Profile of Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels in Yogyakarta Society


Introduction: Nitric Oxide (NO) is one of the important compounds in the body. Nitric oxide is a factor for blood vessel relaxant. In a reasonable amount of NO compounds also controlling an important physiological role in the cell signaling processes and inflammation, however in excessive amounts of NO have a characters as reactive oxidative, genotoxic and destrukstif for human cells, therefore necessary to study the profil of NO levels in humans.Aim: To determine the mean levels of NO in the Yogyakarta society based on gender, age and body mass index (BMI).Methodology: This study used a cross-sectional study design. The respondents are 44 people consisting of 11 male and 33 female who live in Yogyakarta. A total of 44 respondents who had appropriate the criteria and agree with informed consent then examined the levels of NO plasma using ELISA method. Results of the study will be presented in the descriptive and statistical analysis on the relationship of the levels of NO with gender, age and BMI at 95% confidence level.Results and discussion: From this research, the results showed mean levels of NO is 17.87±7.80 µmol/L. The results of data analysis by the gender showed mean levels of NO in male respondents is 21.58±8.42 µmol/L and 16.63±7.31 µmol/L in female respondents. The mean levels of NO in male respondents was higher than female. However, there is no significant correlation between mean levels of NO in the male respondents and female based on statistical analysis of independent sample T-test with p= 0.102 (p>0.05). The mean levels of NO respondents with aged <25 years is lower than aged >25 years. Respondents were aged <25 years had mean levels of NO is 17.18±8.00 µmol/L while aged >25 years is 21.5±5.86 µmol/L. However, based on statistical analysis with independent sample t-test showed p=0.181 (p>0.05), there is no significant correlation between the mean NO levels aged <25 years with >25 years. The test results analysis with independent sample t-test showed no significant correlation between the levels of NO in the non-obese and obese respondents with p=0.060 (p>0.05). Based on the results we know the mean NO levels in non-obese respondents is 16.55±8.09 µmol/L, where the obese respondents have mean NO levels is 21.00±6.27 µmol/L. From the results of these studies showed the mean levels of NO respondents with obesity is higher than respondents who are non-obese.Conclusions: The mean NO levels of this research in Yogyakarta society is 17.87±7.80 µmol/L. Based on the gender, the mean levels of NO mile is 21.58±8.42 µmol/L and 16.63±7.31 µmol/L for female. Based on the age, the mean levels of NO with aged <25 years is 17.18±8.00 µmol/L and >25 years is 21.5 ±5.86 µmol/L. Based on the BMI, the mean levels of NO with non-obese is 16.55±8.09 µmol/L and obese is 21.00±6.27 µmol/L. Keywords: Profile, Levels, Nitric oxide (NO

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