284 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Relationship Marketing of Skin Care Services at PKU Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA Hospital

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    Skin care is a service which is taken into account by PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta hospital as a way to cope with the competition among the hospitals. PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta skin care was established in July, 2010. In a year, visit amount had fluctuated. One fluctuated impact is negative evaluation of market because hospital can not control skin care service. marketing evaluation a principles on relationship marketing. Handled fluctuated way of marketing evaluation principled on relationship marketing. To evaluate of relationship marketing on skin care service in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital.  This research used a mixed method with design sequential explanatory. The subject quantitative is 112 respondents and subject qualitative is 7 respondents selected from subject quantitative. The data was taken from questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The data analysis is double linear regression. Communication have association on trust, commitment and relationship satisfaction.Relationship duration have association on commitment and relationship satisfaction. Interaction frequency have no association on trust. Commitment and relationship satisfaction have association on word of mouth. Factors affecting no customer commitment is customer must wait whereas did appoitment, beautician can not answer the question of customers, no drugs in pharmacy and no resulting skin care in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital. Commitment and relationship satisfaction have association on word of mouth. Communication and relationship duration can increase of commitment and relationship satisfactio

    Direct MN Test on Peripheral Blood to Detect Chromosomal Breakage: Application in Smokers

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    The purpose was to assess chromosomal damage in blood mononuclear cells of smokers. Smoker’s peripheral blood samples were screened for micronuclei. Samples from smokers who had an illness were excluded. From each sample, 500 swelled mononuclear leucocytes were screened using a light microscope, with 400x magnification. Frequency distribution of subjects having 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 micronuclei (MN) according to age and condition were tabulated. From the 102 samples, 5 were excluded, and only 97 were analyzed. There was an increase in MN count in 12.8%, 12.9%, 33.3%, and 25% of normal smokers living in unpolluted area, hypertensive smokers living in unpolluted area, normal smokers living in polluted area, and hypertensive smokers living in polluted area, respectively. Therefore, there was a tendency of increasing MN count in smokers in the productive age group, hypertensive people, and people living in polluted area.&nbsp

    Implementasi Layanan Konsultasi Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik

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    Prestasi belajar merupakan hasil USAha belajar peserta didik, semakinbaik USAha belajar yang dilakukan, maka akan semakin baik pula prestasi belajarnya. Keberhasilan prestasi belajar, selain dipengaruhi faktor internal dari dalam diri peserta didik, juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal dari luar diri peserta didik. Salah satu faktor eksternal yang sangat berpengaruh adalah faktor lingkungan sosial. Faktor lingkungan sosial ini dapat berupa dukungan dari orang-orang di sekitar peserta didik yang perduli dan bertangungjawab terhadap perkembangan peserta didik (misalnya orang tua, guru, teman, dan keluarga lainnya). Agar lingkungan sosial peserta didik dapat memberikan dukungan yang memadai bagi perkembangan diri, termasuk dalam meraih prestasi belajarnya. Maka, perlu adanya media yang dapat mengakomodir berbagai hal terkait dengan penanganan permasalahan peserta didik melalui bantuan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Salah satu media yang ditawarkan Bimbingan dan Konseling adalah Layanan Konsultasi. Layanan ini merupakan layanan bimbingan dan konseling oleh konselor sekolah atau guru pembimbing terhadap konsulti (orang-orang terkait dengan peserta didik) yang emungkinkan konsulti memperoleh wawasan, pemahaman dan cara yang perlu dilaksanakan untuk menangani masalah pihak ketiga (peserta didik). Melalui layanan inilah, peserta didik dapat memperoleh bantuan dan dukungan dari lingkungan sosialnya, sehingga dengan bantuan dan dukungan yang memadai dari lingkungan sosial ini, peserta didik dapat mengembangkan dirinya secara maksimal, termasuk meningkatkan prestasi belajarnya

    Kepuasan Siswa Terhadap Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Di SMKN 1 Badegan Ponorogo

