777 research outputs found

    Dynamic Modelling and Adaptive Traction Control for Mobile Robots

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    Mobile robots have received a great deal of research in recent years. A significant amount of research has been published in many aspects related to mobile robots. Most of the research is devoted to design and develop some control techniques for robot motion and path planning. A large number of researchers have used kinematic models to develop motion control strategy for mobile robots. Their argument and assumption that these models are valid if the robot has low speed, low acceleration and light load. However, dynamic modelling of mobile robots is very important as they are designed to travel at higher speed and perform heavy duty work. This paper presents and discusses a new approach to develop a dynamic model and control strategy for wheeled mobile robot which I modelled as a rigid body that roles on two wheels and a castor. The motion control strategy consists of two levels. The first level is dealing with the dynamic of the system and denoted as Low level controller. The second level is developed to take care of path planning and trajectory generation

    Penilaian Lima Tugas Keluarga Pada Keluarga Dengan Anggota Keluarga Menderita TB Paru Di WIlayah Kerja BP-4 Magelang

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    Tuberculosis is one of the contagion diseases which is high of painfulness number and its death. The role of family is very needed to efficacy of medication of tuberculosis. The reason is that family represents the elementary system in sociaty where healthy behaviour and treatment of health is arraged. Moreover family takes charge of especial start and coordinates service given by the nurse as health professional.This research aims to investigate how family applies five family's duties in the field of health. This research utilises qualitative study with the approach of fenomenology. Data collecting method was an interview and observation. Participant of this research was the family who has one of the family member suffering from tuberculosis with positif BTA and lives in Magelang.The result of ressearch shows that family recognise tuberculosis after contact with health facility. Then, the decision is taken by family to find out the medication for the member. The family provide caring for the member such as giving the nutrition, preventing the infection. The low economic status influence providing the nutrition. Workload of the family also can affect in improving health environment. Health facility especially expence is the family choice in caring for member with tuberculosis

    Factors Affecting the Use of Accrual Based Financial Statements for Regional Device Organizations (OPD) of South Sumatera Province

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    The purpose of this study was to examine and find out the influence of accrual accounting knowledge, administrative bureaucracy, and Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) on the Use of Accrual Accounting. The research method used is an explanatory research. The scope of this study is the public sector, especially in the accounting unit at the Regional Device Organization (OPD) in the Government of South Sumatera Province. The data used are primary data in the form of the results of the respondents’ answers taken with a questionnaire instrument. The results of data analysis in this study are that Accrual Accounting Knowledge, Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) and Administrative Bureaucracy together influence the Accrual Accounting Knowledge. The interpretation that can be explained from these results is the Use of Accrual Accounting will be effective if there is a high level of Accrual Accounting Knowledge, a reliable Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) and a short or practical Administrative Bureaucracy

    Analisis FTIR Dan Minimum Loss Pada Kaca Tellurite-Bismuth-Zinc-Plumbum Untuk Aplikasi Fiber Optik Infrared

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    Peneltian ini bertujuan menganalisis spektrum Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) dan menentukan minimum loss dari kaca Tellurite-Bismuth-Zinc-Plumbum (TBZP) yang dipengaruhi oleh variasi (PbO). Kaca TBZP difabrikasi dengan teknik melt quenching dengan komposisi 55TeO2–2Bi2O3–[43-x]ZnO–xPbO (%mol) dengan x=2, 3, 4, 5. Hasil uji spektrum Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) menunjukkan pita absorbsi terbesar berada pada panjang gelombang lebih dari 620nm. Absorbansi tersebut lebih diakibatkan oleh adanya transisi vibrasi pada daerah infrared. Minimum loss pada kaca TBZP diprediksikan secara teoritis melalui fitting data infrared edge dengan kurva Rayleigh scattering. Minimum loss kaca TBZP sebasar 2,94 dB/km hingga 2,35 dB/km pada λ=5534,2nm hingga 5821,2nm. Nilai minimum loss menurun seiring pertambahan konsentrasi ion Pb2+ dalam kaca TBZP. Sifat tersebut menjadikan kaca ini sebagai kandidat yang baik untuk aplikasi yang menggunakan gelombang infrared seperti fiber optik infrared. The aims of this research were to analyze the spectrum of Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) and determine the minimum loss of Tellurite-Bismuth-Zinc-Plumbum (TBZP) based glass which affected by the variation of (PbO). The TBZP glass has been fabricated by melt quenching technique with composition 55TeO2–2Bi2O3–[43-x]ZnO–xPbO (mol%) with x=2, 3, 4, 5. Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectra test results showed that the greatest absorption bands were at wavelengths over 620nm. Vibrational transition has the reason behind the absorbance in the infrared region. Minimum loss on glass TBZP theoretically was predicted by fitted data from the infrared edge and rayleigh scattering curve. The minimum loss of TBZP was of the range 2,94 dB/km to 2,35 dB/km at λ=5534,2nm to 5821,2nm. The minimum loss of TBZP glass decreases as the Pb2+ content in glass increases. This makes these glasses are good candidate for IR-application such as infrared optical fiber

