256 research outputs found

    Peer assessment and knowledge discovering in a community of learners

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    Thanks to the exponential growth of the Internet, Distance Education is becoming more and more strategic in many fields of daily life. Its main advantage is that students can learn through appropriate web platforms that allow them to take advantage of multimedia and interactive teaching materials, without constraints neither of time nor of space. Today, in fact, the Internet offers many platforms suitable for this purpose, such as Moodle, ATutor and others. Coursera is another example of a platform that offers different courses to thousands of enrolled students. This approach to learning is, however, posing new problems such as that of the assessment of the learning status of the learner in the case where there were thousands of students following a course, as is in Massive On-line Courses (MOOC). The Peer Assessment can therefore be a solution to this problem: evaluation takes place between peers, creating a dynamic in the community of learners that evolves autonomously. In this article, we present a first step towards this direction through a peer assessment mechanism led by the teacher who intervenes by evaluating a very small part of the students. Through a mechanism based on machine learning, and in particular on a modified form of K-NN, given the teacher’s grades, the system should converge towards an evaluation that is as similar as possible to the one that the teacher would have given. An experiment is presented with encouraging results

    Global Saturation of Regularization Methods for Inverse Ill-Posed Problems

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    In this article the concept of saturation of an arbitrary regularization method is formalized based upon the original idea of saturation for spectral regularization methods introduced by A. Neubauer in 1994. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a regularization method to have global saturation are provided. It is shown that for a method to have global saturation the total error must be optimal in two senses, namely as optimal order of convergence over a certain set which at the same time, must be optimal (in a very precise sense) with respect to the error. Finally, two converse results are proved and the theory is applied to find sufficient conditions which ensure the existence of global saturation for spectral methods with classical qualification of finite positive order and for methods with maximal qualification. Finally, several examples of regularization methods possessing global saturation are shown.Comment: 29 page

    Espectroscopía Raman Intensificada por Superficie (SERS) en la identificación de microorganismos que producen biodeterioro: patrimonio edificado con arquitectura en tierra, Vale Histórico Paulista (São Paulo, Brasil)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar resultados obtenidos mediante análisis por espectroscopía Raman intensificada por superficie (SERS) como herramienta novedosa para la identificación taxonómica de hongos a partir de biofilms formados en paredes de arquitectura en tierra (“pau-a-pique”, “taipa de pilão”, y adobe), en edificaciones históricas del Vale Histórico de São Paulo, representativas del período colonial brasileño, Con el objetivo de abrir la posibilidad de clasificación de hongos mediante SERS, se seleccionaron colonias puras que fueron previamente aislados de las paredes de tierra e identificados por taxonomía clásica y biología molecular. Los géneros estudiados fueron: Trichoderma, Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Neurospora, Fusarium y Penicillium. Las colonias fueron cultivadas en PDA sólido. Se realizaron extractos en acetato de etilo que fueron mezclados con nanopartículas de oro en suspensión coloidal. Se observaron bandas características de grupos funcionales en la región entre 600 y 1800 cm-1 que presentaron diferencias para cada género. Análisis estadísticos de PCA y HCA mostraron relaciones que permitieron hacer asociaciones por género. Este trabajo es el primer reporte de comunidades microbianas a partir de paredes hechas con técnicas de arquitectura en tierra con el uso de Espectroscopía SERS

    Som, sentido e paisagem sonora n'A cidade e as serras: análise de uma reportagem radiofónica

