20 research outputs found

    Utilization of Family Planning Methods and Associated Factors among Women Living with HIV Attending ART Clinics in Nekemte Public Health Facilities, East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia

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    This study was designed to assess the utilization of Family planning methods and associated factors among HIV-infected women in ART clinics of public health institutions Nekemte town, East Wollega zone, Ethiopia. Facility based cross sectional study design using quantitative technique of data collection method undertaken from May 1st to May 26th, 2012, on a sample of 456 women living with HIV who are on follow up care in ART clinics. Univariate analysis was done to determine frequencies of FP methods used. Factors associated with use of family planning methods were examined using logistic regression methods at p<0.05. There was ahigh level of knowledge about family planning with more than 98% of women knowledgeable of at least one method used to prevent conception. Out of 456 respondents 303(66.4%) were using different methods of family planning during the study period and condom is the dominant method used by the client (41.6%).High proportion (42.1%) of women living with HIV/AIDS expressed a desire for having more children in the future. Logistic regression result showed that educational attainment (AOR=3.199, 95% CI (1.487-6.541), marital status (AOR= 95% CI, 6.252 (4.008-9.752), and having open discussion with ones partner about family planning (AOR=95% CI, 13.846 (5.062-37.875) were statistically  associated with current family planning use at p<0.05. Generally current use of modern contraceptive other than condoms was very low in the study area. These findings highlight the need for integration of family planning and HIV care and treatment and strengthening of family planning services for HIV infected people

    Media Sosial dan Revolusi Politik: Memahami Kembali Fenomena “Arab Spring” dalam Perspektif Ruang Publik Transnasional

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    This paper aims to analyze some linkages between revolution, public sphere, and transnational activism through social media in the Middle East. A revolution in Tunisia in 2011 became an International issue aft er the revolution spreaded to other states in the region. Aft er Tunisia, protest movements began to ignite in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Jordania. This wave of revolution comes into a public discourse: what causes this movement? How could a revolution in one country inspire another revolution in another country? To answer these questions, we analyze the role of social media as a “bridge” to connect activists in the Middle East to make a revolution. We conclude that transnational activism was formed by routine and massive reports from media which explained what hadhappened in the Middle East during the revolution. The reports were followed by a spread of the idea of democracy and civil rights through social media. As a consequence, revolution took place in several othercountries whose socio-cultural tradition are similar to that of Tunisia

    Media Sosial dan Revolusi Politik: Memahami Kembali Fenomena Arab Spring dalam Perspektif Ruang Publik Transnasional

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    This paper aims to analyze some linkages between revolution, public sphere, and transnational activism through social media in the Middle East. A revolution in Tunisia in 2011 became an international issue after the revolution spreaded to other states in the region. After Tunisia, protest movements began to ignite in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Jordania. This wave of revolution comes into a public discourse: what causes this movement? How could a revolution in one country inspire another revolution in another country? To answer these questions, we analyze the role of social media as a bridge to connect activists in the Middle East to make a revolution. We conclude that transnational activism was formed by routine and massive reports from media which explained what hadhappened in the Middle East during the revolution. The reports were followed by a spread of the idea of democracy and civil rights through social media. As a consequence, revolution took place in several other countries whose socio-cultural tradition are similar to that of Tunisia

    Peran Komunikasi Keluarga terhadap Perilaku Anak (Studi Tentang Perubahan Perilaku Transgender) The Role Of Family Communications Toward Children Behavior (Study About Transgender Behavior Changes

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    In feminism's perception, gender is only a product of culture (nature), that is, only the "perception" of the Society or even a myth for what is called the patent (natural) attitude of men and women. Interchangeable and non-permanent genders can be changed with some of the paradigms of thinking that form the basis of the culture of society. The pattern of family communication is very important in the acceptance and delivery that occurs between family members. How parents apply parenting patterns in the family will make the self-concept of their children. How individuals seek themselves is called self-concept.This study aims to: (1) Learning individual communication in the formation of individual gender identity (2) Knowing the communication patterns of transgender members (3) Knowing patterns of family communication in transgender individuals. Several institutions in this study; (1). Open and appropriate communication for transgender individual families has self-construction with a gender role. So that the family and the social environment are able to provide the correct gender understanding and provide a variety of gender assignments are correct. (2) The inaccessible family communication of transgender individuals has self-construction with two gender stages. Dramaturgy on the frontstage of the true gender role will be released in the family environment, backstage will be displayed outside the family circle. (3) A linear and unusable pattern of communication in transgender individuals has many masks. Dramaturgy on the frontstage is enhanced on the video lot will be more difficult to correct the actual gender game