782 research outputs found

    De deseos y realidades: acerca de la integralidad del salario = Of wishes and realities: about the integrality of the salary

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    Aborda o impacto nas relações trabalhistas públicas e privadas causado pela situação de emergência sanitária mundial. Informa que para preservar a saúde dos trabalhadores argentinos, o governo ordenou interdições de trabalho e encerramento de inúmeras atividades e como consequência da crise econômica o Estado foi obrigado a efetuar contribuições para o pagamento dos salários, mas, por outro lado, tem permitido aos trabalhadores, individual ou coletivamente, acordarem com os setores empresariais reduções salariais na medida em que tenham o trabalho suspenso

    La cuantificación del daño (a propósito de la Ley 26.773 y su reglamentación operada por el decreto 472/2014)

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    Si algo caracterizó a la ley 24.557 en su texto originario fue la mezquindad de las prestaciones dinerarias que instauraba el sistema. De hecho según datos de operadores jurídicos el número 43 de la fórmula originaria implicaba que la indemnización a abonar representaría el 70% de los montos que se venían pagando conforme las fórmulas de la derogada ley 24.028.Fil: Toselli, Carlos A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Derech

    Loss of AND-34/BCAR3 Expression in Mice Results in Rupture of the Adult Lens

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    PURPOSE. AND-34/BCAR3 (Breast Cancer Anti-Estrogen Resistance 3) associates with the focal adhesion adaptor protein, p130CAS/BCAR1. Expression of AND-34 regulates epithelial cell growth pattern, motility, and growth factor dependence. We sought to establish the effects of the loss of AND-34 expression in a mammalian organism. METHODS. AND-34−/− mice were generated by homologous recombination. Histopathology, in situ hybridization, and western blotting were performed on murine tissues. RESULTS. Western analyses confirmed total loss of expression in AND-34−/− splenic lymphocytes. Mice lacking AND-34 are fertile and have normal longevity. While AND-34 is widely expressed in wild type mice, histologic analysis of multiple organs in AND-34−/− mice is unremarkable and analyses of lymphocyte development show no overt changes. A small percentage of AND-34−/− mice show distinctive small white eye lesions resulting from the migration of ruptured cortical lens tissue into the anterior chamber. Following initial vacuolization and liquefaction of the lens cortex first observed at postnatal day three, posterior lens rupture occurs in all AND-34−/− mice, beginning as early as three weeks and seen in all mice at three months. Western blot analysis and in situ hybridization confirmed the presence of AND-34 RNA and protein in lens epithelial cells, particularly at the lens equator. Prior data link AND-34 expression to the activation of Akt signaling. While Akt Ser 473 phosphorylation was readily detectable in AND-34+/+ lens epithelial cells, it was markedly reduced in the AND-34−/− lens epithelium. Basal levels of p130Cas phosphorylation were higher in AND-34+/+ than in AND-34−/− lens epithelium. CONCLUSIONS. These results demonstrate the loss of AND-34 dysregulates focal adhesion complex signaling in lens epithelial cells and suggest that AND-34-mediated signaling is required for maintenance of the structural integrity of the adult ocular lens.National Institutes of Health (RO1 CA114094); Logica Foundatio

    Effects of Nordic Walking Training on Anthropometric, Body Composition and Functional Parameters in the Middle-Aged Population

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    Nordic walking (NW) is an easy physical exercise that is usually proposed for clinical populations and for the elderly. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of a period of NW training in a non-clinical middle-aged population on anthropometric, body composition and functional parameters. A pre-test/post-test study design was conducted on 77 participants: 56 women (72.7%, age 55.53 ± 9.73 years) and 21 men (27.3%, age 60.51 ± 8.15 years). The measurements were carried out with physical tests at the baseline and at the follow up. Participants did two weekly NW training sessions of about 60 min each. A questionnaire was administered to evaluate their feelings after the training period. Paired Students’ test was carried out to evaluate the pre–post differences, and the analysis of variance was performed to evaluate the questionnaire. Participants had significantly less stress and anxiety after the NW training. Body fat parameters showed a significant decrease, especially for women. Phase angle and strength of lower body presented a significant increase in both sexes after the training period. In conclusion, NW shows many potential benefits also for the nonclinical population and could be an important exercise to remain active and to maintain a good health condition