    Perancangan Bangunan Tradisional Sunda sebagai Pendekatan Kearifan Lokal, Ramah Lingkungan dan Hemat Energi

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    Permasalahan krisis lingkungan dan krisis energi (listrik, BBM) yang diiringi dengan semakin menyusutnya ruang terbuka hijau, pemborosan energi, pemborosan bahan bangunan , mendorong berbagai kalangan (arsitek,arsitek lanskap, desainer interior, produsen bahan bangunan, dan lain-lain) untuk berpikir ulang tentang paradigma membangun rumah berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan. Perwujudan desain bangunan tersebut sebenarnya sudah dilakukan sejak jaman dahulu, seperti mendirikan rumah panggung yang bertujuan supaya tidak lembab dan nyaman, perwujutanya adalah disebut dengan bangunan tradisional. Bangunan tradisional merupakan bangunan dibuat oleh masyarakat di daerah yang banyak menyimpan berbagai kelebihan, salah satu contohnya bangunan tradisional di Kampung Kranggan. Proses pembangunan dan teknik pembangunannya umumnya sederhana dan bahkan tidak terlalu memperhatikan aspek-aspek desain yang hemat energi. Tetapi didalam operasionalnya, bangunan ini justru lebih hemat dibandingkan dengan bangunan-bangunan modern yang dibangun diperkotaan dengan bantuan arsitek. Salah satu penyebab hal ini adalah adanya sistematisasi sistem bangunan tradisional, yang mencakup struktur, utilitas, interior, dan envelope-nya. Hal inilah yang dicoba diungkapkan ditulisan ini dengan dengan menguraikan keberadaan sistem perancangan bangunan tradisional melalui metode penelitian diskriptif dengan survey langsung dan membandingkan antara kampung tradisional di Jawa Barat, yaitu Kampung Bojong Koneng yang ada di Sentul, Bogor dengan Kampung Kranggan yang ada di Pondok Gede, Bekasi. Kampung Kranggan merupakan salah satu kampung tradisional sunda yang masih hidup diantara megapolitan Jabodetabek. Maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan perancangan bangunan yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan hemat energi, yang berakar dari arsitektur tradisional. Sehingga nantinya permasalahan krisis lingkungan dan krisis energi bisa teratasi

    Implementasi Rencana Strategis Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dan Desa Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Badan USAha Milik Desa Di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat

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    The development of village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) currently is one of the flagship programs of the central government and became policy in an effort to build rural areas. In West Kotawaringin Regency, the implementation of the policy beyond the performance indicators that have been set in the strategic plan and the Village Community Empowerment Board (BPMD) of West Kotawaringin Regency, because 'BUM Desa development program' has not been specifically addressed in the strategic plan BPMD. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of a policy that goes well, the need for cooperation between the two parties, the parties implementing policies that can translate a policy to operations in the field, and the target group policy, demonstrated by their attitude in accepting a policy

    The Incidence of Repeat Breeding in Dairy Cows Under Tropical Condition

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the incidence of repeat breeding in dairy cows under tropical condition. This was a preliminary study conducted in Sinjai Regency, Indonesia. A total of 82 Holstein Friesian lactating cows from five dairy farmer groups were used in the present study. Of the 82 cows, 75.6% eventually became pregnant after repeated inseminations (AI). The incidence of repeat breeding in this area was very high (62%). Days in milk (DIM) at first AI, first AI conception rate, and calving to conception interval were 62.5±19.3 days, 0%, and 202.8±150.0 days, respectively. There was no difference in DIM at first AI between repeat breeders and normal fertility cows (60.4±15.2 days vs 68.3±28.6 days). However, normal fertility cows required only 123.3±52.9 days to conceive and 2.4±0.8 inseminations per pregnancy, whereas repeat breeders required significantly more days to conceive (222.9±134.1 days) and more inseminations per pregnancy (4.8±0.9). In conclusion, repeat breeder dairy cows under tropical condition had very poor and reduced reproductive performance

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Dan Etika Kerja Islami Terhadap Performansi Kerja Para Staf Pengajar Pada Perguruan Tinggi Di Surakarta Dengan Basis Institusi Sebagai Variabel Moderator

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    The purposes of this study are: (1) examine the impact of organizationalcommitment to job performance of faculty member in Surakarta; (2) examine the impact of Islamic work ethic to job performance; and (3) examine the moderation role of institutional-base on the impact of Islamic work ethic to job performance. The results show that organizational commitment and Islamic work ethic had significance effect to job performance, but institutional-based had no moderating role in the effect of Islamic work ethic to job performanc
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