812 research outputs found

    Simulación de un sistema de enfriamiento industrial que opera con múltiples fermentadores en Modo Batch

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    Se ha analizado el comportamiento del sistema de enfriamiento de fermentadores de una planta industrial que produce bioetanol mediante el proceso de molienda seca de maíz. Ésta dispone de múltiples unidades que operan en modo batch, pero desfasadas en el tiempo. Dada la importancia que posee el control de la temperatura de fermentación para obtener un adecuado rendimiento del proceso, se ha desarrollado un modelo que fue implementado con la finalidad de simular el comportamiento de las demandas energéticas parciales y totales del proceso, contemplando además la opción de considerar cargas térmicas por efectos ambientales. El mismo permite el desarrollo de análisis predictivos que eviten sobrecargas del sistema de enfriamiento. Su aplicación ha resultado de interés para evaluar distintos escenarios de operación, cuenta con una interfaz amigable para el usuario y ha sido validado frente a datos reales de proceso. Actualmente se trabaja para ampliar sus prestaciones permitiendo su utilización en procesos que operen en modo continuo de fermentación.Fil: Toselli, Luis A. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María. GISIQ; Argentina.Fil: Beltrán, Romina A. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María. GISIQ; Argentina.Fil: Toselli, Paula A. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María. GISIQ; Argentina.Peer Reviewe

    Desarrollo de un software para diseño y verificación de intercambiadores de calor de tipo espiral.

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    Se ha desarrollado una aplicación (Spiral Plate Heat Exchanger - SPHE V.1.0) para diseño y/o verificación de este tipo de intercambiadores bajo dos modalidades de cálculo disponibles en la literatura especializada. La misma posee funcionalidad para operar con fluidos sin cambio de fase y arreglos de flujo en contracorriente, previéndose ampliar su potencialidad a futuro. La aplicación fue implementada utilizando Java Development Kit 1.7, específicamente Netbeans 7.3 y cuenta con una base de datos en Microsoft Access 2010 con más cien componentes que puede ampliarse de manera ilimitada. Su manejo resulta simple e intuitivo y fue empleado satisfactoriamente en el dimensionamiento de enfriadores industriales para mostos de fermentación de alta concentración de sólidos y de suspensiones. Resulta una herramienta académica de interés para ser empleada en cátedras específicas de carreras de grado y posgrado.Fil: Toselli, Luis A. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María. GISIQ; Argentina.Fil: Beltrán, Romina A. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María. GISIQ; Argentina.Fil: Toselli, Paula A. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María. GISIQ; Argentina.Peer Reviewe

    De deseos y realidades: acerca de la integralidad del salario = Of wishes and realities: about the integrality of the salary

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    Aborda o impacto nas relações trabalhistas públicas e privadas causado pela situação de emergência sanitária mundial. Informa que para preservar a saúde dos trabalhadores argentinos, o governo ordenou interdições de trabalho e encerramento de inúmeras atividades e como consequência da crise econômica o Estado foi obrigado a efetuar contribuições para o pagamento dos salários, mas, por outro lado, tem permitido aos trabalhadores, individual ou coletivamente, acordarem com os setores empresariais reduções salariais na medida em que tenham o trabalho suspenso

    La cuantificación del daño (a propósito de la Ley 26.773 y su reglamentación operada por el decreto 472/2014)

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    Si algo caracterizó a la ley 24.557 en su texto originario fue la mezquindad de las prestaciones dinerarias que instauraba el sistema. De hecho según datos de operadores jurídicos el número 43 de la fórmula originaria implicaba que la indemnización a abonar representaría el 70% de los montos que se venían pagando conforme las fórmulas de la derogada ley 24.028.Fil: Toselli, Carlos A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Derech

    Risk factors of overweight and obesity among preschool children with different ethnic background

