44 research outputs found

    Experimental assessment of periodic piezoelectric composite arrays incorporating an anisotropic passive phase

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    This paper discusses the experimental assessment of a number of piezoelectric composite array structures incorporating a novel passive phase exhibiting anisotropic elastic properties. The passive polymer phase has been designed to limit inter-element crosstalk by attenuating lateral propagation across the array aperture. A selection of water coupled linear array coupons, operating with a nominal 400 kHz fundamental thickness mode frequency, has been prepared comprising the novel anisotropic passive phase. As a control, comparisons are made to similarly configured devices employing isotropic filler materials. Scanning laser vibrometry and measurements of electrical impedance characteristic on the array substrate demonstrate that the fundamental thickness mode of the devices configured with anisotropic polymer fillers is not contaminated by parasitic modes of vibration. The reasons for this are explained by considering the dispersion characteristics of the substrate. Water coupled hydrophone measurements of array element directivity; transmit voltage response and subsequently efficiency calculations illustrate that the observed reduction in mechanical cross talk has not been achieved at the expense of element sensitivity. Finally, comparisons between the experimental data and the PZFlex derived array responses are made, with good corroboration demonstrate

    Performance of periodic piezoelectric composite arrays incorporating a passive phase exhibiting anisotropic properties

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    This paper explores the minimisation of interelement cross talk in 1-D and 2-D periodic composite array structures through the incorporation of a passive phase exhibiting anisotropic elastic properties. Initially the PZFlex finite element code was used to monitor array aperture response as a function of material properties. It is shown that in array structures comprising passive polymer materials possessing low longitudinal loss and high shear loss, inter-element mechanical cross talk is reduced, without a concomitant reduction in element sensitivity. A number of polymer materials with the desired properties were synthesised and their elastic character confirmed through a program of materials characterisation. Finally, a range of experimental devices exhibiting improved directional response, as a result of a significant reduction in interelement cross talk, are presented and the predicted array characteristics are shown to compare favourably in each case

    A theoretical analysis of a piezoelectric ultrasound device with an active matching layer

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    This paper investigates the use of magnetically active materials in the matching layer of a piezoelectric transducer. This then allows the performance of the device to be dynamically altered by applying an external field. The effect that this new matching layer has on the performance of a typical device is theoretically investigated here. It transpires that the additional flexibility of an active matching layer can be used to maintain the efficiency of the device as the external load is varied

    PROBER: oligonucleotide FISH probe design software

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    PROBER is an oligonucleotide primer design software application that designs multiple primer pairs for generating PCR probes useful for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). PROBER generates Tiling Oligonucleotide Probes (TOPs) by masking repetitive genomic sequences and delineating essentially unique regions that can be amplified to yield small (100-2000 bp) DNA probes that in aggregate will generate a single, strong fluorescent signal for regions as small as a single gene. TOPs are an alternative to bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) that are commonly used for FISH but may be unstable, unavailable, chimeric, or non-specific to small (10-100 kb) genomic regions. PROBER can be applied to any genomic locus, with the limitation that the locus must contain at least 10 kb of essentially unique blocks. To test the software, we designed a number of probes for genomic amplifications and hemizygous deletions that were initially detected by Representational Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis of breast cancer tumors. AVAILABILITY: http://prober.cshl.ed

    Inferring tumor progression from genomic heterogeneity

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    Cancer progression in humans is difficult to infer because we do not routinely sample patients at multiple stages of their disease. However, heterogeneous breast tumors provide a unique opportunity to study human tumor progression because they still contain evidence of early and intermediate subpopulations in the form of the phylogenetic relationships. We have developed a method we call Sector-Ploidy-Profiling (SPP) to study the clonal composition of breast tumors. SPP involves macro-dissecting tumors, flow-sorting genomic subpopulations by DNA content, and profiling genomes using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Breast carcinomas display two classes of genomic structural variation: (1) monogenomic and (2) polygenomic. Monogenomic tumors appear to contain a single major clonal subpopulation with a highly stable chromosome structure. Polygenomic tumors contain multiple clonal tumor subpopulations, which may occupy the same sectors, or separate anatomic locations. In polygenomic tumors, we show that heterogeneity can be ascribed to a few clonal subpopulations, rather than a series of gradual intermediates. By comparing multiple subpopulations from different anatomic locations, we have inferred pathways of cancer progression and the organization of tumor growth. © 2010 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

    Representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis: A high-resolution method to detect genome copy number variation

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    We have developed a methodology we call ROMA (representational oligonucleotide microarray analysis), for the detection of the genomic aberrations in cancer and normal humans. By arraying oligonucleoticle probes designed from the human genome sequence, and hybridizing with "representations" from cancer and normal cells, we detect regions of the genome with altered "copy number." We achieve an average resolution of 30 kb throughout the genome, and resolutions as high as a probe every 15 kb are practical. We illustrate the characteristics of probes on the array and accuracy of measurements obtained using ROMA. Using this methodology, we identify variation between cancer and normal genomes, as well as between normal human genomes. In cancer genomes, we readily detect amplifications and large and small homozygous and hemizygous deletions. Between normal human genomes, we frequently detect large (100 kb to I Mb) deletions or duplications. Many of these changes encompass known genes. ROMA will assist in the discovery of genes and markers important in cancer, and the discovery of loci that may be important in inherited predispositions to disease

    Strong Association of De Novo Copy Number Mutations with Autism

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    We tested the hypothesis that de novo copy number variation (CNV) is associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). We performed comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) on the genomic DNA of patients and unaffected subjects to detect copy number variants not present in their respective parents. Candidate genomic regions were validated by higher-resolution CGH, paternity testing, cytogenetics, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and microsatellite genotyping. Confirmed de novo CNVs were significantly associated with autism (P = 0.0005). Such CNVs were identified in 12 out of 118 (10%) of patients with sporadic autism, in 2 out of 77 (3%) of patients with an affected first-degree relative, and in 2 out of 196 (1%) of controls. Most de novo CNVs were smaller than microscopic resolution. Affected genomic regions were highly heterogeneous and included mutations of single genes. These findings establish de novo germline mutation as a more significant risk factor for ASD than previously recognized

    Bacterial Flagella: Twist and Stick, or Dodge across the Kingdoms

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    The flagellum organelle is an intricate multiprotein assembly best known for its rotational propulsion of bacteria. However, recent studies have expanded our knowledge of other functions in pathogenic contexts, particularly adherence and immune modulation, e.g., for Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter jejuni, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli. Flagella-mediated adherence is important in host colonisation for several plant and animal pathogens, but the specific interactions that promote flagella binding to such diverse host tissues has remained elusive. Recent work has shown that the organelles act like probes that find favourable surface topologies to initiate binding. An emerging theme is that more general properties, such as ionic charge of repetitive binding epitopes and rotational force, allow interactions with plasma membrane components. At the same time, flagellin monomers are important inducers of plant and animal innate immunity: variation in their recognition impacts the course and outcome of infections in hosts from both kingdoms. Bacteria have evolved different strategies to evade or even promote this specific recognition, with some important differences shown for phytopathogens. These studies have provided a wider appreciation of the functions of bacterial flagella in the context of both plant and animal reservoirs

    Kommunikation – Kognition – KreativitĂ€t

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    KreativitĂ€t, Kognition und Kommunikation sind nicht separierbare FĂ€higkeiten unseres Gehirns, sondern entstehen und bedingen sich wechselseitig. Das Gehirn als Regelungsapparat zur Erhaltung des TrĂ€gerwesens „Mensch“ tut nichts anderes, als aus den sensorischen Reizen in ununterbrochener KreativitĂ€t eine Welt zu konstruieren, die mit den Bedingungen der Erhaltung der körperlichen Existenz (einschließlich der Selbsterhaltung des Gehirns) und den gespeicherten Erfahrungen dynamisch in Übereinstimmung gebracht wird. Die kĂŒnstlerische KreativitĂ€t wird damit zu einem Teilbereich der allgemeinen und kontinuierlichen KreativitĂ€t des Gehirns; das Kunstwerk kann als eine Reaktion und/oder Spiegelung der Kontingenz der konstruierten Welt verstanden werden