601 research outputs found

    Effects of Citrate on the Different Phases of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization

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    Urinary citrate appears to be an important factor in the crystallization process of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. The urinary excretion of citrate was found to be significantly lower in patients with calcium oxalate stone disease as compared with normal subjects, and about 30 per cent of the calcium stone formers can be considered as hypocitraturic. The lowest excretion of citrate was recorded in urine collected during the night. Citrate has significant effects on supersaturation with respect to both calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate, it also inhibits the growth of these crystals. In addition, citrate appears to be capable of inhibiting the aggregation of crystals composed of calcium oxalate, brushite, and hydroxyapatite. The heterogenous growth of calcium oxalate on calcium phosphate is also counteracted by citrate. As a consequence of the crucial role of citrate in these processes, stone prevention with alkaline citrate has become an attractive form of treatment in patients with recurrent stone formation. Single evening dose administration of sodium potassium citrate resulted in an increased excretion of citrate, reduced levels of the calcium/citrate ratio as well as supersaturation with respect to calcium oxalate and a decreased rate of stone formation. However, conflicting results of stone preventive treatment with alkaline citrate have been reported by different groups, and long-term follow-up of patients treated in a randomized way is necessary to definitely assess the efficacy of alkaline citrate

    Solid phase extraction and metabolic profiling of exudates from living copepods

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    Copepods are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats. They exude bioactive compounds that mediate mate finding or induce defensive traits in prey organisms. However, little is known about the chemical nature of the copepod exometabolome that contributes to the chemical landscape in pelagic habitats. Here we describe the development of a closed loop solid phase extraction setup that allows for extraction of exuded metabolites from live copepods. We captured exudates from male and female Temora longicornis and analyzed the content with high resolution LC-MS. Chemometric methods revealed 87 compounds that constitute a specific chemical pattern either qualitatively or quantitatively indicating copepod presence. The majority of the compounds were present in both female and male exudates, but nine compounds were mainly or exclusively present in female exudates and hence potential pheromone candidates. Copepodamide G, known to induce defensive responses in phytoplankton, was among the ten compounds of highest relative abundance in both male and female extracts. The presence of copepodamide G shows that the method can be used to capture and analyze chemical signals from living source organisms. We conclude that solid phase extraction in combination with metabolic profiling of exudates is a useful tool to develop our understanding of the chemical interplay between pelagic organisms

    Single session endoscopic management of intrinsic ureteropelvic junction obstruction and concomitant renal stone disease in a child: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a well known therapeutic modality for stone diseases of childhood. Antegrade and retrograde endopyelotomies are also well defined options of treatment for secondary ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Yet there are few reports regarding endoscopic therapy of intrinsic ureteropelvic junction obstruction. To our knowledge, there exist only a few reports of endosurgical treatment of children with stone disease and with concomitant intrinsic ureteropelvic junction obstruction, in the literature. CASE PRESENTATION: We present the endoscopic management of stone disease and concomitant intrinsic ureteropelvic junction obstruction of a child in one session. CONCLUSION: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy and antegrade endopyelotomy is combined safely with successful outcome in a child

    Endovascular covered stenting for the management of post-percutaneous nephrolithotomy renal pseudoaneurysm: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Intrarenal pseudoaneurysm is a rare, yet clinically significant, complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy. A high index of clinical suspicion is necessary in order to recognize pseudoaneurysm as the cause of delayed bleeding after percutaneous nephrolithotomy and angiography confirms the diagnosis which allows endovascular management.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present a case of a 65-year old Caucasian woman who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the supine position for a two centimetre renal calculus. The postoperative course was complicated by persistent bleeding due to a renal pseudoaneurysm. The vascular lesion was successfully managed by endovascular exclusion through the use of a covered stent graft. We report the first successful use of this method for the management of iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm in a branch of the left renal artery and we focus on the imaging findings, technical details, advantages and limitations of this technique.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As a result of its high efficacy, interventional radiology has largely replaced open surgery for the management of renal pseudoaneurysm related to percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Recent technical advancements have allowed the use of covered stent grafts as an alternative to embolisation for the angiographic management of visceral artery pseudoaneurysm located in other organs. This novel technique allows the endovascular exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm, without compromising arterial supply to the end-structures - an advantage of critical importance in organs supplied by segmental arteries - in the absence of collateral vasculature, such as the kidney.</p

    Inherent High Correlation of Individual Motility Enhances Population Dispersal in a Heterotrophic, Planktonic Protist

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    Quantitative linkages between individual organism movements and the resulting population distributions are fundamental to understanding a wide range of ecological processes, including rates of reproduction, consumption, and mortality, as well as the spread of diseases and invasions. Typically, quantitative data are collected on either movement behaviors or population distributions, rarely both. This study combines empirical observations and model simulations to gain a mechanistic understanding and predictive ability of the linkages between both individual movement behaviors and population distributions of a single-celled planktonic herbivore. In the laboratory, microscopic 3D movements and macroscopic population distributions were simultaneously quantified in a 1L tank, using automated video- and image-analysis routines. The vertical velocity component of cell movements was extracted from the empirical data and used to motivate a series of correlated random walk models that predicted population distributions. Validation of the model predictions with empirical data was essential to distinguish amongst a number of theoretically plausible model formulations. All model predictions captured the essence of the population redistribution (mean upward drift) but only models assuming long correlation times (minute), captured the variance in population distribution. Models assuming correlation times of 8 minutes predicted the least deviation from the empirical observations. Autocorrelation analysis of the empirical data failed to identify a de-correlation time in the up to 30-second-long swimming trajectories. These minute-scale estimates are considerably greater than previous estimates of second-scale correlation times. Considerable cell-to-cell variation and behavioral heterogeneity were critical to these results. Strongly correlated random walkers were predicted to have significantly greater dispersal distances and more rapid encounters with remote targets (e.g. resource patches, predators) than weakly correlated random walkers. The tendency to disperse rapidly in the absence of aggregative stimuli has important ramifications for the ecology and biogeography of planktonic organisms that perform this kind of random walk

    Multitrophic Interactions in the Sea: Assessing the Effect of Infochemical-Mediated Foraging in a 1-d Spatial Model

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    The release of chemicals following herbivore grazing on primary producers may provide feeding cues to carnivorous predators, thereby promoting multitrophic interactions. In particular, chemicals released following grazing on phytoplankton by microzooplankton herbivores have been shown to elicit a behavioural foraging response in carnivorous copepods, which may use this chemical information as a mechanism to locate and remain within biologically productive patches of the ocean. In this paper, we use a 1D spatial reaction-diffusion model to simulate a tri-trophic planktonic system in the water column, where predation at the top trophic level (copepods) is affected by infochemicals released by the primary producers forming the bottom trophic level. The effect of the infochemical-mediated predation is investigated by comparing the case where copepods forage randomly to the case where copepods adjust their vertical position to follow the distribution of grazing-induced chemicals. Results indicate that utilization of infochemicals for foraging provides fitness benefits to copepods and stabilizes the system at high nutrient load, whilst also forming a possible mechanism for phytoplankton bloom formation. We also investigate how the copepod efficiency to respond to infochemicals affects the results, and show that small increases (2%) in the ability of copepods to sense infochemicals can promote their persistence in the system. Finally we argue that effectively employing infochemicals for foraging can be an evolutionarily stable strategy for copepods
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