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    partially_open5noIn this study, we evaluated the risk factors associated with overweight and obesity in 2,640 preschool children in Italy taking into account the ethnic background of the parents. Height and weight were measured and BMI was calculated. Personal and lifestyle data for the children (birth weight, type of breastfeeding, sleep duration, skipping breakfast, snacking, physical activity) and parents (ethnicity, educational level, occupation, weight, height) were collected by means of a questionnaire. Italian and Other European children generally showed the highest percentage of normal weight, while the other ethnic groups presented a greater imbalance. Overweight and obesity were high in African males, who also presented high birth weight. Breastfeeding was most common, although formula feeding was significantly higher in Italians than in immigrants. Immigrants, particularly males, tended to skip breakfast more than Italians. Physical activity was significantly higher in Italians than in immigrants. In the parents, underweight was particularly high in Italian and Other mothers. African parents had high rates of overweight and obesity and a low educational level. The most common profession was worker for the fathers and housewife for the mothers, with the exception of Italians in which clerical work prevailed. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the BMI of children was closely related to the BMI of the parents and the birth weight. Hence, these are the most informative parameters in preventing obesity.openToselli S; Zaccagni L; Celenza F; Albertini A; Gualdi-Russo EToselli, S; Zaccagni, Luciana; Celenza, F; Albertini, A; Gualdi, Emanuel

    Loss of AND-34/BCAR3 Expression in Mice Results in Rupture of the Adult Lens

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    PURPOSE. AND-34/BCAR3 (Breast Cancer Anti-Estrogen Resistance 3) associates with the focal adhesion adaptor protein, p130CAS/BCAR1. Expression of AND-34 regulates epithelial cell growth pattern, motility, and growth factor dependence. We sought to establish the effects of the loss of AND-34 expression in a mammalian organism. METHODS. AND-34−/− mice were generated by homologous recombination. Histopathology, in situ hybridization, and western blotting were performed on murine tissues. RESULTS. Western analyses confirmed total loss of expression in AND-34−/− splenic lymphocytes. Mice lacking AND-34 are fertile and have normal longevity. While AND-34 is widely expressed in wild type mice, histologic analysis of multiple organs in AND-34−/− mice is unremarkable and analyses of lymphocyte development show no overt changes. A small percentage of AND-34−/− mice show distinctive small white eye lesions resulting from the migration of ruptured cortical lens tissue into the anterior chamber. Following initial vacuolization and liquefaction of the lens cortex first observed at postnatal day three, posterior lens rupture occurs in all AND-34−/− mice, beginning as early as three weeks and seen in all mice at three months. Western blot analysis and in situ hybridization confirmed the presence of AND-34 RNA and protein in lens epithelial cells, particularly at the lens equator. Prior data link AND-34 expression to the activation of Akt signaling. While Akt Ser 473 phosphorylation was readily detectable in AND-34+/+ lens epithelial cells, it was markedly reduced in the AND-34−/− lens epithelium. Basal levels of p130Cas phosphorylation were higher in AND-34+/+ than in AND-34−/− lens epithelium. CONCLUSIONS. These results demonstrate the loss of AND-34 dysregulates focal adhesion complex signaling in lens epithelial cells and suggest that AND-34-mediated signaling is required for maintenance of the structural integrity of the adult ocular lens.National Institutes of Health (RO1 CA114094); Logica Foundatio

    Effects of Nordic Walking Training on Anthropometric, Body Composition and Functional Parameters in the Middle-Aged Population

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    Nordic walking (NW) is an easy physical exercise that is usually proposed for clinical populations and for the elderly. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of a period of NW training in a non-clinical middle-aged population on anthropometric, body composition and functional parameters. A pre-test/post-test study design was conducted on 77 participants: 56 women (72.7%, age 55.53 ± 9.73 years) and 21 men (27.3%, age 60.51 ± 8.15 years). The measurements were carried out with physical tests at the baseline and at the follow up. Participants did two weekly NW training sessions of about 60 min each. A questionnaire was administered to evaluate their feelings after the training period. Paired Students’ test was carried out to evaluate the pre–post differences, and the analysis of variance was performed to evaluate the questionnaire. Participants had significantly less stress and anxiety after the NW training. Body fat parameters showed a significant decrease, especially for women. Phase angle and strength of lower body presented a significant increase in both sexes after the training period. In conclusion, NW shows many potential benefits also for the nonclinical population and could be an important exercise to remain active and to maintain a good health condition
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