39 research outputs found

    Capacity and delay scaling for broadcast transmission in highly mobile wireless networks

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    We study broadcast capacity and minimum delay scaling laws for highly mobile wireless networks, in which each node has to disseminate or broadcast packets to all other nodes in the network. In particular, we consider a cell partitioned network under the simplifed independent and identically distributed (IID) mobility model, in which each node chooses a new cell at random every time slot. We derive scaling laws for broadcast capacity and minimum delay as a function of the cell size. We propose a simple first-come-firstserve (FCFS) flooding scheme that nearly achieves both capacity and minimum delay scaling. Our results show that high mobility does not improve broadcast capacity, and that both capacity and delay improve with increasing cell sizes. In contrast to what has been speculated in the literature we show that there is (nearly) no tradeoff between capacity and delay. Our analysis makes use of the theory of Markov Evolving Graphs (MEGs) and develops two new bounds on ooding time in MEGs by relaxing the previously required expander property assumption. Keywords: Mobile ad hoc networks, Wireless networks, Broadcast, Throughputdelay tradeoff, Scaling laws, Flooding time, Markov evolving graphNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1217048)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1713725)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST-1547331

    Segregation of Mn, Si, Al, and oxygen during the friction stir welding of DH36 steel

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    This work investigates the role of welding speed in elemental segregation of Mn, Si, Al, and oxygen during friction stir welding (FSW) in DH36 steel. The experimental work undertaken showed that when the speed of the FSW process exceeds 500 RPM with a traverse speed of 400 mm/min, then elemental segregation of Mn, Si, Al, and O occurred. The mechanism of this segregation is not fully understood; additionally, the presence of oxygen within these segregated elements needs investigation. This work examines the elemental segregation within DH36 steel by conducting heat treatment experiments on unwelded samples incrementally in the range of 1200–1500 °C and at cooling rates similar to that in FSW process. The results of heat treatments were compared with samples welded under two extremes of weld tool speeds, namely W1 low tool speeds (200 RPM with traverse speed of 100 mm/min) and W2 high tool speeds (550 RPM with traverse speed of 400 mm/min). The results from the heat treatment trials showed that segregation commences when the temperature exceeds 1400 °C and Mn, Si, Al, and oxygen segregation progress occurs at 1450 °C and at a cooling rate associated with acicular ferrite formation. It was also found that high rotational speeds exceeding 500 RPM caused localized melting at the advancing-trailing side of the friction stir-welded samples. The study aims to estimate peak temperature limits at which elemental segregation does not occur and hence prevent their occurrence in practice by applying the findings to the tool’s rotational and traverse speed that correspond to the defined temperature

    Dissimilar friction stir welding of duplex stainless steel to low alloy structural steel

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    In the present study, 6 mm nominal thickness dissimilar steel plates were joined using friction stir welding. The materials used were duplex stainless steel and low alloy structural steel. The weld was assessed by metallographic examination and mechanical testing (transverse tensile and fatigue). Microstructural examination identified four distinct weld zones and a substantially hard region within the stir zone at the base of the weld tool pin. Fatigue specimens demonstrated high level fatigue life and identified four distinct fracture modes

    Defects in Friction Stir Welding of Steel

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    Defects associated with friction stir welding of two steel grades including DH36 and EH46 were investigated. Different welding parameters including tool rotational and tool traverse (linear) speeds were applied to understand their effect on weld seam defects including microcracks and voids formation. SEM images and infinite focus microscopy were employed to identify the defects types. Two new defects associated with the friction stir welding process are introduced in this work. The first defect identified in this work is a microcrack found between the plunge and the steady state region and attributed to the traverse moving of the tool with unsuitable speed from the plunge-dwell to the steady state stage. The tool traverse speed has recommended to travel 20 mm more with accelerated velocity range of 0.1 from the maximum traverse speed until reaching the steady state. The maximum recommended traverse speed in the steady state was also suggested to be less than 400 mm/min in order to avoid the lack in material flow. The second type of defect observed in this work was microcracks inside the stirred zone caused by elemental precipitations of TiN. The precipitates of TiN were attributed to the high tool rotational speed which caused the peak temperature to exceed 1200 °C at the top of the stirred zone and based on previous work. The limit of tool rotational speed was recommended to be maintained in the range of 200-500 RPM based on the mechanical experiments on the FSW samples

    Refill friction stir spot welding of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion to wrought AA7075-T6 alloy

