169 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Muon Flux at Sea Level, Underground, and Underwater

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    The vertical sea-level muon spectrum at energies above 1 GeV and the underground/underwater muon intensities at depths up to 18 km w.e. are calculated. The results are particularly collated with a great body of the ground-level, underground, and underwater muon data. In the hadron-cascade calculations, the growth with energy of inelastic cross sections and pion, kaon, and nucleon generation in pion-nucleus collisions are taken into account. For evaluating the prompt muon contribution to the muon flux, we apply two phenomenological approaches to the charm production problem: the recombination quark-parton model and the quark-gluon string model. To solve the muon transport equation at large depths of homogeneous medium, a semi-analytical method is used. The simple fitting formulas describing our numerical results are given. Our analysis shows that, at depths up to 6-7 km w. e., essentially all underground data on the muon intensity correlate with each other and with predicted depth-intensity relation for conventional muons to within 10%. However, the high-energy sea-level data as well as the data at large depths are contradictory and cannot be quantitatively decribed by a single nuclear-cascade model.Comment: 47 pages, REVTeX, 15 EPS figures included; recent experimental data and references added, typos correcte

    Genome-Scale Modeling of Light-Driven Reductant Partitioning and Carbon Fluxes in Diazotrophic Unicellular Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142

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    Genome-scale metabolic models have proven useful for answering fundamental questions about metabolic capabilities of a variety of microorganisms, as well as informing their metabolic engineering. However, only a few models are available for oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms, particularly in cyanobacteria in which photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains (ETC) share components. We addressed the complexity of cyanobacterial ETC by developing a genome-scale model for the diazotrophic cyanobacterium, Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142. The resulting metabolic reconstruction, iCce806, consists of 806 genes associated with 667 metabolic reactions and includes a detailed representation of the ETC and a biomass equation based on experimental measurements. Both computational and experimental approaches were used to investigate light-driven metabolism in Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142, with a particular focus on reductant production and partitioning within the ETC. The simulation results suggest that growth and metabolic flux distributions are substantially impacted by the relative amounts of light going into the individual photosystems. When growth is limited by the flux through photosystem I, terminal respiratory oxidases are predicted to be an important mechanism for removing excess reductant. Similarly, under photosystem II flux limitation, excess electron carriers must be removed via cyclic electron transport. Furthermore, in silico calculations were in good quantitative agreement with the measured growth rates whereas predictions of reaction usage were qualitatively consistent with protein and mRNA expression data, which we used to further improve the resolution of intracellular flux values

    Characterization of the LUNA neutron detector array for the measurement of the 13C(α,n)16O reaction

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    We introduce the LUNA neutron detector array developed for the investigation of the 13C(\u3b1, n)16O reaction towards its astrophysical s-process Gamow peak in the low-background environment of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). Eighteen 3He counters are arranged in two different configurations (in a vertical and a horizontal orientation) to optimize neutron detection efficiency, target handling and target cooling over the investigated energy range E\u3b1,lab=300 12400 keV (En=2.2 122.6MeV in emitted neutron energy). As a result of the deep underground location, the passive shielding of the setup and active background suppression using pulse shape discrimination, we reached a total background rate of 1.23\ub10.12 counts/hour. This resulted in an improvement of two orders of magnitude over the state of the art allowing a direct measurement of the 13C(\u3b1, n)16O cross-section down to E\u3b1,lab=300 keV. The absolute neutron detection efficiency of the setup was determined using the 51V(p,n)51Cr reaction and an AmBe radioactive source, and completed with a Geant4 simulation. We determined a (34 \ub1 3)% and (38 \ub1 3)% detection efficiency for the vertical and horizontal configurations, respectively, for En=2.4MeV neutrons

    Dynamics of the edge transport barrier at plasma biasing on the CASTOR tokamak

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    A clear and reproducible transition to a regime with an improved particle confinement is routinely observed on the CASTOR tokamak, if the biasing electrode is inserted deep enough into the plasma (r/a ~ 0.5) and biased up to +250V. The steepening of the radial profiles of the plasma density and potential demonstrate the formation of a transport barrier just inside the last closed flux surface. Fast relaxations of the edge plasma parameters, with a frequency of about 10 kHz, are observed when the average radial electric field within the barrier prevails values of about 20 kV/m. A detailed analysis of the spatial-temporal behavior of these relaxations is presented.На токамаке CASTOR устойчиво наблюдается отчетливый и воспроизводимый переход в режим с улучшенным удержанием частиц при достаточно глубоком введении в плазму (r/a - 0,5) электрода, на который подаётся смещение до +250 В. У кручение радиальных профилей плотности плазмы и потенциала свидетельствуют об образовании транспортного барьера сразу внутри последней замкнутой магнитной поверхности. Наблюдаются быстрые релаксации параметров краевой плазмы с частотой около 10 кГц, когда среднее радиальное электрическое поле внутри барьера превышает значение около 20 кВ/м. Приводится обстоятельный анализ пространственно-временного поведения этих релаксаций.На токамаці CASTOR стійко спостерігається чіткий та відтворений перехід до режиму з поліпшеним утриманням частинок при достатньо глибокому введенні у плазму (r/a ~ 0,5) електрода, на який подано зміщення до +250 В. Радіальні профілі густини плазми та потенціалу стають більш крутими, що свідчить про створення потенціального бар'єру зразу усередині останньої замкненої магнітної поверхні. Спостерігаються швидкі релаксації параметрів крайової плазми з частотою порядку 10 кГц, коли середнє радіальне електричне поле усередині бар'єра перевищує значення приблизно 20 кВ/м. Надається докладний аналіз просторово-часової поведінки цих релаксацій

