175 research outputs found

    Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies: an overview of the SPIRIT project

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    A large proportion of the resources available on the world-wide web refer to information that may be regarded as geographically located. Thus most activities and enterprises take place in one or more places on the Earth's surface and there is a wealth of survey data, images, maps and reports that relate to specific places or regions. Despite the prevalence of geographical context, existing web search facilities are poorly adapted to help people find information that relates to a particular location. When the name of a place is typed into a typical search engine, web pages that include that name in their text will be retrieved, but it is likely that many resources that are also associated with the place may not be retrieved. Thus resources relating to places that are inside the specified place may not be found, nor may be places that are nearby or that are equivalent but referred to by another name. Specification of geographical context frequently requires the use of spatial relationships concerning distance or containment for example, yet such terminology cannot be understood by existing search engines. Here we provide a brief survey of existing facilities for geographical information retrieval on the web, before describing a set of tools and techniques that are being developed in the project SPIRIT : Spatially-Aware Information Retrieval on the Internet (funded by European Commission Framework V Project IST-2001-35047)

    Placing Arrows in Directed Graph Drawings

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    We consider the problem of placing arrow heads in directed graph drawings without them overlapping other drawn objects. This gives drawings where edge directions can be deduced unambiguously. We show hardness of the problem, present exact and heuristic algorithms, and report on a practical study.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Состояние и перспективы развития рынка лакокрасочных материалов Украины

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    Целью статьи является рассмотрение состояние рынка лакокрасочных материалов Украины и мира на сегодняшний день, анализ объемов поставок и производства ЛКМ,а также разработка предложений по улучшению этой отрасли

    Translating a Regular Grid over a Point Set

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    We consider the problem of translating a (finite or infinite) square grid G over a set S of n points in the plane in order to maximize some objective function. We say that a grid cell is k-occupied if it contains k or more points of 5. The main set of problems we study have to do with translating an infinite grid so that the number of fe-occupied cells is maximized or minimized. For these problems we obtain running times of the form O(kn polylog n). We also consider the problem of translating a finite size grid, with m cells, in order to maximize the number of fe-occupied cells. Here we obtain a running time of the form O(knm polylog nm)

    Evaluation of Labeling Strategies for Rotating Maps

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    We consider the following problem of labeling points in a dynamic map that allows rotation. We are given a set of points in the plane labeled by a set of mutually disjoint labels, where each label is an axis-aligned rectangle attached with one corner to its respective point. We require that each label remains horizontally aligned during the map rotation and our goal is to find a set of mutually non-overlapping active labels for every rotation angle α[0,2π)\alpha \in [0, 2\pi) so that the number of active labels over a full map rotation of 2π\pi is maximized. We discuss and experimentally evaluate several labeling models that define additional consistency constraints on label activities in order to reduce flickering effects during monotone map rotation. We introduce three heuristic algorithms and compare them experimentally to an existing approximation algorithm and exact solutions obtained from an integer linear program. Our results show that on the one hand low flickering can be achieved at the expense of only a small reduction in the objective value, and that on the other hand the proposed heuristics achieve a high labeling quality significantly faster than the other methods.Comment: 16 pages, extended version of a SEA 2014 pape

    Klimaatverandering en natuur : een verkenning van risico’s, kansen en aangrijpingspunten voor klimaatadaptatiebeleid

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    In 2016 zal het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu de Nationale Adaptatie Strategie presenteren. Daarin wordt voor verschillende thema’s aangegeven hoe Nederland zich het beste kan voorbereiden op de gevolgen van klimaatverandering. In deze rapportage brengen Stroming en Wageningen Universiteit, in opdracht van Kennis voor Klimaat, de belangrijkste risico’s, kansen en kwetsbaarheden rond het thema natuur samen