29,565 research outputs found

    Contrasting the beam interaction characteristics of selected lasers with a partially stabilised zirconia (PSZ) bio-ceramic

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    Differences in the beam interaction characteristics of a CO2 laser, a Nd:YAG laser, a high power diode laser (HPDL) and an excimer laser with a partially stabilised zirconia (PSZ) bio-ceramic have been studied. A derivative of Beer-Lambert’s law was applied and the laser beam absorption lengths of the four lasers were calculated as 33.55 x 10-3 cm for the CO2 laser, 18.22 x 10-3 cm for the Nd:YAG laser, 17.17 x 10-3 cm for the HPDL and 8.41 x 10-6 cm for the excimer laser. It was determined graphically that the fluence threshold values at which significant material removal was effected by the CO2 laser, the Nd:YAG laser, the HPDL and the excimer laser were 52 J/cm2, 97 J/cm2, 115 J/cm2 and 0.48 J/cm2 respectively. The thermal loading value for the CO2 laser, the Nd:YAG laser, the HPDL and the excimer laser were calculated as being 1.55 kJ/cm3, 5.32 kJ/cm3, 6.69 kJ/cm3 and 57.04 kJ/cm3 respectively

    Phages and human health: More than idle hitchhikers

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    Public Health in the Age of Ebola in West Africa

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    The Ebola epidemic, with its fast-growing toll and real potential for spreading into much of Africa, including major cities, has the makings of a “Black Swan” event. Such events, using the term coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, are: 1) unpredictable, outside the realm of regular expectations; 2) have a major impact, and; 3) are rationalized after the fact as being explainable and predictable. We have learned from this outbreak the potential for an infectious disease to be politically, economically, and socially destabilizing, and that what kills us may be very different from what frightens us or substantially affects our social systems. This has important implications for resource allocation. Health threats like Ebola may not have historically have not killed large numbers of people, but because of possible scenarios under which they can have a devastating impact, require a greater share of limited resources, such as for developing a vaccine. More creative imagination is needed in considering future infectious disease scenarios and in planning accordingly. Further, this Ebola epidemic could transform global governance for health. It demonstrates the need for fundamental reform at the WHO, including for greater funding, as WHO\u27s response–unable to mobilize sufficient funding, too slow to declare this a Public Health Emergency of International Concern–indicates that the Organization is presently poorly positioned to fulfill its constitutional role as the global health authority. Meanwhile, the leadership role that the United Nations is assuming suggests the emergence of an era of direct United Nations engagement in health threats that could destabilize nations and regions

    Thermal-distortion analysis of a spacecraft box truss in geostationary orbit

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    The Mission to Planet Earth enlists the use of a geostationary platform to support Earth science monitoring instruments. The strongback for a proposed geostationary platform is a deployable box truss that supports two large diameter passive microwave radiometer (PMR) and several other science instruments. A study was performed to estimate the north-south and east-west pointing errors at the mounting locations of the two PMRs due to on-orbit thermal distortions of the main truss. The baseline configuration indicated that the east-west pointing error greatly exceeded the required limits. Primary origins of the pointing errors were identified, and methods for their reduction were discussed. Thermal performance enhancements to the truss structure were modeled and analyzed, including state-of-the-art surface coatings and insulation techniques. Comparisons of the thermal enhancements to the baseline were performed. Results demonstrated that using a thermal enclosure insulating technique reduced external heat fluxes, and distributed those heat fluxes more evenly throughout the structure, sufficiently reducing the pointing error to satisfy pointing accuracy requirements for the PMR's

    Issues, concerns, and initial implementation results for space based telerobotic control

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    Telerobotic control for space based assembly and servicing tasks presents many problems in system design. Traditional force reflection teleoperation schemes are not well suited to this application, and the approaches to compliance control via computer algorithms have yet to see significant testing and comparison. These observations are discussed in detail, as well as the concerns they raise for imminent design and testing of space robotic systems. As an example of the detailed technical work yet to be done before such systems can be specified, a particular approach to providing manipulator compliance is examined experimentally and through modeling and analysis. This yields some initial insight into the limitations and design trade-offs for this class of manipulator control schemes. Implications of this investigation for space based telerobots are discussed in detail

    Dependence of the superconducting critical temperature on the number of layers in homologous series of high-Tc cuprates

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    We study a model of nn-layer high-temperature cuprates of homologous series like HgBa_2Ca_(n-1)Cu_nO_(2+2n+\delta) to explain the dependence of the critical temperature Tc(n) on the number nn of Cu-O planes in the elementary cell. Focusing on the description of the high-temperature superconducting system in terms of the collective phase variables, we have considered a semi-microscopic anisotropic three-dimensional vector XY model of stacked copper-oxide layers with adjustable parameters representing microscopic in-plane and out-of-plane phase stiffnesses. The model captures the layered composition along c-axis of homologous series and goes beyond the phenomenological Lawrence-Doniach model for layered superconductors. Implementing the spherical closure relation for vector variables we have solved the phase XY model exactly with the help of transfer matrix method and calculated Tc(n) for arbitrary block size nn, elucidating the role of the c-axis anisotropy and its influence on the critical temperature. Furthermore, we accommodate inhomogeneous charge distribution among planes characterized by the charge imbalance coefficient RR being the function of number of layers nn. By making a physically justified assumption regarding the doping dependence of the microscopic phase stiffnesses, we have calculated the values of parameter RR as a function of block size nn in good agreement with the nuclear magnetic resonance data of carrier distribution in multilayered high-Tc cuprates.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Characterization and limits of a cold atom Sagnac interferometer

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    We present the full evaluation of a cold atom gyroscope based on atom interferometry. We have performed extensive studies to determine the systematic errors, scale factor and sensitivity. We demonstrate that the acceleration noise can be efficiently removed from the rotation signal allowing to reach the fundamental limit of the quantum projection noise for short term measurements. The technical limits to the long term sensitivity and accuracy have been identified, clearing the way for the next generations of ultra-sensitive atom gyroscopes

    Fluctuations in superconducting rings with two order parameters

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    Starting from the Ginzburg-Landau energy functional, we discuss how the presence of two order parameters and the coupling between them influence a superconducting ring in the fluctuative regime. Our method is exact, but requires numerical implementation. We also study approximations for which some analytic expressions can be obtained, and check their ranges of validity. We provide estimates for the temperature ranges where fluctuations are important, calculate the persistent current in magnesium diboride rings as a function of temperature and enclosed flux, and point out its additional dependence on the cross-section area of the ring. We find temperature regions in which fluctuations enhance the persistent currents and regions where they inhibit the persistent current. The presence of two order parameters that can fluctuate independently always leads to larger averages of the order parameters at Tc, but only for appropriate parameters this yields larger persistent current. In cases of very different material parameters for the two coupled condensates, the persistent current is inhibited

    Physical aggression, compromised social support, and 10-year marital outcomes: Testing a relational spillover model

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    The purpose of the present study was to test a relational spillover model of physical aggression whereby physical aggression affects marital outcomes due to its effects on how spouses ask for and provide support to one another. Newlywed couples (n = 172) reported levels of physical aggression over the past year and engaged in interactions designed to elicit social support; marital adjustment, and stability were assessed periodically over the first 10 years of marriage. Multilevel modeling revealed that negative support behavior mediated the relationship between physical aggression and 10-year marital adjustment levels whereas positive support behavior mediated the relationship between physical aggression and divorce status. These findings emphasize the need to look beyond conflict when explaining how aggression affects relationships and when working with couples with a history of physical aggression who are seeking to improve their relationships
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