41 research outputs found

    “Comrade! What Have You Done for Western Front?”: Participation of Inhabitants of Siberia in Collecting Donations for Benefit of Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (1920)

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    Using the example of Siberia, the implementation of collection activities in support of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (RKKA) on the Western Front is examined in the article. Attention is drawn to the fact that the initiative to carry out such actions came from the country’s leadership and the party apparatus. The main stages of preparation and holding of the “Week of Help to the Western Front” both in cities and in the countryside of Siberia in the summer and autumn of 1920 are investigated in detail. The relevance of the study is due to both the appeal to the topic of the Soviet-Polish war as a whole, and the reconstruction of the general picture of the situation in Siberian society after the establishment of Soviet power. Based on the involvement of a wide range of sources, the main forms of collecting donations have been identified: deductions from wages; transfer of funds from the sale of tickets for performances and concerts, reception of things and products, etc. It is concluded that the conduct of fundraising campaigns for the needs of the Red Army in Siberia had a wide practice and took place in difficult economic conditions associated with the recently ended Civil War and food appropriation

    Jewish Organizations of Western Siberia during the First World War and the Civil War and the Problem of Jewish Refugees

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    The measures to improve the situation of Jewish refugees in Western Siberia in the conditions of social and political cataclysms of the beginning of the XX century are discussed in the article. It is noted that legislative documents clearly regulated issues related to the migration of Jews, so not all settlements in Siberia were available for their residence. It is emphasized that due to a number of factors, including the economic plan, forced migrants preferred to settle in Western Siberia. It is indicated that, in addition to state authorities, support for arriving refugees was provided by local Jewish communities: a branch of the Petrograd society, the Jewish Committee for Assistance to War Victims (JCAWV), was opened in the Tomsk province; there was a branch under the auspices of JCAWV in Mariinsk, Novonikolaevsk and Kainsk; in Omsk, the All-Russian Union of Cities supported the creation of national committees. Based on the involvement of a wide range of sources, the following areas of activity of Jewish organizations in helping co-religionists were characterized: providing housing, teaching the Russian language, employment, medical support, etc. It is concluded that for a number of reasons, not all of the tasks assigned to organizations were implemented, primarily due to the lack of stable sources of funding

    Celebrating Third Anniversary of October Revolution in Altai Province in 1920

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    This article examines the process of organizing celebratory events for the third anniversary of the October Revolution in the Altai Province. The focus is on the preparatory work, including the planning of festive activities, the coordination of themes for propaganda work, and the distribution of red fabric for making flags, among other things. The relevance of the study lies not only in the interest in the formation of the Soviet holiday calendar but also in the everyday life of the population in Siberia under the policy of ‘prodrazverstka’. By drawing on a wide range of sources, the article identifies the peculiarities of celebrating the third anniversary of the October Revolution, taking into account differences between urban and rural areas. It is determined that in cities, celebratory events were mass-oriented and covered all segments of the population, including parades, performances, and concerts. In rural areas, there were often no events due to weak propaganda work. Visiting individual graves and communal burial sites of those who died fighting for Soviet power became an important element of the holiday. The article concludes that celebrating the anniversary of the October Revolution in Siberia was a key aspect of the propaganda policy in favor of the Soviet state

    Activities of Tomsk Mining Circle in Siberia during First World War (1914—1918)

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    The article deals with the activities of the Tomsk Mining Circle during the First World War (1914—1918). The main attention is paid to the process of formation of the organization, activities to provide assistance to the front, Russian prisoners of war, as well as to promote the work of the Fourth Siberian Tomsk Medical and Nutritional Detachment. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest in the topic of charity during the First World War. A detailed examination of the functioning of a particular social organization of a social orientation allows us to identify common and special features inherent in this phenomenon in this period. Thanks to the involvement of a wide range of sources, it was possible to establish a chronological sequence in the actions of the Tomsk Mining Circle in collecting and sending goods with things and products to the front; identify the military formations that were assisted; find out with which public organizations, mining and industrial enterprises the circle communicated, etc. It is concluded that the Tomsk Mining Circle, as an example of an institution formed on a professional basis, occupied one of the prominent places in the system of charitable organizations in Siberia