    MRP3: a molecular target for human glioblastoma multiforme immunotherapy.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is refractory to conventional therapies. To overcome the problem of heterogeneity, more brain tumor markers are required for prognosis and targeted therapy. We have identified and validated a promising molecular therapeutic target that is expressed by GBM: human multidrug-resistance protein 3 (MRP3).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated MRP3 by genetic and immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of human gliomas to determine the incidence, distribution, and localization of MRP3 antigens in GBM and their potential correlation with survival. To determine MRP3 mRNA transcript and protein expression levels, we performed quantitative RT-PCR, raising MRP3-specific antibodies, and IHC analysis with biopsies of newly diagnosed GBM patients. We used univariate and multivariate analyses to assess the correlation of RNA expression and IHC of MRP3 with patient survival, with and without adjustment for age, extent of resection, and KPS.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Real-time PCR results from 67 GBM biopsies indicated that 59/67 (88%) samples highly expressed <it>MRP3 </it>mRNA transcripts, in contrast with minimal expression in normal brain samples. Rabbit polyvalent and murine monoclonal antibodies generated against an extracellular span of MRP3 protein demonstrated reactivity with defined <it>MRP3</it>-expressing cell lines and GBM patient biopsies by Western blotting and FACS analyses, the latter establishing cell surface MRP3 protein expression. IHC evaluation of 46 GBM biopsy samples with anti-MRP3 IgG revealed MRP3 in a primarily membranous and cytoplasmic pattern in 42 (91%) of the 46 samples. Relative RNA expression was a strong predictor of survival for newly diagnosed GBM patients. Hazard of death for GBM patients with high levels of <it>MRP3 </it>RNA expression was 2.71 (95% CI: 1.54-4.80) times that of patients with low/moderate levels (p = 0.002).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Human GBMs overexpress MRP3 at both mRNA and protein levels, and elevated MRP3 mRNA levels in GBM biopsy samples correlated with a higher risk of death. These data suggest that the tumor-associated antigen MRP3 has potential use for prognosis and as a target for malignant glioma immunotherapy.</p

    Amyloid Oligomer Conformation in a Group of Natively Folded Proteins

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    Recent in vitro and in vivo studies suggest that destabilized proteins with defective folding induce aggregation and toxicity in protein-misfolding diseases. One such unstable protein state is called amyloid oligomer, a precursor of fully aggregated forms of amyloid. Detection of various amyloid oligomers with A11, an anti-amyloid oligomer conformation-specific antibody, revealed that the amyloid oligomer represents a generic conformation and suggested that toxic β-aggregation processes possess a common mechanism. By using A11 antibody as a probe in combination with mass spectrometric analysis, we identified GroEL in bacterial lysates as a protein that may potentially have an amyloid oligomer conformation. Surprisingly, A11 reacted not only with purified GroEL but also with several purified heat shock proteins, including human Hsp27, 40, 70, 90; yeast Hsp104; and bovine Hsc70. The native folds of A11-reactive proteins in purified samples were characterized by their anti-β-aggregation activity in terms of both functionality and in contrast to the β-aggregation promoting activity of misfolded pathogenic amyloid oligomers. The conformation-dependent binding of A11 with natively folded Hsp27 was supported by the concurrent loss of A11 reactivity and anti-β-aggregation activity of heat-treated Hsp27 samples. Moreover, we observed consistent anti-β-aggregation activity not only by chaperones containing an amyloid oligomer conformation but also by several A11-immunoreactive non-chaperone proteins. From these results, we suggest that the amyloid oligomer conformation is present in a group of natively folded proteins. The inhibitory effects of A11 antibody on both GroEL/ES-assisted luciferase refolding and Hsp70-mediated decelerated nucleation of Aβ aggregation suggested that the A11-binding sites on these chaperones might be functionally important. Finally, we employed a computational approach to uncover possible A11-binding sites on these targets. Since the β-sheet edge was a common structural motif having the most similar physicochemical properties in the A11-reactive proteins we analyzed, we propose that the β-sheet edge in some natively folded amyloid oligomers is designed positively to prevent β aggregation

    Renewable energy from Cyanobacteria: energy production optimization by metabolic pathway engineering

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    The need to develop and improve sustainable energy resources is of eminent importance due to the finite nature of our fossil fuels. This review paper deals with a third generation renewable energy resource which does not compete with our food resources, cyanobacteria. We discuss the current state of the art in developing different types of bioenergy (ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, etc.) from cyanobacteria. The major important biochemical pathways in cyanobacteria are highlighted, and the possibility to influence these pathways to improve the production of specific types of energy forms the major part of this review