    Contex-aware gestures for mixed-initiative text editings UIs

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Interacting with computers following peer review. The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu019[EN] This work is focused on enhancing highly interactive text-editing applications with gestures. Concretely, we study Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images (CATTI), a handwriting transcription system that follows a corrective feedback paradigm, where both the user and the system collaborate efficiently to produce a high-quality text transcription. CATTI-like applications demand fast and accurate gesture recognition, for which we observed that current gesture recognizers are not adequate enough. In response to this need we developed MinGestures, a parametric context-aware gesture recognizer. Our contributions include a number of stroke features for disambiguating copy-mark gestures from handwritten text, plus the integration of these gestures in a CATTI application. It becomes finally possible to create highly interactive stroke-based text-editing interfaces, without worrying to verify the user intent on-screen. We performed a formal evaluation with 22 e-pen users and 32 mouse users using a gesture vocabulary of 10 symbols. MinGestures achieved an outstanding accuracy (<1% error rate) with very high performance (<1 ms of recognition time). We then integrated MinGestures in a CATTI prototype and tested the performance of the interactive handwriting system when it is driven by gestures. Our results show that using gestures in interactive handwriting applications is both advantageous and convenient when gestures are simple but context-aware. Taken together, this work suggests that text-editing interfaces not only can be easily augmented with simple gestures, but also may substantially improve user productivity.This work has been supported by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Program (tranScriptorium: FP7- ICT-2011-9, project 600707 and CasMaCat: FP7-ICT-2011-7, project 287576). It has also been supported by the Spanish MINECO under grant TIN2012-37475-C02-01 (STraDa), and the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ISIC/2012/004 (AMIIS).Leiva, LA.; Alabau, V.; Romero Gómez, V.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal, E. (2015). Contex-aware gestures for mixed-initiative text editings UIs. Interacting with Computers. 27(6):675-696. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu019S675696276Alabau V. Leiva L. A. Transcribing Handwritten Text Images with a Word Soup Game. Proc. Extended Abstr. Hum. Factors Comput. Syst. (CHI EA) 2012.Alabau V. Rodríguez-Ruiz L. Sanchis A. Martínez-Gómez P. Casacuberta F. On Multimodal Interactive Machine Translation Using Speech Recognition. Proc. Int. Conf. Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI). 2011a.Alabau V. Sanchis A. Casacuberta F. Improving On-Line Handwritten Recognition using Translation Models in Multimodal Interactive Machine Translation. Proc. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics (ACL) 2011b.Alabau, V., Sanchis, A., & Casacuberta, F. (2014). Improving on-line handwritten recognition in interactive machine translation. Pattern Recognition, 47(3), 1217-1228. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2013.09.035Anthony L. Wobbrock J. O. A Lightweight Multistroke Recognizer for User Interface Prototypes. Proc. Conf. Graph. Interface (GI). 2010.Anthony L. Wobbrock J. O. N-Protractor: a Fast and Accurate Multistroke Recognizer. Proc. Conf. Graph. Interface (GI) 2012.Anthony L. Vatavu R.-D. Wobbrock J. O. Understanding the Consistency of Users' Pen and Finger Stroke Gesture Articulation. Proc. Conf. Graph. Interface (GI). 2013.Appert C. Zhai S. 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    Parallel implementation of Multilevel BDDC

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    In application of the Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) to a case with many substructures, solving the coarse problem exactly becomes the bottleneck which spoils scalability of the solver. However, it is straightforward for BDDC to substitute the exact solution of the coarse problem by another step of BDDC method with subdomains playing the role of elements. In this way, the algorithm of three-level BDDC method is obtained. If this approach is applied recursively, multilevel BDDC method is derived. We present a detailed description of a recently developed parallel implementation of this algorithm. The implementation is applied to an engineering problem of linear elasticity and a benchmark problem of Stokes flow in a cavity. Results by the multilevel approach are compared to those by the standard (two-level) BDDC method.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Petrología y geoquímica de los granitoides peralumínicos de la Faja TIPA, en el borde occidental de Gondwana, sistema de Famatina, Argentina

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    Main pretrological and geochemistry characteristics of the rocks of Copacabana, Paimán and Velasco Ranges are shown, constituent of the important deformative structure developed in the east border of Famatinian System. This structure is relationed with Ocloyic-Taconic Collision between Gondwana and Laurentia, during Upper Ordovicic-Lower Siluric and Lower Carbonic, in response to a compressive regimen with vergence to the East.En este trabajo se presentan las principales características petrográficas y geoquímicas de las rocas que constituyen las Sierra de Copacabana, flanco oriental de la Sierra de Paimán y extremo NW de la Sierra de Velasco, dentro de la importante estructura deformativa que se desarrolla en el borde oriental del Sistema de Famatina y da lugar a la Faja Deformada TIPA. Tales rocas corresponden a una tendencia evolutiva de características calcoalcalinas y son netamente peraluminosas, con presencia de minerales como biotita, muscovita, sillimanita, cianita, cordierita y granate. Esta estructura se vincularía con la colisión oclóyica-tacónica entre Gondwana y Laurentia (Dalla Salda el al., 1993) en niveles no muy profundos de la corteza, dentro de un ambiente tectónico transicional entre regiones de arco volcánico y sin-colisional. Este evento colisional habría tenido lugar entre el Ordovícico superior-Silúrico inferior y el Carbónico inferior, respondiendo a un régimen compresivo con vergencia al E
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