    Characterization of the size and spatiotemporal structure of the cenopopulation Caragana arborescens Lam. in the forest park of Yekaterinburg

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    The article is devoted to the study of the dimensional and space-Time structure of Caragana arborescens Lam. in various ecological and cenotic conditions in the forest park named after. Foresters of Russia in Yekaterinburg on the basis of population and organismal parameters. For the first time, a quantitative characteristic of the manifestation of organismal indicators in each ontogenetic state of the caragana was obtained. Regularities in the manifestation of traits depending on the ontogenetic conditions of plants and forest type, as well as features of changes in traits that occur during the growth of individuals during the life period, are revealed. Features of the average values of the manifestation of traits in ontogenetic states can be associated with the number of individuals of a given state in the corresponding samples, while there is an influence of habitat conditions. A one-way analysis of variance, in which the habitat type of a coenopopulation fragment was a factor, showed a significant effect of the factor for traits of crown height and width. Significant differences in these traits of the habitat of the mixed herb meadow from other habitats and the reduced values of the traits in the forb pine forest are explained by the predominance of medium generative individuals in the first case, and juvenile individuals in the second. The ability of the species to successfully adapt in fragmented and urbanized areas affected by recreational impacts and other forms of pollution and survive in a wide range of environmental conditions has been established. © 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved

    Range Expansion of Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht. in Forest Parks of Yekaterinburg

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    Shiny cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht.) is one of the oldest plants. It originated in Southeast Asia and has many primitive traits. Its survival strategy is fascinating. Its introduction range extends throughout Eurasia. The cotoneaster has been actively introduced to all forest parks and city forests around Yekaterinburg. Its spread was facilitated by the presence of edible, long-preserved fruits on the shoots, which were the food supply for many bird species. The research aims at analyzing the distribution patterns and features of ecological occurrence of Cotoneaster lucidus in the forest parks of Yekaterinburg. There were 15 forest parks surveyed, and in 11 of them it is found in the undergrowth. The studies were carried out on the basis of forest inventory materials. Local habitats were monitored in four forest parks most visited by the population of the city: Sanatorny Forest Park, Uktusskiy Forest Park, Park named after Foresters of Russia, Shartashskaya Forest Park. Optimal environment for cotoneaster growth are mixed herbs pine forests with stand density of 0.7-0.8. Mature stands of the 1st resistance class are also appropriate. The highest occurrence of cotoneaster in the Central Forest Park is 7 % of the total area of the forest park. The density of cotoneaster increases with increasing stand density from 320 to 1,140 individuals. At a density of 0.3-0.5 the number of individuals per unit area decreases, and at 0.1-0.2 cotoneaster disappears completely as a result of increased anthropogenic load and the inflow of light in excessive amounts. High shade tolerance is a bioecological feature of Cotoneaster lucidus. Morphometric parameters of plants in the studied forest parks depend on the density of the tree canopy; the maximum values were found for specimens in the Sanatory Forest Park, where the distribution of shrubs is rare with a density of the stand of 0.7. A positive correlation of plant height with projection area and crown volume was found. The spatial distribution of individuals varies depending on the forest park and its attendance by people. For instance, in the Shartashsky Forest Park 60.4 % of cotoneasters are located in dense undergrowth, and in the Uktusskiy Forest Park 66.7 % are found in sparse undergrowth. Immature individuals are present in all of the Forest Parks, which indicates successful naturalization and high potential of the species.Кизильник блестящий - Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht. - одно из древнейших растений. Он возник в Юго-Восточной Азии и имеет много примитивных признаков. Стратегия выживания этого вида удивительна. Его интродукционный ареал простирается на всей территории Евразии. Кизильник активно внедрился во все лесопарки г. Екатеринбурга. Его распространению способствовало наличие съедобных, долгосохраняющихся плодов на побегах, которые стали кормовой базой многих видов птиц. Цель исследования - анализ закономерностей распространения и особенностей экологической приуроченности Cotoneaster lucidus в лесопарках г. Екатеринбурга. Обследовано 15 лесопарков, и в 11 он встречается в подлеске. Работы выполнены на основе материалов лесоустройства. Учет локальных местообитаний проведен в4 лесопарках: Санаторном, Уктусском, Шарташском и им. Лесоводов России, - наиболее посещаемых населением города. Оптимальными условиями для произрастания кизильника являются сосняки разнотравные с полнотой древостоя 0,7-0,8. Подходят также спелые насаждения 1-го класса устойчивости. В Центральном лесопарке наиболее высокая встречаемость кизильника - 7 % от общей площади лесопарка. Плотность кизильника увеличивается с полнотой древостоя от 320 до 1140 особей. При полноте0,3-0,5 количество особей на единицу площади уменьшается, а при 0,1-0,2 кизильник исчезает совсем в результате увеличения антропогенной нагрузки и поступления света в избыточном количестве. Биоэкологическая особенность Cotoneaster lucidus - это высокая теневыносливость. Морфометрические параметры растений в исследуемых лесопарках зависят от полноты древесного полога, максимальные показатели выявлены у экземпляров в Санаторном лесопарке, где распределение кустов редкое при полноте древостоя 0,7. Установлена положительная корреляция высоты растений с площадью проекции и объемом кроны. Пространственное размещение особей варьирует в зависимости от лесопарка и его посещаемости людьми. Так, в Шарташском лесопарке 60,4 % кизильников сосредоточены в густом подлеске, а в Уктусском - 66,7 % встречается в редком подлеске. Во всех лесопарках присутствуют имматурные особи, что свидетельствует об успешной натурализации и высоком потенциале вида