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    In this study, refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) was used to join AlSi10Mg, produced by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), to high-strength wrought AA7075-T6 alloy. The investigation showed the best mechanical properties and integrity of the joint are achieved with medium heat input, where the optimal balance between hook height and integrity was observed. The welded additive manufactured alloy shows accentuated softening in the hook region of the thermo-mechanically affected zone. The feasibility of RFSSW for joining LPBF AlSi10Mg to high-strength wrought alloys was confirmed, showing high potential for further investigations and industrial applications

    Modelling of friction stir welding of DH36 steel

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    A 3-D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed to simulate the friction stir welding of 6-mm plates of DH36 steel in an Eulerian steady-state framework. The viscosity of steel plate was represented as a non- Newtonian fluid using a flow stress function. The PCBN-WRe hybrid tool was modelled in a fully sticking condition with the cooling system effectively represented as a negative heat flux. The model predicted the temperature distribution in the stirred zone (SZ) for six welding speeds including low, intermediate and high welding speeds. The results showed higher asymmetry in temperature for high welding speeds. Thermocouple data for the high welding speed sample showed good agreement with the CFD model result. The CFD model results were also validated and compared against previous work carried out on the same steel grade. The CFD model also predicted defects such as wormholes and voids which occurred mainly on the advancing side and are originated due to the local pressure distribution between the advancing and retreating sides. These defects were found to be mainly coming from the lack in material flow which resulted from a stagnant zone formation especially at high tra- verse speeds. Shear stress on the tool surface was found to in- crease with increasing tool traverse speed. To produce a “sound” weld, the model showed that the welding speed should remain between 100 and 350 mm/min. Moreover, to prevent local melt- ing, the maximum tool’s rotational speed should not exceed 550 RPM

    FogSpot: Spot Pricing for Application Provisioning in Edge/Fog Computing

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    An increasing number of Low Latency Applications (LLAs) in the entertainment, IoT, and automotive domains require response times that challenge the traditional application provisioning using distant Data Centres. Fog computing paradigm extends cloud computing at the edge and middle-tier locations of the network, providing response times an order of magnitude smaller than those that can be achieved by the current "client-to-cloud" network model. Here, we address the challenges of provisioning heavily stateful LLA in the setting where fog infrastructure consists of third-party computing resources, i.e., cloudlets, that comes in the form of "data centres in the box". We introduce FogSpot, a charging mechanism for on-path, on-demand, application provisioning. In FogSpot, cloudlets offer their resources in the form of Virtual Machines (VMs) via markets, collocated with the cloudlets, that interact with forwarded users' application requests for VMs in real time. FogSpot associates each cloudlet with a spot price based on current application requests. The proposed mechanism's design takes into account the characteristics of cloudlets' resources, such as their limited elasticity, and LLAs' attributes, like the expected QoS gain and engagement duration. Lastly, FogSpot guarantees end users' requests truthfulness while focusing in maximising either each cloudlet's revenue or resource utilisation

    The Mathematics of Routing in Massively Dense Ad-Hoc Networks

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    International audienceComputing optimal routes in massively dense adhoc networks be-comes intractable as the number of nodes becomes very large. One recent ap-proach to solve this problem is to use a fluid type approximation in which the whole network is replaced by a continuum plain. Various paradigms from physics have been used recently in order to solve the continuum model. We propose in this paper an alternative modeling and solution approach similar to a model by Beckmann [3] developed more than fifty years ago from the area of road traffic

    Thermo-Mechanical Effect on Poly Crystalline Boron Nitride Tool Life During Friction Stir Welding (Dwell Period)

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    Poly Crystalline Boron Nitride (PCBN) tool wear during the friction stir welding of high melting alloys is an obstacle to commercialize the process. This work simulates the friction stir welding process and tool wear during the plunge/dwell period of 14.8 mm EH46 thick plate steel. The Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model was used for simulation and the wear of the tool is estimated from temperatures and shear stress profile on the tool surface. Two sets of tool rotational speeds were applied including 120 and 200 RPM. Seven plunge/dwell samples were prepared using PCBN FSW tool, six thermocouples were also embedded around each plunge/dwell case in order to record the temperatures during the welding process. Infinite focus microscopy technique was used to create macrographs for each case. The CFD result has been shown that a shear layer around the tool shoulder and probe-side denoted as thermo-mechanical affected zone (TMAZ) was formed and its size increase with tool rotational speed increase. Maximum peak temperature was also found to increase with tool rotational speed increase. PCBN tool wear under shoulder was found to increase with tool rotational speed increase as a result of tool’s binder softening after reaching to a peak temperature exceeds 1250 °C. Tool wear also found to increase at probe-side bottom as a result of high shear stress associated with the decrease in the tool rotational speed. The amount of BN particles revealed by SEM in the TMAZ were compared with the CFD model