3,607 research outputs found

    O atraso de desenvolvimento nas crianças com anemia por deficiência de ferro. Poderá ser revertido pela terapêutica com ferro?

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare development of 17 children aged 12 months with iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) and 18 controls without IDA after a 3-months follow-up period and iron therapy in the IDA group. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Development of all children was evaluated using the Griffith's Scale. Data was collected on parent's social class and education, breast-feeding, number of siblings and clinical nutritional status. RESULTS: At 12 months children with IDA had significantly lower development scores--mean (sd)--than those without IDA: 112(5) vs. 121(7). At 15 months, after iron therapy, there were no significant differences between cases and controls. Non-IDA children showed significantly lower development scores at 15 months when compared with 12 months (121 vs 115). CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that iron therapy can revert some of the adverse effects in the development of children with IDA and therefore both IDA prevention and treatment can be justified.(undefined

    Estudo do ganho energético associado à construção de uma habitação unifamiliar com recurso a materiais naturais no contexto português

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    Em Portugal a indústria de construção habitacional tem recorrido essencialmente às estruturas de betão armado e de alvenaria de tijolo cerâmico. As estruturas metálicas, de madeira e de alvenaria de pedra têm tido expressão reduzida neste sector da construção e são muito pontuais as aplicações da terra crua como solução construtiva, desenvolvidas por técnicos e empresas particularmente interessadas nestes materiais. Por sua vez, tem havido uma crescente sensibilização de todos os agentes envolvidos no sector da construção civil para aspectos relacionados com o equilíbrio do meio ambiente e com a sustentabilidade neste sector. É neste contexto que este trabalho de investigação se insere, estudando soluções construtivas sustentáveis recorrendo ao uso de materiais de construção naturais. Para o efeito, foi estudada uma habitação unifamiliar com uma tipologia típica para duas soluções estruturais: uma estrutura porticada pilar-viga de betão armado e lajes aligeiradas pré-fabricadas (designada neste trabalho por solução tradicional); uma solução estrutural à base de materiais naturais (designada aqui por solução sustentável). A solução estrutural com recurso a materiais naturais estudada é definida por paredes resistentes de adobe e estrutura de madeira nos pavimentos e cobertura. Estas duas soluções estruturais são comparadas em termos de estimativas de custo, parâmetros de gasto energético e do teor de emissão de CO2 associados à produção dos materiais e à própria construção tendo-se verificado que a solução sustentável é mais vantajosa no que diz respeito a estes três aspectos

    Avaliação do impacte ambiental de duas soluções estruturais diferentes associado à construção de uma habitação unifamiliar

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    Em Portugal, a aplicação nas estruturas de materiais naturais ainda corresponde apenas a solução construtiva pontual. Neste contexto, foram estudadas duas soluções estruturais para uma habitação unifamiliar sendo uma de betão armado, denominada aqui por solução tradicional, e outra de alvenaria de adobe e pavimentos de madeira, denominada por solução sustentável. Avaliou-se o impacto ambiental associado à produção e ao transporte dos materiais para ambas as soluções estudadas e concluiu-se, como era espectável, que o impacte ambiental associado a solução sustentável é significativamente menor

    Advantages of using raw materials in low cost sustainable structural solutions for single-family buildings

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    In the last decades, the Portuguese housing building industry has been mainly fo-cused on the construction based on reinforced concrete framed structures and non-structural clay brick masonry for exterior and interior partition walls. Recently, this industry started to in-clude alternative structural materials, such as steel and timber. The earth based construction techniques and solutions still remains limited to individual cases, in which the owner and/or contractor have a particular concern and knowledge of these ecological solutions. Within this context was developed the present research work, in which a sustainable structural solution for a typical house using natural materials is proposed and studied. Two different structural solu-tions are defined, namely a reinforced concrete framed column-beam solution (designated by traditional solution) and a solution based on adobe masonry and timber structures for floors and roof (designated by sustainable solution). These two alternative structural solutions are then compared in terms of building costs, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. All the main as-pects related to the design of the sustainable solution, such as the design assumptions, structural models and behaviour parameters are described. Taking into account that the proposed sustain-able solution is uncommon in the Portuguese building context, the difficulties faced during the design are also pointed out and commented

    Estoque de carbono em Terra Preta do Índio no Município de Iranduba-AM.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou estimar o estoque de carbono até um metro de profundidade em uma área de TPI de aproximadamente seis hectares

    Characterization of Myeloid Cellular Populations in Mesenteric and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Holstein-Friesian Cows

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    Immune cells resident in adipose tissue have important functions in local and systemic metabolic homeostasis. Nevertheless, these immune cell populations remain poorly characterized in bovines. Recently, we described diverse lymphocyte subpopulations in adipose tissue of Holstein-Friesian cows. Here, we aimed at characterising myeloid cell populations present in bovine adipose tissue using multicolour flow cytometry, cell sorting and histochemistry/immunohistochemistry. Macrophages, CD14(+)CD11b(+)MHC-II(+)CD45(+) cells, were identified in mesenteric and subcutaneous adipose tissue, though at higher proportions in the latter. Mast cells, identified as SSC-A(high)CD11b(-/+)CD14(-)MHC-II(-)CH138A(-)CD45(+) cells, were also observed in adipose tissue and found at higher proportions than macrophages in mesenteric adipose tissue. Neutrophils, presenting a CH138A(+)CD11b(+) phenotype, were also detected in mesenteric and subcutaneous adipose tissue, however, at much lower frequencies than in the blood. Our gating strategy allowed identification of eosinophils in blood but not in adipose tissue although being detected by morphological analysis at low frequencies in some animals. A population not expressing CD45 and with the CH138A(+) CD11b(-)MHC-II- phenotype, was found abundant and present at higher proportions in mesenteric than subcutaneous adipose tissue. The work reported here may be useful for further studies addressing the function of the described cells

    Modulation of Leptin and Leptin Receptor Expression in Mice Acutely Infected with Neospora caninum

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    Neospora caninumis an apicomplexan parasite that in cattle assumes particular importance, as it is responsible for abortions reported worldwide. Leptin is an adipokine mainly secreted by adipocytes, which beside its role in maintaining metabolic homeostasis also has important effects in both innate and adaptive immunity. In previous work, we showed that mice chronically infected withN. caninumhad elevated serum leptin levels. Here, we sought to assess whether acute infection withN. caninuminfection influenced the production of this adipokine as well as leptin receptor mRNA levels. Our results show that acute infection withN. caninumled to decreased leptin serum levels and mRNA expression in adipose tissue. A decrease in leptin receptor transcript variant 1 mRNA (long isoform) and leptin receptor transcript variant 3 mRNA (one of the short isoforms) expression was also observed. An increase in the number of cells staining positive for leptin in the liver of infected mice was observed, although this increase was less marked in Interleukin (IL)-12/IL-23 p40-deficient mice. Overall, our results show thatN. caninuminfection also influences leptin production during acute infection