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    Layanan bimbingan dan konseling sebagai bagian dari pendidikan pengembangan diri siswa di sekolah perlu dievaluasi agar dapat terukur dengan jelas tingkat keberhasilannya. Salah satu elemen evaluasi yang sangat penting adalah tingkat kepuasan siswa, sejauhmana siswa telah merasakann kepuasan terhadap layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang telah diberikan oleh guru BK. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana tingkat kepuasan siswa terhadap layanan bimbingan dan konseling secara keseluruhan, dan bagaimana kepuasan siswa terhadap masing-masing aspek, yaitu (1) pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling itu sendiri, (2) fasilitas sarana pendukung BK, serta (3) kapasitas dan kemampuan guru BK. Desain penelitiannya adalah survei dengan melibatkan 300 siswa sebagai subjek penelitian yang diambil dengan stratifed cluster random sampling dari kelas X, XI dan XII, masing-masing tingkatan ada 10 kelas dan masing-masing kelas diambil 10 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan siswa terhadap layanan bimbingan dan konseling secara umum puas dengan keberadaan BK, yakni sebesar 78%. Sedangkan hasil dari masing-masing aspek; (1) pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling sebesar 30%, (2) terhadapfasilitas sarana pendukung BK sebesar 10%, serta (3) terhadap kapasitas dan kemampuan guru BK sebesar 38%. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa secara keseluruhan, siswa SMKN 1 Badegan merasa puas dengan keberadaan BK di sekolahnya, karena prosentase jawaban yang menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan lebih besar dripada yang tidak puas

    The Effect of Calcium Hydroxide on Fibroblast Cells Viability

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    Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] is widely used as medicament in dental pulp and root canal therapy. Previous studies demonstrate the ability of calcium hydroxide to induce necrosis in dental pulp tissue. However, the mechanism of tissue destruction remains unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate fibroblast cell viability in response to calcium hydroxide exposure. In this study, Vero fibroblast cell line was treated with various concentrations of calcium hydroxide for 24 hours. Cell viability was measured by using MTT assay. Our results showed significant decrease in cell viability after exposed with calcium hydroxide at concentration 62.5 and 125 µg/ml. The result indicated that calcium hydroxide induced cell death in Vero cell line in a dosedependent manner. This study suggests that fibroblast cell death may involved in the mechanism of pulp tissue necrosis caused by calcium hydroxid

    Penerapan Membran Mikrofiltrasi Pada Pemurnian Ekstrak Kaldu Kacang Hijau (Phaseolus Radiatus L.) Sebagai Fortifikan Produk Makanan

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    In preparation of mung bean (Phaseolus radiatus L.) broth extract asfortificant agent offood products via purification by means of microfiltration (MF) membrane, operation conditions have important role. Application of MF membrane modul is afurther process of purification from small scale (Stirred MF cell, 30.175 cm2 of membrane area) to bench-scale (Cross-flow MF modul, 360 cm2 of membrane area). The main goal of this work was to find out effect of flow rate of material and operation pressure on compositions of concentrate/retentate and permeate from mung bean broth extract as savoury (umami)-based fortificant agent offood products. Preparation of mung bean broth extract was conducted by introducing broth extract of crude mung bean to Cross-flow MF modul at pump motor frequency of l0 and 20 Hz, room temperature and operation pressure of 2, 4 and 6 bar, respectively. Investigation was performed on permeate flux value, and analysis was conducted on concentrate/retentate and permeate, covering on total solids, dissolved solid, total protein, dissolved protein, N-amino and salt. The result of experiment showed that pump motor frequency and operation pressure affect on concentrate/retentate and permeate compositions. Increase of pump motor frequency and operation pressure increase permeate composition, but they tend to be almost similar on concentrate/retentate of mung bean broth extract. Treatment combination at pump motor frequency of 20 Hz and operation pressure of 2 bar generated the best composition of concentrate/retentate as hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP) with concentrations of total solids of 3.98 %, soluble solid of 6.05 %, total protein of 5.65 %, dissolved protein of 5.3 mg/mL, N-amino of 0.95 mg/mL and salt of 2.04 %, while permeate gave flux value of 32.19 L/m2.hour with concentrations of total solids of 5.74 %, soluble solid of 5.04 %, total protein of 4.51 %, dissolved protein of 4.05 mg/mL, N-amino ofl.08 mg/mL and salt of 2.2 %, and had useful potency asfood savoury flavor