    Effects of early neonatal proinflammatory stress on the expression of BDNF transcripts in the brain regions of prepubertal male rats

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    Early postnatal proinflammatory stress provokes behavioral impairments in adulthood; however, underlying mechanisms are still elusive. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a crucial role in neuroplastic changes in health as well as at pathology. The BDNF gene is transcribed to exon-specific mRNAs and the pattern of their expression depends on stimulus. We suggest that disturbances of exonspecific BDNF mRNA expression in the brain regions after stress induced by proinflammatory stimuli in early postnatal period could be one of the underlying mechanisms of consequent behavioral impairments. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate the effects of proinflammatory stress in early postnatal ontogeny on the expression of BDNF and the patterns of expression of the BDNF gene in the neocortex and hippocampus of prepubertal male rats. The proinflammatory stress was induced by subcutaneous administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to rat pups on postnatal days 3 and 5, while BDNF expression was analyzed in 36-day-old rats. BDNF polypeptide concentration was estimated by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while quantitative polymerase chain reaction followed by reverse transcription was used to detect exon-specific BDNF mRNA expression. The levels of BDNF and transcripts, containing common exon IX were similar in the control and LPS-treated rats. In the rats treated with LPS, the level of BDNF mRNA, containing exon IV, was lower in the neocortex, but not in the hippocampus. No changes in the expression of the transcripts containing exons I and VI were observed in any brain structure studied. We suggest that specific alterations in BDNF expression may be involved in the susceptibility to the development of behavioral impairments of animals subjected to early proinflammatory stress