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.Dos três meios de comunicação tradicionais, a rádio apresenta-se como aquele em que a investigação académica é quantitativamente menos significativa. Esta constatação é verdadeira para o panorama nacional, mas também internacional. As análises denotam uma maior preponderância para o aprofundamento de estudos relativos à informação que é veiculada pelo meio radiofónico, mas pouco interesse tem existido para a questão da relação criativa implicada entre o ouvinte e o som. A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo destacar o poder da sonoplastia no desencadear de uma multiplicidade de significações. Desta forma, pretende-se explorar a estética sonora de uma reportagem radiofónica sem nunca esquecer o modo como o som complementa a palavra falada. Para tal, analisar-se-á a peça A Cidade e as Serras, da autoria de João Paulo Guerra, construída com base num dos últimos romances de Eça de Queirós. Ao nível sonoro, o enfoque desta investigação privilegiará não só a abordagem da terminologia específica que fundamenta o termo soundscape, mas também a sua aplicabilidade ao jornalismo radiofónico e sobretudo o modo como a riqueza da prosa queirosiana foi preservada e simultaneamente convertida em paisagem sonora

    Generalized Qualification and Qualification Levels for Spectral Regularization Methods

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    The concept of qualification for spectral regularization methods for inverse ill-posed problems is strongly associated to the optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. In this article, the definition of qualification is extended and three different levels are introduced: weak, strong and optimal. It is shown that the weak qualification extends the definition introduced by Mathe and Pereverzev in 2003, mainly in the sense that the functions associated to orders of convergence and source sets need not be the same. It is shown that certain methods possessing infinite classical qualification, e.g. truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD), Landweber's method and Showalter's method, also have generalized qualification leading to an optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. Sufficient conditions for a SRM to have weak qualification are provided and necessary and sufficient conditions for a given order of convergence to be strong or optimal qualification are found. Examples of all three qualification levels are provided and the relationships between them as well as with the classical concept of qualification and the qualification introduced by Mathe and Perevezev are shown. In particular, spectral regularization methods having extended qualification in each one of the three levels and having zero or infinite classical qualification are presented. Finally several implications of this theory in the context of orders of convergence, converse results and maximal source sets for inverse ill-posed problems, are shown.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Correlation between SERS of Pyridine and Electrochemical Response of Silver Electrodes in Halide-Free Alkaline Solutions

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of pyridine (Py) on Ag electrodes in alkaline solutions free of halide ions was obtained at 25°C as a function of the applied potential. The Ag surface was activated for SERS through repetitive oxidation-reduction cycles (ORC), the effect being dependent on the electrochemical electrode history. The SERS effect was correlated to the activation for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), which can be obtained by means of potentiodynamic as well as potentiostatic procedures. The maximum SERS activity was achieved at potentials near the potential of zero charge (pzc) of polycrystalline Ag and appeared to be related to the maximum observed in the roughness factor vs potential curve. These results can be interpreted through the formation of a new uniform globular overlayer structure on the electroreduced Ag surface, which apparently exhibits a certain degree of preferred crystallographic orientation. Three well-defined potential regions can be distinguished for the complex competitive interactions between H2O, OH- ion, and Py with the new Ag electrode surface.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Non-zinc mediated inhibition of carbonic anhydrases: coumarins are a new class of suicide inhibitors.

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    The X-ray crystal structure of the adduct between the zinc metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase II (CA, EC with the recently discovered natural product coumarin derivative 6-(1S-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl)-7-methoxy-2H-chromen-2-one showed the coumarin hydrolysis product, a cis-2-hydroxy-cinnamic acid derivative, and not the parent coumarin, bound within the enzyme active site. The bound inhibitor exhibits an extended, two-arm conformation that effectively plugs the entrance to the enzyme active site with no interactions with the catalytically crucial zinc ion. The inhibitor is sandwiched between Phe131, with which it makes an edge-to-face stacking, and Asn67/Glu238sym, with which it makes several polar and hydrogen bonding interactions. This unusual binding mode, with no interactions between the inhibitor molecule and the active site metal ion is previously unobserved for this enzyme class and presents a new opportunity for future drug design campaigns to target a mode of inhibition that differs substantially from classical inhibitors such as the clinically used sulfonamides and sulfamates. Several structurally simple coumarin scaffolds were also shown to inhibit all 13 catalytically active mammalian CA isoforms, with inhibition constants ranging from nanomolar to millimolar. The inhibition is time dependent, with maximum inhibition being observed after 6 h.No Full Tex