    Profile of Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels in Yogyakarta Society

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    Introduction: Nitric Oxide (NO) is one of the important compounds in the body. Nitric oxide is a factor for blood vessel relaxant. In a reasonable amount of NO compounds also controlling an important physiological role in the cell signaling processes and inflammation, however in excessive amounts of NO have a characters as reactive oxidative, genotoxic and destrukstif for human cells, therefore necessary to study the profil of NO levels in humans.Aim: To determine the mean levels of NO in the Yogyakarta society based on gender, age and body mass index (BMI).Methodology: This study used a cross-sectional study design. The respondents are 44 people consisting of 11 male and 33 female who live in Yogyakarta. A total of 44 respondents who had appropriate the criteria and agree with informed consent then examined the levels of NO plasma using ELISA method. Results of the study will be presented in the descriptive and statistical analysis on the relationship of the levels of NO with gender, age and BMI at 95% confidence level.Results and discussion: From this research, the results showed mean levels of NO is 17.87±7.80 µmol/L. The results of data analysis by the gender showed mean levels of NO in male respondents is 21.58±8.42 µmol/L and 16.63±7.31 µmol/L in female respondents. The mean levels of NO in male respondents was higher than female. However, there is no significant correlation between mean levels of NO in the male respondents and female based on statistical analysis of independent sample T-test with p= 0.102 (p>0.05). The mean levels of NO respondents with aged <25 years is lower than aged >25 years. Respondents were aged <25 years had mean levels of NO is 17.18±8.00 µmol/L while aged >25 years is 21.5±5.86 µmol/L. However, based on statistical analysis with independent sample t-test showed p=0.181 (p>0.05), there is no significant correlation between the mean NO levels aged <25 years with >25 years. The test results analysis with independent sample t-test showed no significant correlation between the levels of NO in the non-obese and obese respondents with p=0.060 (p>0.05). Based on the results we know the mean NO levels in non-obese respondents is 16.55±8.09 µmol/L, where the obese respondents have mean NO levels is 21.00±6.27 µmol/L. From the results of these studies showed the mean levels of NO respondents with obesity is higher than respondents who are non-obese.Conclusions: The mean NO levels of this research in Yogyakarta society is 17.87±7.80 µmol/L. Based on the gender, the mean levels of NO mile is 21.58±8.42 µmol/L and 16.63±7.31 µmol/L for female. Based on the age, the mean levels of NO with aged <25 years is 17.18±8.00 µmol/L and >25 years is 21.5 ±5.86 µmol/L. Based on the BMI, the mean levels of NO with non-obese is 16.55±8.09 µmol/L and obese is 21.00±6.27 µmol/L. Keywords: Profile, Levels, Nitric oxide (NO

    Upaya Mengurangi Angkutan Sedimen Sungai Garang Kota Semarang

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    West floodway Semarang city is one of the infrastructure for manage flood in Garang Stream. Because of sedimentation in Garang stream, decrease flow capacity. Check Dam construction is made beam for help reduce river slope so can decrease water velocity and reduce capacity sediment delivery in Garang stream. Build check dam will reduce sedimentation in downstream Garang river. From calculation fall of rain in years with Thiessen method then do hidrology analyze using HEC-HMS and get rate of flood 100 years in location in the amount of 386.9 m3/det. Analyze using USLE method get erotion number amount 1.85 mm/year (32.01 ton/ha/year), and form erotion analyze get number of sedimentation amount 2.677 ton/ha/year. Location of Pramuka check dam construction is in downstream Pramuka bridge, Pudak Payung, Semarang. With planning as following: high physical effective main dam is 4 m, depth of foundation is 1.3 m, material for buil check dam is form river rocks. Implementation check dam works need 6 month and cost two billion eight hundred ninety five thousands million rupiah(Rp 2,895,000,000)