overshoot in intensity of Ar atomic lines that coincides with a decline in the intensity of Ar ion lines. An interpretation for the observed spatial intensity profiles is given on the basis of radial cataphoresis theory