    Data-Based Approach to Educational Programs Quality Management

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    Цель данной статьи – описание и обоснование подхода к управлению качеством образовательных программ, разработанного и апробированного в Университете ИТМО начиная с 2019 года. В статье представлены основные индикаторы оценки и результаты апробации данного подхода в университете. Основной единицей качества является образовательная программа. Она имеет продолжительный жизненный цикл и отвечает запросам большинства стейкхолдеров университета. С учетом всех особенностей образовательной программы предлагается комплексный набор показателей для оценки ее качества, что дает возможность объективно управлять ею на основе полученных данных. Для анализа жизненного цикла образовательной программы разработан внутренний рейтинг и представлены примеры рекомендаций по его итогам. Описаны преимущества подхода управления образовательными программами, представлены пути по дальнейшему развитию. Статья может быть интересна руководителям и управленческим командам высших учебных заведений, а также исследователям в области высшего образования.The purpose of this article is to describe and justify the approach to assessing the quality of educational programs that have been developed and tested at ITMO University since 2019. The article presents the main indicators of assessment and the results of testing this approach at the university. The main unit of quality is an educational program, as it has a long-life cycle and meets the needs of most stakeholders of the educational organization. Taking into account all the features of an educational program, the authors propose a comprehensive set of indicators to assess its quality, which makes it possible to objectively manage it data-based. In conclusion, for completing the task of analyzing the life cycle of an educational program, the authors present an internal rating of educational programs, concise examples of recommendations based on its results. The advantages of the approach to managing educational programs are described, and ways for further development are presented. The article may be of interest to the managers and management teams of institutions of higher education, as well as to the researchers in this field

    Принципы разработки стандартов медицинской помощи на основе клинических рекомендаций

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    Objective: to review legislative and regulatory legal acts and other documents and consider the changing requirements for the development of medical care standards and the current standard form, to determine the key principles and methodology for the development of medical care standards based on clinical guidelines.Material and methods. The article reviews the provisions of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011, No. 323-FZ “On fundamentals of health care in the Russian Federation”, which establishes the requirements for the development of medical care standards. A review of the procedure for the development of standards (Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (MH RF) of February 8, 2018, No. 53n and of February 22, 2022, No. 103n) was conducted. The form of the medical care standard was considered based on the example of the medical care standards approved in 2021–2022. A review of methodological materials regulating the development of medical care standards based on clinical guidelines was performed.Results. The procedure for developing medical care standards was first regulated in 2018. The participants of the process (MH RF departments, MH RF chief external specialists, Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care), their functions, and the stages and terms of development are regulated. The methodology for the development of medical care standards based on clinical guidelines involves the formation of standardized modules of medical care and a mathematical model.Conclusion. Currently, the process of developing medical care standards based on clinical guidelines is regulated and the methodology is defined. However, there are still issues that require additional regulation, such as the standard form, the methodology of medical and economic evaluation.Цель: провести обзор законодательных и нормативных правовых актов, а также иных документов и рассмотреть изменение требований к разработке стандартов медицинской помощи и сложившуюся форму стандарта, определить ключевые принципы и методологию разработки стандартов медицинской помощи на основе клинических рекомендаций.Материал и методы. Рассмотрены положения Федерального закона от 21 ноября 2011 г. № 323-ФЗ «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации», устанавливающие требования к разработке стандартов медицинской помощи. Проведен обзор порядка разработки стандартов (приказы Минздрава России (МЗ РФ) от 8 февраля 2018 г. № 53н и от 22 февраля 2022 г. № 103н). На примере стандартов медицинской помощи, утвержденных в 2021–2022 гг., рассмотрена форма стандарта. Выполнен обзор методических материалов, регламентирующих разработку стандартов медицинской помощи на основе клинических рекомендаций.Результаты. Порядок разработки стандартов медицинской помощи впервые был урегулирован в 2018 г. В настоящее время определены участники процесса (департаменты МЗ РФ, главные внештатные специалисты МЗ РФ, ФГБУ «Центр экспертизы и контроля качества медицинской помощи» МЗ РФ), их функции, а также регламентированы этапы и сроки разработки. Методология разработки стандартов медицинской помощи на основе клинических рекомендаций предусматривает формированиестандартизированных модулей медицинской помощи и математической модели.Заключение. В настоящее время процесс разработки стандартов медицинской помощи на основе клинических рекомендаций нормативно урегулирован и методология определена. Однако сохраняются вопросы, требующие дополнительного нормативного регулирования, такие как форма стандарта, методология проведения медико-экономической оценки