32 research outputs found

    Singlet and triplet trions in WS2_2 monolayer encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride

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    Embedding a WS2_2 monolayer in flakes of hexagonal boron nitride allowed us to resolve and study the photoluminescence response due to both singlet and triplet states of negatively charged excitons (trions) in this atomically thin semiconductor. The energy separation between the singlet and triplet states has been found to be relatively small reflecting rather weak effects of the electron-electron exchange interaction for the trion triplet in a WS2_2 monolayer, which involves two electrons with the same spin but from different valleys. Polarization-resolved experiments demonstrate that the helicity of the excitation light is better preserved in the emission spectrum of the triplet trion than in that of the singlet trion. Finally, the singlet (intravalley) trions are found to be observable even at ambient conditions whereas the emission due to the triplet (intervalley) trions is only efficient at low temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Valley polarization of singlet and triplet trions in WS2_2 monolayer in magnetic fields

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    The spectral signatures associated with different negatively charged exciton complexes (trions) in a WS2_2 monolayer encapsulated in hBN, are analyzed from low temperature and polarization resolved reflectance contrast (RC) and photoluminescence (PL) experiments, with an applied magnetic field. Based on results obtained from the RC experiment, we show that the valley Zeeman effect affects the optical response of both the singlet and the triplet trion species through the evolution of their energy and of their relative intensity, when applying an external magnetic field. Our analysis allows us to estimate a free electron concentration of ∼1.3⋅1011\sim 1.3 \cdot 10^{11} cm−2^{-2}. The observed evolutions based on PL experiments on the same sample are different and can hardly be understood within the same simple frame highlighting the complexity of relaxation processes involved in the PL response.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; source file correcte

    Flipping exciton angular momentum with chiral phonons in MoSe2_2/WSe2_2 heterobilayers

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    Identifying quantum numbers to label elementary excitations is essential for the correct description of light-matter interaction in solids. In monolayer semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) such as MoSe2_2 or WSe2_2, most optoelectronic phenomena are described well by labelling electron and hole states with the spin projection along the normal to the layer (Sz_z). In contrast, for WSe2_2/MoSe2_2 interfaces recent experiments show that taking Sz_z as quantum number is not a good approximation, and spin mixing needs to be always considered. Here we argue that the correct quantum number for these systems is not Sz_z, but the zz-component of the total angular momentum -- Jz_z = Lz_z + Sz_z -- associated to the C3_3 rotational lattice symmetry, which assumes half-integer values corresponding modulo 3 to distinct states. We validate this conclusion experimentally through the observation of strong intervalley scattering mediated by chiral optical phonons that -- despite carrying angular momentum 1 -- cause resonant intervalley transitions of excitons, with an angular momentum difference of 2.Comment: are welcom

    Magnon gap excitations in van der Waals antiferromagnet MnPSe3_3

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    Magneto-spectroscopy methods have been employed to study the zero-wavevector magnon excitations in MnPSe3_3. Experiments carried out as a function of temperature and the applied magnetic field show that two low-energy magnon branches of MnPSe3_3 in its antiferromagnetic phase are gapped. The observation of two low-energy magnon gaps (at 14 and 0.7 cm−1^{-1}) implies that MnPSe3_3 is a biaxial antiferromagnet. A relatively strong out-of-plane anisotropy imposes the spin alignment to be in-plane whereas the spin directionality within the plane is governed by a factor of 2.5 ×\times 10−3^{-3} weaker in-plane anisotropy.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The valley Zeeman effect in inter- and intra-valley trions in monolayer WSe2

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    Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) hold great promise for future information processing applications utilizing a combination of electron spin and valley pseudospin. This unique spin system has led to observation of the valley Zeeman effect in neutral and charged excitonic resonances under applied magnetic fields. However, reported values of the trion valley Zeeman splitting remain highly inconsistent across studies. Here, we utilize high quality hBN encapsulated monolayer WSe2 to enable simultaneous measurement of both intervalley and intravalley trion photoluminescence. We find the valley Zeeman splitting of each trion state to be describable only by a combination of three distinct g-factors, one arising from the exciton-like valley Zeeman effect, the other two, trion specific, g-factors associated with recoil of the excess electron. This complex picture goes significantly beyond the valley Zeeman effect reported for neutral excitons, and eliminates the ambiguity surrounding the magneto-optical response of trions in tungsten based TMD monolayers